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"Aw, What's his name?" Pet Name Thread


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Pets. For Ranger players, they are our constant companions. Our joy and our burden. But also our unique space for stories, customization, in-jokes, and references. ;)

So how about we share them?


Personally; I've been slowly filling out my pets' names' as I use them. Sometimes it's a flash of inspiration, sometimes it takes a bit to figure just who this guy is.


Here's my current list:

Blue Moa: Vambre       White Moa: Mrs Peckers       Pink Moa: Mr Peckers       Black Moa: Blackgryphn       Red Moa: Philomena

Brown Bear: Taylor       Arctodus: Baked Alaska

Jungle Stalker: Melandru Stalker       Lynx: Hyacinth       Snow Leopard: Prohyas       Tiger: Dandelion

Carrion Devourer: Thromborax

Krytan Drakehound: Brutus       Wolf: Amadeus

Raven: Mr Lucas       Owl: Mrs Slocombe      Eagle: Mr Rumbold       White Raven: Mr Humphries       Hawk: Mrs Brahms

Forest Spider: Acklay       Jungle Spider: Phlegm       Black Widow Spider: Adirondack

Lightning Wyvern: Lightning Chidori      Fire Wyvern: Goukakyuu      Bristleback: Steve       Smokescale: Pankonin


I'm looking forward to Soulbeast pet merge. I can't wait to use some more off-meta pets (Ursines in particular) and figuring out who they are. =)

So! What about you? What have you named your pets?

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I named my Lynx Galina, my Stalker Snarl, and my Jaguar Zrii, because they fit perfectly. My Lashtail is Sting and my Smokescale is Smaug, from the Hobbit. My Marsh Drake is Glaurung, my Cave Spider is Ungoliant, and my Forest Spider is Shelob, all from the world of the Hobbit. My eagle is Tally, my Murellow is Zom, and my Fern Hound is Thorn (I'm a Sylvari). The rest are very basic, like calling my Bristleback Spike. I love my pets!

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Most of my pets tend to keep there original Juvenile animal name, I've been playing since launch and to start with got so fed up with having to rename them every time the system forgot it. There are a couple however that have got named.


My Brown bear is Necessities, and my frost drake is Nippy.


A friend had a hyena called Laughing Boy and as she isn't playing anymore I am thinking of pinching it for mine.


In WoW I had a hunter with a snake called Hissy Fit and if they put any of the sand eels in as tameable then that name will be getting reused for one of them.

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I name mine mostly after movie, cartoon and book references except the spiders that I named after their F2 skills, the wolf because of the moon and the tiger that I named Timmy because I had a tiger by that name in GW1.

The ones I remember right now are:

Smokescale -Smokey

Bristleback - Bandit

Jungle Spider - Immobie

Forest Spider - Poisie

Electric Wyvern - Derpy Godzilla

Shark - Sharky

Armor Fish - George

Tiger - Timmy

Wolf - Luna

Raven - Nevermore

Red Jellyfish - Squishy

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Most of mine are either an in-joke, play on words or homage to something. Some of them even pair up e.g. The Power and The Fury for my Jungle Stalker and Red Moa. Points if you can spot any of the particularly obscure jokes.


Bristleback - Spiny Git

Smokescale - Shady Git

Fire Drake - Chawizawd

Pink Moa - Dazy

Black Moa - Worse Than Pink Moa

Fire Wyvern - Latias

Lightning Wyvern - Latios

Pig - Kevin Bacon

Black Widow - Natasha

Cave Spider - Legs

White Raven - Cant Jump

Owl - Bonce Merkin

Raven - Highlander

River Drake - Frog Face

Marsh Drake - Halitosis

Wolf - Wooftah

Alpine wolf - Moon Moon

Drakehound - Dogmeat

Lashtail Devourer - Ugly Sandlsash

Carrion Devourer - Nibbles

Jaguar - Mr Nefarious

Lynx - Effect

Jungle Stalker - The Power

Red Moa - The Fury

Murellow - Stinky

Brown Bear - Bug


I haven't named any others yet...



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I gave up on names for the most part because they kept getting reset when I swapped pets. But I've kept some around.


