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So when is WVW actually going to get some changes?


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They need to change the upgrade system back, make them cost supply to upgrade again, and make it not automatic.


The only reason sieges take so long, is because they reduced the use of supply down to repairs and siege building. It has no more use outside of those 2 things anymore so we don't have to be careful what we use it on.

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WvW has been neglected and abandond by now for like 3 years, there was only some small breath of life for it again when they added the desert map, but from that point on, they ignored it again...


A big game mode like WvW needs some bigger changes to get back on track. With WvW is it as like with mass. If you want to move big mass, then you will need also alot of power/effort to get the mass to move.


- WvW needs 3 different unique Borderlands (Alpine, Desert, Tropic Islands/Volcanic or Swamp)

- WvW needs significantly better rewards, which are eqally good for playing WvW offensive, AS LIKE defensive

- WvW needs much better Character Progression and clear ROLES for each Class by implementating class specific WvW masteries

- WvW needs for the mode own Class Skills that are balanced for that mode alone, so that PvE/PvP changes don't negatively affect anymore WvW

- WvW needs a game Design reconception change, turning the mode from a server based battle into a Faction based battle mode, this wll solve population issues and will make it possible for Anet to merge servers together, to create space for making fresh new servers

- WvW needs illogical broken things fixed, like AoEs reaching over the complete wall, so that defendign from walls becomes impossible, this is somethign ,that Anet shoudl have fixed instantly back in 2012 already!!! Players defendign the playces need to receie some kind of Home Advantage that is dealing more damage and having higher range with skills, when attacking foes that stand below them. its a simple mechanic, that already existed in GW1. Theres no good reason for removing this mechanic for GW2, especialyl not for WvW where having it makes total sense when defendign your locations, where defenders shoudl have an home advantage over the attacking side, unless the attackign side brigns the tactical clever counter siege weapons to neutralize the home advantage to the field., what will cost supply for them, supply thta then again is rather needed also for gate/wall opening siege weapons

- WvW needs to receive again in a constant manner Tournaments between the Factions.

- WvW needs a rank System, that is meaningful, but also easier to reach its maximum.. lol 10000 Ranks of WxP grind, Reduce the 10000 Rankls that are totally meaningless down to a say 10 to eventually maximum 20 Rank System, where each reached rank is really meaningful and comes together with depthful character progression in WvW

- WvW needs Eternal battlefield becoming merged with Edge of the Mist as a dual layer map, so that finally the only map with a castle can be accessed always without queues

- WvW needs an own WvW Lobby from where players join the maps and whwere they can go to AFK, while not disturbing or stopping other active WvW players from actually joining the maps, only because of their greed to afk pips...

- WvW needs more strategetical and tavctical depth, by splitting Supply up into multiple different important ressources, to force players to stop blobbing and split up much more into smaller groups to be able to cover everythign important on the map good enough to get hands on all the important ressources. The urrent ressource mechanic is way to simple minded to enforce upon players beign more splitted up in smaller groups to cover more territory, because they don#t need to do so, cause receiving supply in WvW is way too simple. Supply needs to become into 4 important ressouces, than only just 1, splitt it up into Food & Water, Wood, Metal Ore and and Oil and make building thigns up require all those fource ressource,s so that upgrading locations requires more than just only "Supply" and gold.. Gold, as like Karma/Badges of Honor should be also included more in these processes, but shoudl also be more included as part of rewards as well to close the cycle

- WvW needs mounts to become integrated part of it as well, same as much as like Gliding has been added, but also too, like with Gliding with restrictions, that you can use mounts only in territory, that belongs to your side currently.

- WvW needs to expands its depth as a game mode and needs to offer also too there guild related GvG battles that work like Battlefields as 15v15, 25v25, 50v50 and 100v100 platforms as alternative sub mode of WvW, that is more designed with guilds in mind, instead of servers


Im sure, id come up with a few points more, if i continue, but i think this list is already enough to show, how much more could be done with WvW, to sinificantly make this mode better, than it is right now

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