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RAIDING, help me find the way to proper team

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Hi all,

I have been raiding since first raid wing appeared. I missed only few kills due to vacations, finished up all 3 sets and one pre (free asc). In general i have exp with almost all classes except druid (i really dont like healing class, no rational reasons tbh).

for a long time i had static team, monday cleans and so on. As you know, at some point ppl started to be bored and most of time broke up.

I kept raiding with pug lfg mostly , still cleaning mondays as it was not big deal. I still run with few nice ppl but we started to look bit different on things.

At some point i started to slack too , not going for all bosses just maybe gorse for loot and joining teams that kinda did LFG for help.

As you know new wing came and i got interested in it again. I got back into playing it and I managed to do first 3 "bosses" day one, but stuck on Dhuum.

Atm i generally have my chrono, cps, holo and scourge (ehhh :/ ) for raids, while others are set for my usual wvw roaming.

With all this said, i come to point of my current issue. I was proposed to apply to one of specialized raiding guild , pass the tests they go with and find the spot.

I have several problems with that. First is , i dont really wish to spend all week in raids and especially not in fractals (i had enough of with in old old old days ....). I would love to team that i can run with and have fun for 2-3 days a week , cleaning raids without fuss. Second issue is , some ppl will tell you, join one of raid guilds , play for some time until you get what you wish ( Dhuum kill atm ) and leave. I for sure do not intend to do this. While i dont like guild that sell raids , or so, i REALLY dont see myself leaching from anyone just for personal gain. I play this game in all mods for a looong time, my 30k+ ap mean alot to me , and lastly i have some honor and respect to ppl behind pc.

On the other hand, but please dont get me wrong on this, i also dont wish to join training raiders (most lfg is like that anymore) since i really find i have more skills than most of them in general raiding and as far Dhuum is concerned.


Lastly , there is choice now to fake KP for Dhuum , join runs that seem capable, but that's not an option. Honor and respect issue again.

So in short at the end, im player who is quite skilled in gw2 pve, wvw and pvp, im quite skilled in raiding but i have no team or KP for managing to achieve current goal, Dhuum. What you guys say, what would you propose me to do?


Forgive me for wall of text, i was spiting what was in my head , maybe in quite messy order, and if anyone take time to even read this, well ,tx :D.

Have great wintersday all !



I forgot to add im on EU :).

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You can try a training discord community. In EU if you pass their tests, which you should easily do, they have a program to find static groups with similar habits. I suppose the NA one does the same. Otherwise there are often ad-hoc LFG in these communities looking ppl on higher tiers on the community. These groups are usually more organized than the random pug thus much better chance for a kill.

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Hi Kira,

I think the most fitting for you would be a static, or something close to that. I ran a quick search in the LFG section and while this group doesnt mention wether they have beaten Dhuum or not, they seem to offer a decent raiding experience without the need to go into fractals. Maybe worth to check them out?

iP: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/16240/eu-raid-ip-static-looking-for-a-semi-hardcore-guild-check-this-out


Another option might be Rebel Raiding. I've seen them recruit in lfg a bunch of times, and they have some info about the guild(they have beaten dhuum) and how to join here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qnmm7izclsz337p7a86kUUMlWlqBJo_YY5pho0i9NLU/edit#heading=h.3ae6e1rl9o6s


Good luck friend :)

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> What you guys say, what would you propose me to do?


I can offer you a place in a semi-casual guild with a raid static. We usually raid several times a week, but mostly on Mondays, Tuesdays (clearing what's left) and then Thursday/Saturday, primarily if players feel like raiding, a member missed some of the bosses or if there's a new raid (like it is currently). Keep in mind we currently have almost no practice in W5, due to the fact we recently lost some players. If you're interested, contact me in the game and I'll send you a guild invite.

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There are many different statics out there. Try the guild recruitment reddit page. That's where I found my recent static back when I was in similar position and also did not feel like joining a hardcore guild. There are like minded people out there, no matter what you are looking for. It might just be tricky to find them sometimes. All though, Reddit is certainly a good place to start looking.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Not to be an kitten but you havent killed dhuum but dont want to train for it instead want get into a static that have trained it + killed it just so you can get the kill?


> Why not do like everyone else and train for it.

> If you dont want to then you buy it.


Dont get me wrong , i think i have at least 2 different squads each eve for it on lfg. Thing is right now it goes backwards. Getting to 13% then other day staying 90% does not cut it so well if u understand. I fully agree training is all but need for bit more skilled team comes after some time :).

Cheers and tx for comment !

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Hey there


I've got a static raid team, raiding 3 days a week and 1 day of it is the w5 training. Aim is to get Dhuum down and to also get the CMs. Let me know if you wanna have a closer talk, we have another spot in our team (rather laid back - none toxic). :)


For anyone else reading this, we have a few static spots since some changed to fillers atm due to busy days - feel free to contact me!

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you sound burned out. and it's understandable. i quit raiding and raid guilds for awhile now. i know i'm slacking atm but still.

my raiding guild is unlike others. whenever we feel like grouping up and have enough people for some raids, off we go. full clear and allf. if not, move on to do other things, no fuss, just chill.

there are some ads around here or on reddit about Dhuum CM or meeting up for the kill. so chances you'll find like minded people that way. no strings attached.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Slight update.

did tons of Dhuum runs. It worked so fine . Got over 20 kills so far. Still no team.

I met few fun ppl (Fuson is the best, so positive :D ) , but ye , finding capable team with my "bounds" still mission impossible :).

Also tx again for replyz guys.

At Least i got new focus (not that legi one) , Dhuum CM (im becoming pve player.... :( ).

Ill keep this post going , who knows. I think if i would find team , where i would be worst one, it would be quite good team :D.



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