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Wintersday JP


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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?

> >

> > It's still time-gated because your health drops over time from the chill effect, but it's much more forgiving than it used to be and you can use that extra time specifically for the bits you have trouble with because the platforms don't disappear.

> >

> > Edit: I just managed to do it within the time limit using only keyboard-turning which is probably the slowest way you can realistically do it. Especially since I never use keyboard-turning so I'm terrible at it. I had to stop and adjust the angle I was facing for several of the jumps and I still made it in time which would never have happened the way it used to be.

> >

> > It counts for the Leaping Above the Snow and Winter Wonderland Mastery achievements but I can't check the others because I've already done them. I assume it does, just because Anet would probably have said if it didn't.


> Thank you. It doesn't matter, I can't seem to get past the presents anyways, even on the Quaggan path. I sadly don't do well on puzzles with any 'push-go-faster' components. I can make jumps, but I like the ones where I can do a little bit of puzzle, pause, watch a little more video, copy what I see in the video, pause, watch a little more, repeat. :)


For the presents, try to jump past the first row of presents, the long flat ones. Jump for the middle present on that second row, then immediately jump to the one left of middle on the next row. You're going to still want to be quick, but this row, in my experience is more consistent. The third from last present in this row may start to give if you're too slow, though. If you see it start to jiggle jump back to the middle row and push through. There is actually an invisible ledge one jump down, just in front of the end in the middle, and it's possible to catch yourself there if you're close enough.


From here you should be good. When you're passing the snowman watch for wind blowing, this year the attack actually has circles, so this is the first time you have a warning. It's common practice to just dodge through it, though. In my experience you can't run out of time as long as you keep pushing forward, the only way to lose after the presents is to mess up and run into a snow ball or get hit by a skritt, but you have to move, if two snowballs pass you in the same spot you're going to run out of time. For your first time you're going to want to either wait on the candy cane or cross to the peppermint, depending on where the next snowball is. The snowball passes while you're going down the candy cane, cross over, if it hasn't reached yet, wait. You're going to run up the path and jump onto the larger peppermint then over to the smaller and wait for the next snowball. Jump onto the path, generally you should be able to just do it, but it is possible to angle it wrong and fall off, so you're better off just jumping straight over to the path, you have time. Run up to the large peppermint and step up about half way, the snowball passes pretty close here so if you're not careful it can pull you off. You're almost certainly going to see people running past the next peppermint to the floating one, right now lets just go for a win and take the one to the left of the path until the next ball passes then run for the presents. This is important, though, the skritt snowballs are the only thing in this activity that aren't consistent from zone to zone. Every run they will fall under the same timing, but each time you load into a new instance of the activity they will have different timings. This is important because it depends on if their attack lands before a snowball, on a snowball, or after a snowball, and by how much. The skritt attacks can make it a challenge to just run onto the path after that last ball passes. They can also make it a challenge when you're approaching the presents. Just be aware, you may need to dodge. This is the last jumping puzzle, use the candy cane and be careful.


As you get more comfortable with the run you can start making very risky jumps and trying to skip peppermints entirely to reduce your time, but right now we just want to get you to the end.


Hope that helps.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> This years wintersday is a dream, better than I expected it. The changes to the JP are great. Finally we have three real difficulty scales with different loot. Gingerbread was and still is my favourite path ^^, so the +5 gifts per run are a welcome reward. I am doing the puzzles for years now and can do them blind as most of you. Sometimes some trolls log with max sized chars with skirts and big shoulder-skins. Not fair, but not much of a problem. I sometimes challenge myself to outrun the farmers with shortcuts and better aiming. It is still a lot of fun, although I have run the course for hundrets of times. I wish all JPs were that well designed. They are all worth runing, each is a masterpiece of mapping and design ... except for the stinky volcano ^^.


> Anyway we are on the one side, the veterans who enjoy wintersday every year. But on the other side there are newbies, returners and people who usually do PvP and WvW and ignore the rest of the game. The quaggan path is ok, for an easy course. However, the cold-debuff seems to be a huge obstacle still. I heared several reports of people not managing to reach Tixx, not falling off, but dying from the debuff. I know, from our perspective this sounds ridiculous and I can already hear the "git gut" shouts. But it is a serious problem.