Electric Wyvern: Bigbadaboom

Tiger: Cantha Expac

Black Panter: Torhey

Shark: Bruce

Lightning Drake: Rez Me


So original... Haha. I hope we will have the option to name our mounts in the future. My demo char was named Lokk and I ended up informally naming my raptor Ki. Why not haha.

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Oooh, i love this thread already! Seeing others' pet names is such a joy. Here is a small selection of my pets. You'll see that i can be quite silly and humorous with them. Cannot wait for PoF! More pets to name. Whoo!


* Bristleback - Evil Turtle Quaggie

* Fire Wyvern - Aurenes Best Friend

* Lynx - Overgrown House Cat

* Tiger - Terrible Tiger Meme

* Jaguar - Evolved Cat Familiar

* Snow leopard - I Haz Cheezeburger ( I think i should change this to something more apt. "Not endangered now". Thoughts? )

* Polar Bear - Brink Of Extinction

* Blue Moa - Moana The Moa

* Fern Hound - Wat The Fox Say

* Boar - Kingslayer

* Pig - Omnomnomnom Bacon

* Hawk - I Eat Hamsters

* Eagle - Smeagle The Eagle ( My precioussss )

* Murellow - Undead Samantha ( The protagonist's dog from 'I am Legend'. )



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Most of my pet names are really terrible jokes or references most people miss.


Armor Fish - Bruce (after the Shark from Jaws)

Arctodus - Paddington (...bear)

Raven & White Raven - Huginn & Muninn (Named for Odin's pet Ravens.)

Bristleback - Lemmy (actually named after the Koopa Kid, but also Lemmy Kilmister because Lemmy is God)

Lashtail Devourer - Bitey (Simpsons quote "I call the big one Bitey")

Any Drake - Nathan (Because Nathan..Drake.......from Uncharted)

Lynx - Bandito Jr. (Named after the pet of a Ranger MUCH better than me who my guild used to WvW with. Her stalker was named Bandito)

Black Moa - Onyx (after Zho's Black Moa in GW1)

Pink Moa - Pinky

Black Widow - Eddie (Eddie Brock, alter ego of Venom)

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White Moa - i cant see anymoa

Blue Moa - no moa jokes pls

Hyena - Hyäne Fischer (hyäne = hyena)

(dont remember the pet) - lootcifer


I named almost all of my pets but i dont remember all of them.

Most of them also are word jokes in german, so the wont be funny in english. :/


But i guess one of my favorit and mostly classic is my Fire Wyvern - Mister Lava Lava.

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> @"Remus Darkblight.1673" said:

> Most of mine are either an in-joke, play on words or homage to something. Some of them even pair up e.g. The Power and The Fury for my Jungle Stalker and Red Moa. Points if you can spot any of the particularly obscure jokes.


> Bristleback - Spiny Git

> Smokescale - Shady Git

> Fire Drake - Chawizawd

> Pink Moa - Dazy

> Black Moa - Worse Than Pink Moa

> Fire Wyvern - Latias

> Lightning Wyvern - Latios

> Pig - Kevin Bacon

> Black Widow - Natasha

> Cave Spider - Legs

> White Raven - Cant Jump

> Owl - Bonce Merkin

> Raven - Highlander

> River Drake - Frog Face

> Marsh Drake - Halitosis

> Wolf - Wooftah

> Alpine wolf - Moon Moon

> Drakehound - Dogmeat

> Lashtail Devourer - Ugly Sandlsash

> Carrion Devourer - Nibbles

> Jaguar - Mr Nefarious

> Lynx - Effect

> Jungle Stalker - The Power

> Red Moa - The Fury

> Murellow - Stinky

> Brown Bear - Bug


> I haven't named any others yet...




Going to name my pig Kevin Bacon now only to never use it.

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Most of these are for my norn Ranger-Druid and were gotten via an English to Old Norse dictionary and then mangled and combined into words I could pronounce and spell without special characters I recently made an Elonian Soulbeast-to-be and got him most of the pets out there (cannot be bothered with WvW wolf atm). I haven't decided yet whether to do a similar name scheme only with Arabic and Egyptian words or to try to be more clever. So here is the current list, first name on list is norn's, second name if any is Elonian's.


