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Changes to Conditions from Dec Patch is step in right direction


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> @"Tzozef.9841" said:

> Overall it's working.


> This is BALANCE, the balance we need. Thank you


> Reducing Condition Burst and increasing Duration is the right move, much more balanced


In some way, I can agree.


In some other way, I'm also seeing the return of massive stunlock gank builds... I'm not really sure a stun+power burst that downs you in 2 seconds whatever stunbreaker you use is really much of an improvement compared to a condi burst that downs you in 2 seconds whatever cleanses you use.

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Yea, I agree. But condi cleanse is still an issue. Scourge can corrupt boons to Condis way faster than you cleanse them.


Now just step forward and make further changes.


> @"ThomasC.1056" said:


> In some way, I can agree.


> In some other way, I'm also seeing the return of massive stunlock gank builds... I'm not really sure a stun+power burst that downs you in 2 seconds whatever stunbreaker you use is really much of an improvement compared to a condi burst that downs you in 2 seconds whatever cleanses you use.


In comparison, Stun locks need skills, applying 8 condis on you just by pressing f1-5, so much skill needed.

I’d prefer that stun lock than condi bomb


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Its a start, it is NOWHERE near the level it needs to be. How they nerfed weak condi builds (Ele, base engi and such) but buffed Condi Mirage i dont know. They are about 10% of the way to go in order to get condition builds to be balanced enough to make losing against one not feel like you have lost to a build rather than a player.

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Yes it's a good step in the right direction and I'm glad they're taking it slow. This is a way better approach than a sudden huge change and I think with some tweaks to condi clears and maybe some tweaks to resistance we'll be in a good spot.


Resistance in my opinion should be a Buff like Alacrity while having it's duration reduced drastically, it should act more like a dodge roll for conditions instead of beeing a god mode with limited time. That way it would not be able to get corrupted, which makes it more reliable, but would also be reduced to dodging huge spikes of condi damage instead of just ignoring them for a while altogether

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> @"Tzozef.9841" said:

>Changes to Conditions from Dec Patch is step in right direction

Makes you wonder though why there's stats booster for prolonging condi duration in game - something is going very wrong here. And in my opinion, nonetheless that it might be/is a step into the right direction, they're again trying to patch the symptoms and still don't get to the root of it all and that's the sad thing.


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> @"ThomasC.1056" said:

> In some other way, I'm also seeing the return of massive stunlock gank builds... I'm not really sure a stun+power burst that downs you in 2 seconds whatever stunbreaker you use is really much of an improvement compared to a condi burst that downs you in 2 seconds whatever cleanses you use.

I've been noticing this too, but i think this is a result of the patch changes. There are certain players who will play gank builds no matter what, and the changes seem to be pushing them back to power-based stunlock builds.


> @"len.7809" said:

> In comparison, Stun locks need skills, applying 8 condis on you just by pressing f1-5, so much skill needed.

> I’d prefer that stun lock than condi bomb

This. Both can be hard to deal with (especially if the enemy surprises you) but I'd rather face a stunlock build over the pre-patch condi burst builds. Overall I agree that the changes are positive for WvW.



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> @"len.7809" said:

> Yea, I agree. But condi cleanse is still an issue. Scourge can corrupt boons to Condis way faster than you cleanse them.


> Now just step forward and make further changes.


> > @"ThomasC.1056" said:


> > In some way, I can agree.

> >

> > In some other way, I'm also seeing the return of massive stunlock gank builds... I'm not really sure a stun+power burst that downs you in 2 seconds whatever stunbreaker you use is really much of an improvement compared to a condi burst that downs you in 2 seconds whatever cleanses you use.


> In comparison, Stun locks need skills, applying 8 condis on you just by pressing f1-5, so much skill needed.

> I’d prefer that stun lock than condi bomb



but gw2 was never ment to be a skilled game... for that u have gw1 and other games.

Remember that Anet said that gw2 will be for players who hate mmo's, these players will love gw2... wich imo can be translated has the players that need to be carried.


Imo the main issue wil continue.. lack of mechanics and hard skill diferences/roles, everything is boon stacking from one side, and the conditions every class have them aoe, on cleaves, it all about stacking as well...