> So I'd like to ask, if we could get a super-easy mode as in the SAB? Just an option at the quaggan-path to turn off the debuff (damage). In return a player receives 1 gift and half of the karma for completing. Wintersday is a celebration for the community and the games are all about fun. JPs are always something not everyone likes, but it would be nice to give everyone a good chance.


The cold debuff on the Quaggan path has been significantly nerfed with this change. Health ticks down much slower than on the other paths, giving users much more time to complete the course than in previous years. My 10 year old son, who has never played the game before, was able to master it with 20 minutes of practice. I can't see them changing it any further; the current rewards and difficulty feel well balanced. They can't just add a new path to the map without a lot of Dev work, and I don't think reducing the Quaggan path difficulty and rewards further would be fair to the rest of the player base for whom this is very well tuned. The current challenge level there is appropriate for the content; ultimately this JP is a test of skill, which should require the player to demonstrate at least some skill to complete.

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I tried it again, and I still can't do it. I've gotten a lot farther then ever before, and can now get up the exploding gifts fairly consistently, but the snowballs, aoe's and wind blasts always get me on the next stretch. I've tried watching some vids, but my problem is timing and trying to figure out how to avoid stuff. Also, is there some way to get a speed buff in the JP? Some players seem to move way faster than I can even when I don't have any chill debuff. I don't understand why I move so slow compared to them. In the vids too it seems like the characters are able to move faster and easier than I can in that snowball section.

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> I tried it again, and I still can't do it. I've gotten a lot farther then ever before, and can now get up the exploding gifts fairly consistently, but the snowballs, aoe's and wind blasts always get me on the next stretch. I've tried watching some vids, but my problem is timing and trying to figure out how to avoid stuff. Also, is there some way to get a speed buff in the JP? Some players seem to move way faster than I can even when I don't have any chill debuff. I don't understand why I move so slow compared to them. In the vids too it seems like the characters are able to move faster and easier than I can in that snowball section.


It's super easy.

Presents you just go straight down the middle.


For the end when you curve up the hill the snowballs AoE seems to be timed just before or just after the giant snowball which mean just wait a few seconds after the snowball pass and then head up. Get onto the 2 small mints, same as before, get on the giant slanted mine, same as before, get on the presents on the side, CAREFULLY make your way up until you get into the mouth of the glowing big present and then look in horror as the dreadful evil candy creatures jump with joy as they're ready to feast on your flesh for trying to get their chest.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> > I tried it again, and I still can't do it. I've gotten a lot farther then ever before, and can now get up the exploding gifts fairly consistently, but the snowballs, aoe's and wind blasts always get me on the next stretch. I've tried watching some vids, but my problem is timing and trying to figure out how to avoid stuff. Also, is there some way to get a speed buff in the JP? Some players seem to move way faster than I can even when I don't have any chill debuff. I don't understand why I move so slow compared to them. In the vids too it seems like the characters are able to move faster and easier than I can in that snowball section.


> It's super easy.

> Presents you just go straight down the middle.


> For the end when you curve up the hill the snowballs AoE seems to be timed just before or just after the giant snowball which mean just wait a few seconds after the snowball pass and then head up. Get onto the 2 small mints, same as before, get on the giant slanted mine, same as before, get on the presents on the side, CAREFULLY make your way up until you get into the mouth of the glowing big present and then look in horror as the dreadful evil candy creatures jump with joy as they're ready to feast on your flesh for trying to get their chest.


Be nice if I Could GET to the presents. Just watched the latest version Utube of the WD JP. Then I went and watched vids for the 2015 and 2016 season. And I realized something. Despite the Improvement of removing the melting evil snowflakes of death by making them solid, the Devs have actually MADE QUAGGAN PATH HARDER.


WHAT? HUH? It's simple really... I've watched three vids for this year along w/ the previous years... And I realized that the fire at the end of the melting snowflakes IS GONE. Didn't see it in ANY of this year's Quaggan vids. Which means that you HAVE TO COMPLETE THE PUZZLE IN UNDER TWO MINS OR DIE FROM FREEZING.


Compared to 2015 and 2016, that's garbage. You could rest, and MORE importantly, use the fire as a respawn site. Sure, you had to get past the snowflakes of death, but then you could IGNORE them and focus on the second part of the puzzle. So for clarity, you took about a minute to get the safe fire before this year. You didn't die from freezing since you were jumping so fast that you lost only about 1/3 to 1/2 of your HT. Then you got through the presents, dodged snowballs and did the last 10 jumps on the final present path. Most vids I've watched show people doing THAT all in less than a minute.


