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How many characters do you have World Completion on?


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Only on my main.


I'd love world completion but I absolutely can't bring myself to do it again because of the renown hearts. The most useless, boring, repetitive, unrewarding and annoying content in the entire game in my opinion. And the fact that there are over 300 of them, yeah no thanks. Otherwise revisiting the beautiful core maps and grabbing vistas and PoIs is a ton of fun, and most of my characters have all/almost all waypoints unlocked.

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> You still get all the normal rewards for completing a map, two Gifts of Exploration, and a gold star for your character's name plate each time. The only one-off reward is the "Been There, Done That" title.


Good to know - thanks. I still doubt I'll make it a priority but I might at least go for it if I start getting close with one of my toons.

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3 of my most played characters have 100% world completion. 4th is at 60%

I have 100% of HoT on my mesmer. My necro is at near 70% I think.

I completed PoF 100% on my mesmer too. I didn't play with my other characters other than doing the story with my friends so they're probably around 30% explored, if not less.

I also have all LS3 map to 100% with my mesmer.

I didn't explore Istan to 100% yet. Maybe sometime later when I get more into the game than just doing dailies.

I have core WvW to 100% on 3 characters because it used to be needed for gift of exploration. Only my ranger have 100% in desert borderland.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> This is a conscious choice - many of my characters hang on 90%+ world completion, and have most waypoints unlocked. The issue is that I just don't want to have to store all of the Exploration Gifts, as I have no plans for any T1 legendries.


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> This is a conscious choice - many of my characters hang on 90%+ world completion, and have most waypoints unlocked. The issue is that I just don't want to have to store all of the Exploration Gifts, as I have no plans for any T1 legendries.


Did you know they stack, because I have 8 of them, from 4 characters...and they sit in one characters inventory, because that character now just hangs around Ebonhawke for crafting, oh, and I have no plans on making any Legendary at all. Oh, and I have one that has completed all maps, with the exception of the Dungeons and Raids(and Guild Halls)...maybe I should do those on that character once just to unfog all map areas...or not. All 4 of those did map completion when WvW was part of the rotation, so that no longer is an obstacle...what would be is doing LS2, 3, 4, HoT and PoF on the other characters...because regardless of what you get the reward for it's not really map completion unless you've done ALL maps.

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I have 49 characters now, and currently only 9 of them have core Tyria map completion done - that's one of each profession. My main (necro) is the first thing I do all the new content on, but other than her only my main Ele has HoT completion, and though it's by far the easiest, I've only done one PoF completion so far.

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Oh dear. Looks like I am the biggest no-lifer here. I have done it on 23 characters. The first two also had WvW completion when it was a requirement. All but one have Drytop. Most have Silverwastes and a smattering have Southsun. One or two have Crystal Desert but I have not done the HoT lands and probably won't.


I did enjoy world completion though. It is absurdly easy now with the mounts as I found with my most recent completion. I have a 24th character now but I am not sure if I will bother with world completion for her. I don't know if I can face it again.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> With mounts, I might try for another. The exploration itself can be kind of fun, but the hearts... some of them I really hate doing and would just as soon never be reminded of them.


Blazeridge Steppes' "try to stealth through everything but you can't because the Ash Legion has hacks" heart comes to mind.

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