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Is Anet ever banning anyone for afking in pvp match?


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And now try to imagine you got at least 200 Other people reporting cca 1-3 different guys Every day too. Now add a limited Staff resources, which has to check all the reports individually and also determin which are false. You can ask yourself the Question again now.

Only AFKers that can be banned are the ones that are being reported by different people at different times in a high amount, non the less it would still be a minority of the Reports.

With the following I don't have you in mind but I constantly see people whining about why did 'this' and 'that' AFKer not get banned when they reported him/her once or twice... this is not how it works... this is not how it should work.

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> @"Urejt.5648" said:

> Is Anet ever banning anyone for afking in pvp match? Seems like never because i report at least three guys everyday and they still play.


I'm against people afk; but seriously try to imagine what they see... can you blame them?


Ok...next imagine 5 years+ of seeing what they see over and over again; can you really blame them now?

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I hope ANet will not start doing this unless it is for AFK farmers and overly repetitive offenders.


I would require players to plan ahead to make sure they actually have time to play PvP and not let their team mates down. But while I NEVER was AFK in a PvP match, I can think of enough good reasons to do so, like:


* The doorbell ringing. (Package delivery for instance)

* Real-life emergencies of all kinds

* A child requiring priority attention

* Incoming phone call, possibly important


It would be very sad if players would get banned for these kinds of incidents.

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The incentive to go afk is built into the game design. I can solo carry and get 7 topstats and 45% of my team's damage and lose 450 to 500, but if it's a loss I lose full rank points. And a loss is almost always 50% more rank decrease than a win's for rank increase. My match log is all -15, -16, -14, -15 and +9, +10, +8, +9

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> I hope ANet will not start doing this unless it is for AFK farmers and overly repetitive offenders.


> I would require players to plan ahead to make sure they actually have time to play PvP and not let their team mates down. But while I NEVER was AFK in a PvP match, I can think of enough good reasons to do so, like:


> * The doorbell ringing. (Package delivery for instance)

> * Real-life emergencies of all kinds

> * A child requiring priority attention

> * Incoming phone call, possibly important


> It would be very sad if players would get banned for these kinds of incidents.


1- You can leave a msg on the door for the delivery guy, and leave the door open, or use a relay if you don't want to be disturbed

2- Who needs a life?

3- Use condoms

4- If it's important they'll leave a msg, you can call back later


There's always a solution :)

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> @"vorpal.1497" said:

> I've been going afk for 4+ years, when I see That Guy go try to solo far and die at the start. Yes I could put in the effort to recover from his loss and the inevitable 4v3 mid loss, but I don't feel like That Guy deserves my effort. And no, ANet does not check pvp reports.


If you are going to afk, just quit the match or straight up don't play pvp

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > I hope ANet will not start doing this unless it is for AFK farmers and overly repetitive offenders.

> >

> > I would require players to plan ahead to make sure they actually have time to play PvP and not let their team mates down. But while I NEVER was AFK in a PvP match, I can think of enough good reasons to do so, like:

> >

> > * The doorbell ringing. (Package delivery for instance)

> > * Real-life emergencies of all kinds

> > * A child requiring priority attention

> > * Incoming phone call, possibly important

> >

> > It would be very sad if players would get banned for these kinds of incidents.


> 1- You can leave a msg on the door for the delivery guy, and leave the door open, or use a relay if you don't want to be disturbed

> 2- Who needs a life?

> 3- Use condoms

> 4- If it's important they'll leave a msg, you can call back later


> There's always a solution :)


back up back up.....


How is using a condom going to help with a child already born? Do I slap them in the face with it or do I blow it up like a balloon and make a poodle from it?


> @"YAOYE.4380" said:

> > @"vorpal.1497" said:

> > I've been going afk for 4+ years, when I see That Guy go try to solo far and die at the start. Yes I could put in the effort to recover from his loss and the inevitable 4v3 mid loss, but I don't feel like That Guy deserves my effort. And no, ANet does not check pvp reports.


> If you are going to afk, just quit the match or straight up don't play pvp


Sadly, most people have that logic....

Load into a game... "we have no scourge gg afk".

Take home and mid but thief dies far.... "Thief is bad we lose GG afk"

Some guy trying to take beast alone but has it sniped... "they got beast gg afk"

"I don't like your name gg afk"

"they have a (insert pro guild like PZ) player on the other team gg afk"


just some examples from this week.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > I hope ANet will not start doing this unless it is for AFK farmers and overly repetitive offenders.

> > >

> > > I would require players to plan ahead to make sure they actually have time to play PvP and not let their team mates down. But while I NEVER was AFK in a PvP match, I can think of enough good reasons to do so, like:

> > >

> > > * The doorbell ringing. (Package delivery for instance)

> > > * Real-life emergencies of all kinds

> > > * A child requiring priority attention

> > > * Incoming phone call, possibly important

> > >

> > > It would be very sad if players would get banned for these kinds of incidents.

> >

> > 1- You can leave a msg on the door for the delivery guy, and leave the door open, or use a relay if you don't want to be disturbed

> > 2- Who needs a life?

> > 3- Use condoms

> > 4- If it's important they'll leave a msg, you can call back later

> >

> > There's always a solution :)


> back up back up.....


> How is using a condom going to help with a child already born? Do I slap them in the face with it or do I blow it up like a balloon and make a poodle from it?

What I meant was: don't make children :)

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> @"vorpal.1497" said:

> I've been going afk for 4+ years, when I see That Guy go try to solo far and die at the start. Yes I could put in the effort to recover from his loss and the inevitable 4v3 mid loss, but I don't feel like That Guy deserves my effort. And no, ANet does not check pvp reports.


Woah there boy, watch out not to fall off of your high horse :D

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> It would be very sad if players would get banned for these kinds of incidents.


Outright banning someone is cruel and overkill, however a form of punishment like dishonor would be good, even if it's for a few minutes.

Then, if it's a repeat offence the dishonor period gets longer and longer, just how dishonor for disconnects work. I mean an afk player is the same as a dc, but at least with a dc your team doesn't lose rating and the one who got dc gets dishonor. Being afk doesn't have a penalty, but it should have the same penalties as a dc. Bans should be reserved only for very serious offenders.

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> @"vorpal.1497" said:

> > @"YAOYE.4380" said:

> > If you are going to afk, just quit the match or straight up don't play pvp


> If you are going to play poorly, play unranked




Which implies that if you believe you are better (whatever that means) you may sabotage your bad playing team by standing in the corner and getting into a huff. As if standing around would not be a total waste of time (especially for the rest of the team that might be catching up otherwise)... Ideally then complain in the map chat and call out the people you don't like and then excuse yourself to the enemy team for going afk that actually does not give a shit about you and just is happy that they are lucky enough to not having such an egoistic player within their own rows.... That really sounds like a decent and effective strategy to me.




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> @"Nickel.7918" said:

> Sollution..if someone afk..report it and the team dosent loose point when they loose the match..its not banned..just dont kitten up others status..


If you take that route, I assume that people would abuse the system in order not to loose rank points. I would rather vote for reporting someone afk the person gets kicked from the match immediately and you get a new player from the queue into your team asap. Still a decent enough disadvantage as if queue times might not allow an immediate join but at least you could do something about the 4 vs 5.

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