SO the difficulty has NOT really changed. It has been MADE to SEEM easier by solidifying the first stage snowflakes, but the reality IS... you have to complete about SEVENTY FIVE precision jumps in ONE HUNDRED TWENTY SECONDS, JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS HAVE HAD TO. The DIFFERENCE IS that YOU CANNOT STOP AND TAKE A BREATHER, NOR RECHARGE YOUR HT, NOR SET A RESPAWN.



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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> The fire is still there. Here's a screenshot, showing the new achievement category to prove it's from this year. You can also see the buff which heals you next to the quaggan path icon.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/CEzRfpmh.jpg "")

> https://i.imgur.com/CEzRfpmm.jpg


Well... three separate vids DIDN"T show it. Funny that. Wouldn't know for myself, because I suck so bad at jumping puzzles that I can't even get there. You didn't by chance mod that pic?

Sorry, had to go there. Every time I put up a screen, some joker pulls that.

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As a person who committed Quaggan path to memory over the past 2 years, the fact that it has become the "easy" path is a source of great frustration! But I can live gingerbread, I guess!


In any case, if you're having trouble, remember that a lot of people zooming around the JP (like me) had trouble too at first. The only way to get past that trouble is to try and fail - preferably by not letting go of the forward button. If you're having trouble on the candy canes, always jump at an angle - you'll have a wider margin to land on. The time it takes for snowflakes to respawn seems to have lessened, so I think it's less frustrating to fall down and try again.


Also, Action Camera helps a lot IMO - practice using it. wasd movement does not fit well with this dungeon - you need to be fast on your feet.


When you make it to the presents, don't do anything flash. Just jump in a straight line - mash the jump button as you run forward. Don't stop until you reach the snowballs.


Once you make it to the end, it gets easier and the course seems much shorter - I promise.

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Tfw you just wanted to read a comfy thread about your favourite jumping puzzle but some guy comes along and types out a caps-infested wall-of-text about the easiest path


I started Quaggan just to get a feel for the jp, I'm now doing Snowman fairly regularly. Gingerbread seems a bit too hardcore for someone who doesn't have a spacebar (long story). Still, the rewards are ok, it gives AP, and the scenery is nice.


Now wondering if they'll make different paths for the Clocktower somehow...probably not? Only did that once for the achieve, didn't feel like trying it again. The thing about Clocktower is you always have to wait in between attempts especially if you died early, at least with Wintersday the waiting period is generally much shorter and even nonexistent if you're on Quaggan.

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> I tried it again, and I still can't do it. I've gotten a lot farther then ever before, and can now get up the exploding gifts fairly consistently, but the snowballs, aoe's and wind blasts always get me on the next stretch. I've tried watching some vids, but my problem is timing and trying to figure out how to avoid stuff. Also, is there some way to get a speed buff in the JP? Some players seem to move way faster than I can even when I don't have any chill debuff. I don't understand why I move so slow compared to them. In the vids too it seems like the characters are able to move faster and easier than I can in that snowball section.


The way you can go faster than running speed is to dodge. For the 1 second of dodge you gain swiftness speed from just how dodge works. So you can do a dodge to gain a little distance or chain 2 dodges to go full sonic. Other than that the only thing affecting your movement speed is if you've been damaged from something recently (it puts you to in combat speed).

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**Walkthrough for the 2nd half (from the bottom of the present stairs)**


**Before you start**

* Firstly you should know that regardless of how it seems nothing about this is random. The exploding presents, the giant snowballs, the skritt throwing snow balls, all of it will happen in the same order every single time, so it is possible to learn the pattern or to copy what other people are doing.

* The walkthrough below should keep you safe from all of it, as long as you don't hang around on the 'safe' spots too long. There's plenty of time to readjust your hands before carrying on, but when I stood there taking screenshots I got knocked off.

* Secondly I strongly recommend using Action Camera mode. I almost never use it, but I do for puzzles. It saves having to hold down the right mouse button to move the camera which stops your hand getting sore and gives you one less thing that can go wrong.


**Present stairs**

Stand directly in front of the fire and aim to jump onto the 3rd present along the first row (the one directly in the middle). If necessary spend 1 'round' of presents getting into position and then go on the next one. Once you're on that first present you want to go straight up the middle as shown in this screenshot.


