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Thanks for easing up part of the JP this year


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Thank you, ANet for softening the skills required to complete the JP this year. It's still too hard for me, but I'm probably in a tiny minority now. And, I did get some measure of satisfaction getting to that resting point before the exploding stairway (after a few dozen attempts). I might even try again, so your efforts aren't wasted, even on me.

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Excuse me for reposting someone else's guide, but this might help.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> **Walkthrough for the 2nd half (from the bottom of the present stairs)**


> **Before you start**

> * Firstly you should know that regardless of how it seems nothing about this is random. The exploding presents, the giant snowballs, the skritt throwing snow kitten, all of it will happen in the same order every single time, so it is possible to learn the pattern or to copy what other people are doing.

> * The walkthrough below should keep you safe from all of it, as long as you don't hang around on the 'safe' spots too long. There's plenty of time to readjust your hands before carrying on, but when I stood there taking screenshots I got knocked off.

> * Secondly I strongly recommend using Action Camera mode. I almost never use it, but I do for puzzles. It saves having to hold down the right mouse button to move the camera which stops your hand getting sore and gives you one less thing that can go wrong.


> **Present stairs**

> Stand directly in front of the fire and aim to jump onto the 3rd present along the first row (the one directly in the middle). If necessary spend 1 'round' of presents getting into position and then go on the next one. Once you're on that first present you want to go straight up the middle as shown in this screenshot.


> These presents are always some of the last to disappear so it's a reliable 'safe' route. There's also no big jumps between them so there's less risk of falling down, you can pretty much just hold down the forward button and mash jump and you'll get to the top.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/gqIJBgJh.jpg "")


> **Reaching the ice path**

> Once you're at the top of the present stairs run forward then _dodge_ from the platform onto the candy circle. This is because the snowman will sometimes blow freezing wind that can knock you off. It might not, but you can afford to 'waste' a dodge so it's best to get into the habit of doing it every time.


> Then jump onto the candy cane and run down to the bottom. Once you get there **wait** for a snowball to go past. Don't look for one coming or try to guess if you've got enough time, just wait for it to pass and then you know you've got time. (And don't worry about your health going down, even doing the hardest path you've got time to wait here.) Once the snowball has gone past jump onto the ice path.


> **On the ice path**

> Run uphill/to the right until you see 2 candy platforms on your right. Jump onto the first one, then from there onto the second one. If a snowball hasn't gone past while you were doing that wait for it to pass.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/GHb9gWEh.jpg "")


> Then jump back onto the path and continue uphill and around the corner to the left. Run onto the giant candy platform sticking out the right side of the ice path and wait at the far end, next to the ice path, for a snowball to pass.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/DR69h2Yh.jpg "")



> Continue up the path and jump onto the next candy platform on the left side of the path. Wait for another snowball to pass then jump back onto the path and continue. Ignore the 2nd candy platform you'll see on the right. Continue on to the mass of presents on the right side of the path. This is the final step.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/t3bbMjAh.jpg "")


> You can only stand on the long blue presents and the candy canes, everything else you'll fall through. These form a path up to the giant glowing present. Jump between them until you reach the giant present, then jump in.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/gp4pPD5h.jpg "")

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> Wish the Hardest level was even harder. If you can hold w the whole time through the easiest mode then you can easily do the hardest mode. They should make some really Hard JPS but give Legendary Armor for winning them... Ha Ha..... Ok I can only dream .


Anet's "really hard JPs" are more like "really annoying". Sliding off arbitrary rocks when you aren't even sure which way to go is not enjoyable (for me.)

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> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > Wish the Hardest level was even harder. If you can hold w the whole time through the easiest mode then you can easily do the hardest mode. They should make some really Hard JPS but give Legendary Armor for winning them... Ha Ha..... Ok I can only dream .


> Anet's "really hard JPs" are more like "really annoying". Sliding off arbitrary rocks when you aren't even sure which way to go is not enjoyable (for me.)