By just thaving the overstacking is the real culprit.. of the awfull and unskilled gameplay gw2 reached.

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In some ways they made conditions do more damage, this is due to how torment works. There are certain conditions you don't want on you for any length of time, and that's torment. It does more damage the more players move around, which is exactly what they do when they get bombed, run around like chickens with their head cut off.


Those who complain about how fast boons get corrupted, just remember, boons can get reapplied just as fast. Scourges still aren't balanced properly, and they wont be until that obstructed message gets reversed or tweaked to not exist anymore.

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With the exception of condition-based mesmers and thieves I don't see conditions being too much of an issue in the small scale.

If the general opinion is that conditions are too potent in larger fights, but alright in small scale skirmishes then the obvious solution is to expand on grifflyman's idea and increase the number of targets condition removal skills effect, and change some personal condition removal skills to also pull a condition off of allies.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> With the exception of condition-based mesmers and thieves I don't see conditions being too much of an issue in the small scale.

> If the general opinion is that conditions are too potent in larger fights, but alright in small scale skirmishes then the obvious solution is to expand on grifflyman's idea and increase the number of targets condition removal skills effect, and change some personal condition removal skills to also pull a condition off of allies.


> ~ Kovu


That would encourage more coordination. A coordinated group would be cleansing more effectively while still keeping damage up.

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> @"Tzozef.9841" said:

> Overall it's working.


> This is BALANCE, the balance we need. Thank you


> Reducing Condition Burst and increasing Duration is the right move, much more balanced


no.. especially not for wvw... now its all rev hammer 2 and rangers pew pewing. My scourge can tag stuff.. but i cant beat any class now one on one.. 200=300 ticks vs 20k hammer = you lose every time.. at least my skills used to hit for 1200 when activated before all condis were cleared over and over.. now i do almost no damage as scourge and reaper is broken becuase of the 67% shroud drain. RIP GW2

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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > @"Tzozef.9841" said:

> > Overall it's working.

> >

> > This is BALANCE, the balance we need. Thank you

> >

> > Reducing Condition Burst and increasing Duration is the right move, much more balanced


> no.. especially not for wvw... now its all rev hammer 2 and rangers pew pewing. My scourge can tag stuff.. but i cant beat any class now one on one.. 200=300 ticks vs 20k hammer = you lose every time.. at least my skills used to hit for 1200 when activated before all condis were cleared over and over.. now i do almost no damage as scourge and reaper is broken becuase of the 67% shroud drain. RIP GW2


Even without the changes, my P/P thief could destroy your scourge 1v1. Please don't use 1v1 as any example of balance for WvW.


There is no solo balance in WvW and never was intended to be, nor SHOULD it be balanced for those engages.


Any ranged class owned scourge 1v1. That was never the issue.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > With the exception of condition-based mesmers and thieves I don't see conditions being too much of an issue in the small scale.

> > If the general opinion is that conditions are too potent in larger fights, but alright in small scale skirmishes then the obvious solution is to expand on grifflyman's idea and increase the number of targets condition removal skills effect, and change some personal condition removal skills to also pull a condition off of allies.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> That would encourage more coordination. A coordinated group would be cleansing more effectively while still keeping damage up.


I really like this idea. One of my favorite builds to play was the "Worker Warrior" - with sword/warhorn, hammer and shouts. Group coordination playing more of a role in group fights is a good thing!

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > > @"Tzozef.9841" said:

> > > Overall it's working.

> > >

> > > This is BALANCE, the balance we need. Thank you

> > >

> > > Reducing Condition Burst and increasing Duration is the right move, much more balanced

> >

> > no.. especially not for wvw... now its all rev hammer 2 and rangers pew pewing. My scourge can tag stuff.. but i cant beat any class now one on one.. 200=300 ticks vs 20k hammer = you lose every time.. at least my skills used to hit for 1200 when activated before all condis were cleared over and over.. now i do almost no damage as scourge and reaper is broken becuase of the 67% shroud drain. RIP GW2


> Even without the changes, my P/P thief could destroy your scourge 1v1. Please don't use 1v1 as any example of balance for WvW.