These presents are always some of the last to disappear so it's a reliable 'safe' route. There's also no big jumps between them so there's less risk of falling down, you can pretty much just hold down the forward button and mash jump and you'll get to the top.


![](https://i.imgur.com/gqIJBgJh.jpg "")


**Reaching the ice path**

Once you're at the top of the present stairs run forward then _dodge_ from the platform onto the candy circle. This is because the snowman will sometimes blow freezing wind that can knock you off. It might not, but you can afford to 'waste' a dodge so it's best to get into the habit of doing it every time.


Then jump onto the candy cane and run down to the bottom. Once you get there **wait** for a snowball to go past. Don't look for one coming or try to guess if you've got enough time, just wait for it to pass and then you know you've got time. (And don't worry about your health going down, even doing the hardest path you've got time to wait here.) Once the snowball has gone past jump onto the ice path.


**On the ice path**

Run uphill/to the right until you see 2 candy platforms on your right. Jump onto the first one, then from there onto the second one. If a snowball hasn't gone past while you were doing that wait for it to pass.


![](https://i.imgur.com/GHb9gWEh.jpg "")


Then jump back onto the path and continue uphill and around the corner to the left. Run onto the giant candy platform sticking out the right side of the ice path and wait at the far end, next to the ice path, for a snowball to pass.


![](https://i.imgur.com/DR69h2Yh.jpg "")



Continue up the path and jump onto the next candy platform on the left side of the path. Wait for another snowball to pass then jump back onto the path and continue. Ignore the 2nd candy platform you'll see on the right. Continue on to the mass of presents on the right side of the path. This is the final step.


![](https://i.imgur.com/t3bbMjAh.jpg "")


You can only stand on the long blue presents and the candy canes, everything else you'll fall through. These form a path up to the giant glowing present. Jump between them until you reach the giant present, then jump in.


![](https://i.imgur.com/gp4pPD5h.jpg "")

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I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.


Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.




If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.


> Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.


> Edit:question.


> If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?


It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> >

> > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> >

> > Edit:question.

> >

> > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?


> It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.


A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.


And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > >

> > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > >

> > > Edit:question.

> > >

> > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> >

> > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.


> A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.


> And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.



One word.



You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).


I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).


The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> > > >

> > > > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> > > >

> > > > Edit:question.

> > > >

> > > > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?

> > >

> > > It's a less than 2min jp, and ofc you can't respawn at the fire.

> >

> > A check point would've been nice, specially when the instance refreshes, which happened to me last night.

> >

> > And it might be 2 minutes for you, but some of us have a hard time with that. ..and would like to be given a lil more time, to really enjoy the puzzle at more relaxed pace..or there are those that are just unable to aim the cameras and plan their jumps in time as the health trickles away.

> >


> One word.

> Practice.


> You will eventually find some confidence by doing the JP over and over, and then you will realize that is not that hard at all ( and the time granted is fair ).

> Also, the last part is the easier ( Danikat here above made a nice post to show how to handle the JP ).


> I started with the high diff and needed more or less 30 tries to accomplish the first chest.

> Now is pretty easy though sometimes i miss something ( we are humans and it happens :lol: ).


> The Quaggan ones has 2 sticks which could be the harder part, and since you can't practice on them but you have to redo all the path it could be frustrating, i do understand.


Or I won't be able to do it? You realise that is a possibility right? Not everyone is able...what's so wrong with asking for a scenic buff to actually be able to relax doing the jp? It wouldn't affect anyone else.


I have spent 3 hours on it so far (with breaks), and I've only just got to the present area twice.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> Or I won't be able to do it? You realise that is a possibility right? Not everyone is able...what's so wrong with asking for a scenic buff to actually be able to relax doing the jp? It wouldn't affect anyone else.


> I have spent 3 hours on it so far (with breaks), and I've only just got the present area twice.


To me it's simply part of the game.


This time we do have a easy, medium and hard path, which not all JP outside do have.

The possibility as you say do exist, but it's the game which is meant to be a time event... you are saying "i want it as a not time event".


I do agree a fourth patch could have be present ( with less rewards and with no time limit, which for quaggan part is 1min and 40 sec ), but even so the quaggan part is ok.