Note that the norn list does have one modern cultural reference. Points to those who spot it. (I did have another departure from the Old Norse for a bit because I had to name my Bristleback "Gatling" but I redid him after a while). There are also some names for pets she doesn't have, those have a - in front of them.


Alpine Wolf Issulfr (Ice Wolf)

Armor Fish Herklaedi (Armor)

Arctodus Rifa (Rip)

Black Bear Blarbitr (Black Biting)

-Black Moa Hrafn (Raven)

-Black Widow Spider Ekkja (Widow)

Blue Jellyfish Reki (Jetsam)

Blue Moa Fjordpiner (guess!)

Boar Galti (Wild Boar)

Bristleback Fleindrifa (Spear throwing)

Brown Bear Grimmr (Grim)

Carrion Devourer Eyrrdrepa (Spit Strike)

Cave Spider Helliretta (Cave Eight)

Eagle Ari (Eagle) – Alsarie (half of Swift Eagle)

Electric Wyvern Slandit (Smite Face)

Fern Hound Lauf (Leaf)

Fire Wyvern Ormbruni (Serpent Fire)

Forest Spider Elketta (Tree Eight)

Hawk Sverdlopt (Sword Sky)

Hyena Hlatr (Laughter)

Ice Drake Seinnfrost (Slow Frost)

Jaguar Grannr (Slender)

Jungle Spider Eitretta (Poison Eight)

Jungle Stalker Kelda (Spot) – Sahmqut (Arrow Cat)

Krytan Drakehound Storrhundr (Huge Hound)

Lashtail Devourer Dundi (Whir)

Lynx Villieldr (Wildfire)

Marsh Drake Myrr (Bog/Swamp)

Murellow Bani (Slayer)

Owl Vedr (Wind)

Pig Vandrflesk (Bad Bacon)

Pink Moa Astfugl (Love Bird)

Polar Bear Duna (Resounding)

-Rainbow Jellyfish

Raven Blekkrblindr (Black Blinder)

Red Jellyfish Rodinn (Reddened)

Red Moa Dreyri (Blood)

-Reef Drake Rif (Reef)

River Drake Groenna (Green River)

Salamander Drake Garganleggr (Snake Leg)

Shark Fiskr (Fish) – Sini (Tooth)

Siamoth Flatrnef (Flat Nose)

Smokescale Gufa (Vapor) – Shaki (?)

Snow Leopard Isskelda (Ice Spot)

Tiger Drepa (strike/knock/kill/slay)

Warthog Griss (Piglet)

Whiptail Devourer Otti (Fear/Dread)

White Moa Gellirkala (Yeller Become Cold)

-White Raven Litlauss (Pale)

Wolf Valdr (Wolf)


Jin’s Beagle: Fredderkin Blotch Macklin the Imperious (Blotch) (This is an RP pet, not a ranger pet, but it's a name for a game animal mini, so here it is).

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> @Donari.5237 said:

> Most of these are for my norn Ranger-Druid and were gotten via an English to Old Norse dictionary and then mangled and combined into words I could pronounce and spell without special characters I recently made an Elonian Soulbeast-to-be and got him most of the pets out there (cannot be bothered with WvW wolf atm). I haven't decided yet whether to do a similar name scheme only with Arabic and Egyptian words or to try to be more clever. So here is the current list, first name on list is norn's, second name if any is Elonian's.


> Blue Moa Fjordpiner (guess!)


I appreciate your dedication to a theme! That's quite a list.

My only guess on "Fjordpiner" is "Puddle Jumper". Too bad there isn't a Juvenile Frog to tame. {pokes Gaile ;)}


Thanks to everyone for posting. Keep 'em coming!

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> @Chrury.4627 said:

> > @Donari.5237 said:


> > Blue Moa Fjordpiner (guess!)


> I appreciate your dedication to a theme! That's quite a list.

> My only guess on "Fjordpiner" is "Puddle Jumper". Too bad there isn't a Juvenile Frog to tame. {pokes Gaile ;)}


Hint: He is pining for the fjords ... ;)

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