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The perils of being an older gamer (silliness alert!)


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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> I have to chuckle when 1337 kids laugh at my using a keyboard for movement. They do not realize I have muscle memory going back to the 70s for using the arrow keys. Odds are I will hit the left arrow on my keyboard before they can hit the associated button on a mouse or controller.


I drove one of the founders nuts when I did that during a demo. I use the newer functions nowadays, but it truly IS possible to become very adept at arrow keys -- I can attest to it, too! :)


> @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > @"daynay.1089" said:

> > I am 53 and need a guild...


> My guild is coincidentally named

> https://theoldergamers.com/

> :-)


> Folks in TOG play many games, not just GW2. There's people all across the US and Canada, in Australia and NZ, and other parts of the world as well so there's always somebody online.


> The GW2 guild is Tyrian Old Guard (TOG).


Hey, would you please pass along my warmest Wintersday greetings to TOG? Great group of folks. I hope to meet some members at a community event in the future, as I did a few years ago at PAX East. :)


A player I dearly love, who was in the alpha test during the development of Guild Wars (the original), is now 80+ years old. She was in her 70's when she joined the test group. She's an amazing lady, and I was super happy to have her be involved.

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I'm 21 forever!

Oh! You meant how many years I've been on Earth? Age is just a number, kid. You're only as old as you feel, so I choose to be 21 forever! :P


> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Woah, and I thought my 39 were a lot. You humble me, people.

> Lets keep with the great work, wise and cranky ones!


Cranky?! Who ya callin' "cranky"? LOL!!!

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> @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > @"daynay.1089" said:

> > I am 53 and need a guild...


> My guild is coincidentally named

> https://theoldergamers.com/

> :-)


> Folks in TOG play many games, not just GW2. There's people all across the US and Canada, in Australia and NZ, and other parts of the world as well so there's always somebody online.


> The GW2 guild is Tyrian Old Guard (TOG).


73 here ...and a great shout out to TOG!


I belong to https://www.oldtimersguild.com/ and have partnered up with you folks in many games over the years. Its always nice to see another older group of players around. OTG is a large online group of players from across the globe as well, :) always enjoy running into you folks whenever I see you in-game.

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65 here, but please don't tell anyone else.


Muscle memory? What is that? :p I have a terrible relationship with the keyboard. After years of gaming (MMOs), I still hunt and peck. By the time I type in Hello, the person I wanted to greet is on down the road, beyond hearing distance. Yeah, I don't think that's age though...

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Arrow keys, heck I use WASD for all movement or sometimes I get lazy and hold down both the right and left mouse buttons, just because I can, and I use mouse clicks for actions...as I've done since I started playing on PC. I'm pretty sure I know who Gaile is talking about from the GW1 Alpha, but I'll not reveal the name out of courtesy.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> I have to chuckle when 1337 kids laugh at my using a keyboard for movement. They do not realize I have muscle memory going back to the 70s for using the arrow keys. Odds are I will hit the left arrow on my keyboard before they can hit the associated button on a mouse or controller.


I've been using the arrow keys since GW1, for me it's a lot easier and makes sense. I grew up playing C64 games and the sort, so it's just natural instinct. My keyboard set up is strange for a lot and it gives people fits when they see how I move around, but how efficiently I can do so I think is what they marvel at - especially since I am a walking disaster IRL and can barely chew bubble gum and walk at the same time.


I'm also a skill clicker... Bought a gaming mouse to try and fix that...


Yea... i'm still clicking away. :)



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I am having a slow time playing GW2, because by the time I type out the necessary computer punch cards on a special machine in one building on campus, go to another building to feed them into the mainframe, wait 4-5 hours, go to yet another building to get the printout (oh, and if I made a mistake of even one number or letter I have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN), my guild is on to other things.


OK, I kid about GW2 of course, but that was my computer life for realz back in college in the '70s. Bah, humbug!

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> I have to chuckle when 1337 kids laugh at my using a keyboard for movement. They do not realize I have muscle memory going back to the 70s for using the arrow keys. Odds are I will hit the left arrow on my keyboard before they can hit the associated button on a mouse or controller.


Wait what .... there is another way to move? (I'm 18 with an additional 32 years of experience by the way.)

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> I am having a slow time playing GW2, because by the time I type out the necessary computer punch cards on a special machine in one building on campus, go to another building to feed them into the mainframe, wait 4-5 hours, go to yet another building to get the printout (oh, and if I made a mistake of even one number or letter I have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN), my guild is on to other things.


> OK, I kid about GW2 of course, but that was my computer life for realz back in college in the '70s. Bah, humbug!


My mom's about a decade older than you -- she started her computer career in 1975 and yep, it started with punch cards. I would love to get her into GW2 but she doesn't like timed actions or quick reflex requirements, and moving images (like movies) don't register on her brain very well. Otoh she's the one whose large SF library got me into F&SF, which by a long trail is how I ended up here anyway. Yay mom!

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Chiming in at 46 here :)

I might look up some of you in these old timers guilds. It's rough logging into discord and hearing voices cracking, and conversations that were maybe funny for me 30 years ago!

I did manage to adapt to a gaming mouse after all these years. Try one! It takes a while but it really saves on the wear and tear on the carpal tunnel haha.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > I am having a slow time playing GW2, because by the time I type out the necessary computer punch cards on a special machine in one building on campus, go to another building to feed them into the mainframe, wait 4-5 hours, go to yet another building to get the printout (oh, and if I made a mistake of even one number or letter I have to do it ALL OVER AGAIN), my guild is on to other things.

> >

> > OK, I kid about GW2 of course, but that was my computer life for realz back in college in the '70s. Bah, humbug!


> My mom's about a decade older than you -- she started her computer career in 1975 and yep, it started with punch cards. I would love to get her into GW2 but she doesn't like timed actions or quick reflex requirements, and moving images (like movies) don't register on her brain very well. Otoh she's the one whose large SF library got me into F&SF, which by a long trail is how I ended up here anyway. Yay mom!


Ahhh, memories. I remember when I was in college, there was a joke about an old guy who refused to use the new "disk drives" for storage, because he didn't trust them. So, he kept all his programs on punch cards. Carried them around in suitcases.


Anyhow, the joke was that the disk drives crashed, and everybody lost their work. Well, except for that one old guy.


I laughed along with them, "forgetting" to mention that I WAS that old guy, figuratively speaking.

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> @"lynspottery.6529" said:

> 73 here ...and a great shout out to TOG!


> I belong to https://www.oldtimersguild.com/ and have partnered up with you folks in many games over the years. Its always nice to see another older group of players around. OTG is a large online group of players from across the globe as well, :) always enjoy running into you folks whenever I see you in-game.


47 here!

Representing OTG. Love these peeps. This is my 3rd game chapter with them :)



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> @"kta.6502" said:

> I'm 21 forever!

> Oh! You meant how many years I've been on Earth? Age is just a number, kid. You're only as old as you feel, so I choose to be 21 forever! ::pensive:


You can't be 21 forever. BUT. You can alternate your age between 20 and 21 forever. Just change your counting system base every other year. I've been doing that recently. :wink:

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