You asked about the fire in you first post, which makes me think that you were somehow close to it ( or managed to think that you could have been able to get there ).


Just try a little more.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > Or I won't be able to do it? You realise that is a possibility right? Not everyone is able...what's so wrong with asking for a scenic buff to actually be able to relax doing the jp? It wouldn't affect anyone else.

> >

> > I have spent 3 hours on it so far (with breaks), and I've only just got the present area twice.


> To me it's simply part of the game.


> This time we do have a easy, medium and hard path, which not all JP outside do have.

> The possibility as you say do exist, but it's the game which is meant to be a time event... you are saying "i want it as a not time event".


> I do agree a fourth patch could have be present ( with less rewards and with no time limit, which for quaggan part is 1min and 40 sec ), but even so the quaggan part is ok.

> You asked about the fire in you first post, which makes me think that you were somehow close to it ( or managed to think that you could have been able to get there ).


> Just try a little more.



Your post is basically "git gud", ... i intend to keep trying, but it would be much nicer without being time gated...and it doesn't have to be.

And reading comments in this post, I'm not the only one who would enjoy it more, if it was a relaxed pace.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> Your post is basically "git gud", ... i intend to keep trying, but it would be much nicer without being time gated...and it doesn't have to be.

> And reading comments in this post, I'm not the only one who would enjoy it more, if it was a relaxed pace.


As said, maybe a 4th path ( or more likely they could have removed the frozen effect in the third. but compared to the previous years, for those who don't handle well JPs, it's a nice upgrade ).

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?


> It's still time gated. And that being the case, this JP is still UN doable for me. Very nice effort by the devs, I DO appreciate that after THREE years that you devs FINALLY altered the WD JP so most people have a chance to complete it. Bravo Zulu on your hard work and effort.


> Unfortunately... that does NOT include me. After 20 attempts on Quaggan, I got to the second set of candy cane bars twice... and died from freezing. I simply CANNOT jump fast enough. I CANNOT complete a puzzle like this, or any jumping puzzle for that matter, ON THE CLOCK. If I try to go faster, I inevitably start missing jumps... and having to start all over.


> I'm pretty sure in ALL of my previous posts I said that the TIME element was one of the largest problems that I have had w/ this puzzle. I'm pretty sure that I REPEATEDLY said that I NEEDED a NON timed version in order to have a chance to complete it. So... STILL UNHAPPY. STILL NON COMPLETED. STILL (&^%$$$%&&**# FRUSTATED. STILL PERPLEXED over the heinously EVIL lack of regard of my repeated commentary on this topic.




> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> This years wintersday is a dream, better than I expected it. The changes to the JP are great. Finally we have three real difficulty scales with different loot. Gingerbread was and still is my favourite path ^^, so the +5 gifts per run are a welcome reward. I am doing the puzzles for years now and can do them blind as most of you. Sometimes some trolls log with max sized chars with skirts and big shoulder-skins. Not fair, but not much of a problem. I sometimes challenge myself to outrun the farmers with shortcuts and better aiming. It is still a lot of fun, although I have run the course for hundrets of times. I wish all JPs were that well designed. They are all worth runing, each is a masterpiece of mapping and design ... except for the stinky volcano ^^.


> Anyway we are on the one side, the veterans who enjoy wintersday every year. But on the other side there are newbies, returners and people who usually do PvP and WvW and ignore the rest of the game. The quaggan path is ok, for an easy course. However, the cold-debuff seems to be a huge obstacle still. I heared several reports of people not managing to reach Tixx, not falling off, but dying from the debuff. I know, from our perspective this sounds ridiculous and I can already hear the "git gut" shouts. But it is a serious problem.


> So I'd like to ask, if we could get a super-easy mode as in the SAB? Just an option at the quaggan-path to turn off the debuff (damage). In return a player receives 1 gift and half of the karma for completing. Wintersday is a celebration for the community and the games are all about fun. JPs are always something not everyone likes, but it would be nice to give everyone a good chance.


> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.


> Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.


> Edit:question.


> If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?


You know that there's a 4 years old girl who did complete winters day jp last year? (= 1mode=hard) in less than 2min and 30 sec

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> @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?


> It's still time gated. And that being the case, this JP is still UN doable for me. Very nice effort by the devs, I DO appreciate that after THREE years that you devs FINALLY altered the WD JP so most people have a chance to complete it. Bravo Zulu on your hard work and effort.