> There is no solo balance in WvW and never was intended to be, nor SHOULD it be balanced for those engages.


> Any ranged class owned scourge 1v1. That was never the issue.


wasnt meant to be a 1 v 1 disscussion... last night fighting mag, my team and i were getting repeatedly hammer slammed because of all the glass revs they run now.. and they had at least 9 spellbreakers.. They run in.. stealth, drop a chain of bubbles and all hammer into the bubbles... but yeah.. everything is balanced right?



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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > > > @"Tzozef.9841" said:

> > > > Overall it's working.

> > > >

> > > > This is BALANCE, the balance we need. Thank you

> > > >

> > > > Reducing Condition Burst and increasing Duration is the right move, much more balanced

> > >

> > > no.. especially not for wvw... now its all rev hammer 2 and rangers pew pewing. My scourge can tag stuff.. but i cant beat any class now one on one.. 200=300 ticks vs 20k hammer = you lose every time.. at least my skills used to hit for 1200 when activated before all condis were cleared over and over.. now i do almost no damage as scourge and reaper is broken becuase of the 67% shroud drain. RIP GW2

> >

> > Even without the changes, my P/P thief could destroy your scourge 1v1. Please don't use 1v1 as any example of balance for WvW.

> >

> > There is no solo balance in WvW and never was intended to be, nor SHOULD it be balanced for those engages.

> >

> > Any ranged class owned scourge 1v1. That was never the issue.


> wasnt meant to be a 1 v 1 disscussion... last night fighting mag, my team and i were getting repeatedly hammer slammed because of all the glass revs they run now.. and they had at least 9 spellbreakers.. They run in.. stealth, drop a chain of bubbles and all hammer into the bubbles... but yeah.. everything is balanced right?



Ahh. Yeah, that is a tough situation.


Of course those must have been mags link because you know, Mag never blobs... :innocent:


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> @"grifflyman.8102" said:

> Would be nice if they reverted some of the old changes to skills, such as warhorn on warriors only affecting 5 targets when it used to be 10. It also used to convert conditons to boons. You don't see many reasons to really use warhorn on warrior now, unless your group is lacking blasts.


I agree, at present shield is dominant over warhorn. What is cleanse without the ability to survive and use it?

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> @"len.7809" said:

> Yea, I agree. But condi cleanse is still an issue. Scourge can corrupt boons to Condis way faster than you cleanse them.


You're not meant to be able to cleanse all conditions. That's the equivalent of being able to invuln all of a power build's damage.


Conditions are our damage, *you're meant to eat most of them* -- you are not meant to clear most of them.


When my scepter auto is hitting you for 1k condis every impact - that's no different to you being hit for 1k damage from a guard's staff auto attack.


The fact you're even allowed to clean that accumulated damage even once is very generous in itself.



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yeah, its the right way and you will never make 100% balance.... players always find setup which is better then other option...


Now you have scouge mostly for corrupts, some barrier and some condi dmg (not burst), that he exists stopping again mellee train to roll invunerable. Firebrand has now really strong option to give all boons, reflects, heals and also deals some dmg.. i play 3 different stat build ( condi fb, cele, and minstrel...) a u can put on table too much boons to make that unstopable... only one thing what to fear... is WoD from SB, and scourges corrupts...


Meta is shifting for lot of firebrands... some wod sbs, and in backline u have corrupt scouges and hammer revs...

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> @"dzeRnumbrd.6129" said:

> > @"len.7809" said:

> > Yea, I agree. But condi cleanse is still an issue. Scourge can corrupt boons to Condis way faster than you cleanse them.


> You're not meant to be able to cleanse all conditions. That's the equivalent of being able to invuln all of a power build's damage.


> Conditions are our damage, *you're meant to eat most of them* -- you are not meant to clear most of them.


> When my scepter auto is hitting you for 1k condis every impact - that's no different to you being hit for 1k damage from a guard's staff auto attack.


> The fact you're even allowed to clean that accumulated damage even once is very generous in itself.




This game will never be balanced when there are stats that only affect power instead of power n condition like toughness.

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