The "Puzzle" in them is to find out which pieces they added a specific box to that you can get onto/go to/not slide off of.

Seen enough times in these "puzzles" that one thing that I can't get on, the next area with the same platform, I can get on.

Or in certain ones where the only way to get to a certain location is jumping nonstop up a certain point because the plaform design is so horrible it seems I have to "break" the thing by quickly jumping off it to keep myself elevated.

Also had times where I would just slide through certain platforms while others I can stand on which looks as thin as a pin-needle.


The puzzle is to see how halfbraham they made the platforming to the point to aggravate people.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> Wish the Hardest level was even harder. If you can hold w the whole time through the easiest mode then you can easily do the hardest mode. They should make some really Hard JPS but give Legendary Armor for winning them... Ha Ha..... Ok I can only dream .


No, I sure couldn't do that (hold down "w"). I can do sometimes 3-4 jumps in a row in certain spots, but if I try much beyond that, I'll certainly fall.


But, I think it would be good for them to have an even harder track, for the true pros. Clearly there are some, and there's no reason my reactions should keep them from a challenge like that. Tiers was smart of them. Perhaps more would be smarter?

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I did this a bunch last Wintersday and got really proficient at it. Once I completed it the first time, it all sort of "clicked" for me and I was able to run it over and over and over again with very few mistakes.


Coincidentally the path I "mastered" last year ended up being the hardest path and is the most rewarding this year so that was awesome to discover. I'm able to complete it around 14-16 times per half hour but I always mess up a run or two so I haven't been able to break that elusive "16-successes-in-30-mins" barrier.

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@ TheQuickFox.3826: are you using movement with w,a,s,d or are you using the action cam...i am using the action cam after they implemented it and i now find jumping puzzles more fun than before...also the tip with jumping straight forward in this guide is really helpful, you really dont need to care about falling down, you just mash w and space the whole time ( it took me a little time to figure out how to jump best, since you sometimes jump but dont get on the next present, it is really a close call, but i managed to get over these presents.......but yeah a checkpoint on the second fireplace would be nice....)


I never finsihed the mad king clocktower, i am not that fast in jumping, but i am really happy that there is now an "easy" mode for the wintersday jp....

i was able to finish the wintersday jp this year the first time and i had fun, thank you anet. <3

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Quaggan path is nice. Ty indeed. However, I think I'm not quick enough to react for the exploding presents section. (stairs of presents)

> Just like previous years, I am and was able to get there, but then the ground (presents) vanish under me while I place my jumps.


For that, ignore everything. Just point yourself at the higher platform you're trying to get to. Then, when the steps appear, press and hold w while spamming the spacebar. There's apparently not enough room between successive steps to fall through, so you don't even have to pay attention to the boxes at all. Just make sure you're heading straight up the middle.


NOTE: When you get to the next platform, stop right away. There's a knockdown wind just past the middle of it. I was ecstatic the first time I made it up to the top, only to get knocked down for not noticing the wind. Once you realize it's there, it's easy to time it. But, it sneaks up on you the first time.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Hibiskus: What's the action cam? First I've heard of it.


It's a setting under camera in options.

It's fantastic. It allows you to turn your camera just by moving your mouse, no holding a mouse button, it sort of gives it a console game feel.


If you can aim your camera, you don't really need to aim your jumps And action cam makes it much easier to aim camera.

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@Daddicus.6128, Taygus.4571 is right the action cam is a wonderful setting under camera in options, you need to apply a key bind and when you use the key bind it changes to action cam (you also can turn it of with pressing the key bind again), also you need to press it after login the first time of the day...

i was so happy after they implemented it, it makes JP so much more fun. <3

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I'm also happy that ANet did these changes, to make everyone enjoy the event. I'm also happy they modified the race for players without a mount.

I bought PoF by now, but I remember that I wasn't particularly happy about the race event during Halloween, and that we suggested a "rental mount" for players without PoF. Good that they implemented the suggestion so fast. Kudos.

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