> Unfortunately... that does NOT include me. After 20 attempts on Quaggan, I got to the second set of candy cane bars twice... and died from freezing. I simply CANNOT jump fast enough. I CANNOT complete a puzzle like this, or any jumping puzzle for that matter, ON THE CLOCK. If I try to go faster, I inevitably start missing jumps... and having to start all over.


> I'm pretty sure in ALL of my previous posts I said that the TIME element was one of the largest problems that I have had w/ this puzzle. I'm pretty sure that I REPEATEDLY said that I NEEDED a NON timed version in order to have a chance to complete it. So... STILL UNHAPPY. STILL NON COMPLETED. STILL (&^%$$$%&&**# FRUSTATED. STILL PERPLEXED over the heinously EVIL lack of regard of my repeated commentary on this topic.




This is now our message of the day thnx!

Here is a tip for u, practice makes perfect. U obviously need more tries than a regular player, the rewards will be sweeter when u finally master it :)

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> @"Robban.1256" said:

> > @"Nightshade.5924" said:

> > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > How easy is the Quaggan? Is it still time gated, or can you take your time? Does it count as 'completing the puzzle' for achievement purposes, like Winter's Presence collection?

> >

> > It's still time gated. And that being the case, this JP is still UN doable for me. Very nice effort by the devs, I DO appreciate that after THREE years that you devs FINALLY altered the WD JP so most people have a chance to complete it. Bravo Zulu on your hard work and effort.

> >

> > Unfortunately... that does NOT include me. After 20 attempts on Quaggan, I got to the second set of candy cane bars twice... and died from freezing. I simply CANNOT jump fast enough. I CANNOT complete a puzzle like this, or any jumping puzzle for that matter, ON THE CLOCK. If I try to go faster, I inevitably start missing jumps... and having to start all over.

> >

> > I'm pretty sure in ALL of my previous posts I said that the TIME element was one of the largest problems that I have had w/ this puzzle. I'm pretty sure that I REPEATEDLY said that I NEEDED a NON timed version in order to have a chance to complete it. So... STILL UNHAPPY. STILL NON COMPLETED. STILL (&^%$$$%&&**# FRUSTATED. STILL PERPLEXED over the heinously EVIL lack of regard of my repeated commentary on this topic.

> >



> > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > This years wintersday is a dream, better than I expected it. The changes to the JP are great. Finally we have three real difficulty scales with different loot. Gingerbread was and still is my favourite path ^^, so the +5 gifts per run are a welcome reward. I am doing the puzzles for years now and can do them blind as most of you. Sometimes some trolls log with max sized chars with skirts and big shoulder-skins. Not fair, but not much of a problem. I sometimes challenge myself to outrun the farmers with shortcuts and better aiming. It is still a lot of fun, although I have run the course for hundrets of times. I wish all JPs were that well designed. They are all worth runing, each is a masterpiece of mapping and design ... except for the stinky volcano ^^.

> >

> > Anyway we are on the one side, the veterans who enjoy wintersday every year. But on the other side there are newbies, returners and people who usually do PvP and WvW and ignore the rest of the game. The quaggan path is ok, for an easy course. However, the cold-debuff seems to be a huge obstacle still. I heared several reports of people not managing to reach Tixx, not falling off, but dying from the debuff. I know, from our perspective this sounds ridiculous and I can already hear the "git gut" shouts. But it is a serious problem.

> >

> > So I'd like to ask, if we could get a super-easy mode as in the SAB? Just an option at the quaggan-path to turn off the debuff (damage). In return a player receives 1 gift and half of the karma for completing. Wintersday is a celebration for the community and the games are all about fun. JPs are always something not everyone likes, but it would be nice to give everyone a good chance.


> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > I would like to also add that I wish they took out the freezing on Quaggan path. It's not very scenic.

> >

> > Even if they added an option for "scenic buff", that would last til you leave the instance or finish the jp, and you can only get 1 gift at the end while you have that buff on you.

> >

> > Edit:question.

> >

> > If you reach the fire by the presents jumps, is it possible to respawn there? Or do you have to repeat the snowflakes each time you fail at the gifts?


> You know that there's a 5 years old girl who did complete winters day jp last year? (= 1mode=hard) in less than 2min and 30 sec



Good for her? ...what difference should that make to me?

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