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Should Be Nerf Winds of Disenchantment Radius

Jerry CCH.9816

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The radius is large and duration is long.

Everyone wait for your push and spam bubble one by one. The fights become boring in WvW. But i dun know why anet ignore all the voices about it :/ there's no any respond after 3 balance patch since pof. At least anet should reply "cuz we think that is funny", so i can get my heart completely broken. :)

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> @"chimeihe.4863" said:

> The radius is large and duration is long,

> Everyone wait for your push and spam bubble one by one,

The fights become boring in WvW,

But i dun know why anet ignore all the voices about it :/,

there's no any respond after 3 balance patch since pof. At least anet should reply "cuz we think that is funny", so i can get my heart completely broken. :)


I thought this was gonna turn into a rap...



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And another one.


Again, the skill on itself is not broken at all. It's the synergy with the master trait that is completely nuts.


The radius is fine. It's an elite and it's casted on yourself. It has an Animation that is super easy to see and do dodge. (Well, if you have not noticed the warrior running at your zerg already you deserved the death.)


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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> I'd take 320 if they took 0.5 secs off cast time.

> however the comparison is nonsense, null field has range and is a utility not an elite for a start.


Exactly, as long as the Warrior has to run all the way to a relevant position, often times into the middle of the enemy zerg, I don't see a point in reducing the radius.

And as long Enchantment Collapse doesn't see any changes both duration and radius of WoD are irrelevant, even with a 240 Radius and shorter Duration you're gonna hit someone with it and Enchantment Collapse is still gonna wreak havoc.


I feel like most people who complain about WoD don't even understand what the skill does. Are they all rangers trying to pewpewpew through the bubbles?

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> As a guardian am i the only one who thinks this skill is ok???? or every one want to be carried with boons stacking?


> If the issue is with stability, that is because stability should be its own mechanic rather than stack boons.... WoD is fine.


Nerf Winds of Disenchantment Radius will be some good.


Gw2 open field need between HoT and PoF. Just let some Melee train meta back

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Leave the radius, remove the pulsing boon strip. Adjust all warrior bursts to remove boons per hit. Disenchantment stacks in duration.


Winds of Disenchantment keeps them from getting new boons, the warrior offense gets rid of the boons they have. If they have a ton of boons but no pressure from the warrior, they keep those boons.


Enchantment Collapse now no longer is the end of the world with WoD, and instead relies on the warrior consistently putting out bursts (not full counter).

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> @"Jerry CCH.9816" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > As a guardian am i the only one who thinks this skill is ok???? or every one want to be carried with boons stacking?

> >

> > If the issue is with stability, that is because stability should be its own mechanic rather than stack boons.... WoD is fine.


> Nerf Winds of Disenchantment Radius will be some good.


> Gw2 open field need between HoT and PoF. Just let some Melee train meta back


understandable :)


I would rather have stability with is own mechanics instead of boon spam n stack, wich imo is one of the biggest problems why play melee class is so punishive on this game.


P.S every Anet dev plays ranged classes :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

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> @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> Super easy to avoid. 60% warriors waste it to soon or completely miss the enemy group..

> Just another circle to avoid on the ocean of red scourges can throw.

> Im a main warrior and i didnt even buy the expansion. Not worth it..


But it denies a huge place where the enemy group will stand, ofc only useful if your group can recognize and exploit it

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I think that it's a much more fundamental issue than duration, size or how warriors use it. The fundamental issue with winds of disenchantment is the functionality itself. WvW has grown to be extremely boon dependant. Boons cover you from massive spike damage in large scale battles, they let you get out of stunlocks situations, they let you reposition, they increase your damage moderately, and they heal you. The game mode is so boon dependant that without them there is a massive first strike advantage and whoever gets the first hit wins automatically.


And here we are, with a spell that completely negates the way we deal with a PvE centric balance in WvW. It's not just bad, it shouldn't be nerfed, it simply shouldn't exist at all. It's a "poof, you don't play" spell, because not having boons equates to not being able to play at all. Why it was implemented in the first place, I don't know, but no amounts of nerfing will solve that. It needs to be entirely deleted from WvW. Something else can be made in its place, I don't mind, but winds of disenchantment is the closest thing i've ever seen to be literally game breaking, because it negates the only way it's possible to play the game mode.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"BassHunteR.7246" said:

> > Super easy to avoid. 60% warriors waste it to soon or completely miss the enemy group..

> > Just another circle to avoid on the ocean of red scourges can throw.

> > Im a main warrior and i didnt even buy the expansion. Not worth it..


> But it denies a huge place where the enemy group will stand, ofc only useful if your group can recognize and exploit it


So does a well placed meteor shower or pretty much every strong AoE.

Biggest differences are:

a) there aren't many meteor showers because for some reason backline staff weavers aren't popular

b) most AoE's aren't as visible as WoD which makes WoD more likely to be blamed for problems


Honestly in my experience, a well placed meteor shower causes a lot more problems than 2-3 average WoD, of course sometimes there's a warrior that gets a really good WoD right inside the enemy blob - that of course is very disruptive. But mostly that can be avoided by good movement and reactions, if a warrior was able to walk straight into your zerg than it's likely you weren't paying attention.


I still think nerfing Enchantment Collapse to reduce the impact of WoD would easily be enough while keeping the utility of WoD.

It's been said many times: The impact of WoD can be avoided either entirely or partialy while there is nothing you can do about Enchantment Collapse.

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> @"Rennie.6750" said:

> I think that it's a much more fundamental issue than duration, size or how warriors use it. The fundamental issue with winds of disenchantment is the functionality itself. WvW has grown to be extremely boon dependant. Boons cover you from massive spike damage in large scale battles, they let you get out of stunlocks situations, they let you reposition, they increase your damage moderately, and they heal you. The game mode is so boon dependant that without them there is a massive first strike advantage and whoever gets the first hit wins automatically.


> And here we are, with a spell that completely negates the way we deal with a PvE centric balance in WvW. It's not just bad, it shouldn't be nerfed, it simply shouldn't exist at all. It's a "poof, you don't play" spell, because not having boons equates to not being able to play at all. Why it was implemented in the first place, I don't know, but no amounts of nerfing will solve that. It needs to be entirely deleted from WvW. Something else can be made in its place, I don't mind, but winds of disenchantment is the closest thing i've ever seen to be literally game breaking, because it negates the only way it's possible to play the game mode.

"boons are everywhere and super-important, so why would Anet create a way to counter them" -literally you


Spellbreaker is literally designed for countering boon-heavy gameplay, that's their whole niche (and it's a specifically PVP/WvW niche, since boons are a non-issue in PVE). That's pretty much the point of Scourge as well, for that matter.

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