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German servers on WvW


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> @"Lemoncurry.2345" said:

> Here is a little (tongue-in-cheek) insight on how German servers see each other:


> * Abaddon

> Carried by their night-capping. Almost no threat in a fight. No one likes them.


> * Drakkar

> Carried by their night and morning-capping. Almost no threat in a fight. Basically a PPT-improved version of Abaddon. Therefore bandwaggon-target of dreams of all PPT-oriented German players. No one likes them.


> * Elona

> Totally irrelevant due to dwindling numbers. Kept "full", without a link in t5 by Anet because reasons. Historical arch-enemies of Kodash due to locked MUs in prehistoric times . No one likes them.


> * Kodash

> The wanna-be fighting server. They strive to be like Riverside but ultimately fail. No offtime-PPT whatsoever (apart from holiday-seasons). Historical arch-enemies of Elona due to locked MUs in prehistoric times. No one likes them.


> * Riverside

> Self-proclaimed German fighting server and home of all try-hards. Huge senior citizen morning karma-train. No one likes them.


> * Dzagonur & Millersund

> Alternating transfer-targets for PPT-players wishing to join the respective Drakkar-link. No one likes them.


Best Description ;)

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> @"IceTcK.4358" said:

> Well, here is the status of 2 german servers agaisnt a neutral server in WvW. In the screenshot provided it's pretty visable that the german servers weren't applying any presure to eachother while the 3rd server was getting flipped over and over by a 20+ squad of the blue team. I mean its pretty clear to me that there is an alliance between them.

> https://imgur.com/a/Ttoc8



Worst bs ... most servers these days going 4 easy points thats all .. game mechanics work as intended. WvW still in a saaad state, Made by fools for clowns ..

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> @"tobee.4395" said:

> got to german server 2 months , they hate each other and i think just is active timezone different easy pvd


âctivity in offhours has little to do with timezone. on most servers , if there is a regular lead in a certain offhour for a longer period, there will be lots of people. for instance riversides huge morning karmatrain started with one dude every morning building 10 golems and moving towards SM with a handfull of people now its zone blob for month or years every morning, because there is pretty much allways a lead. some servers got every night a nightlead , they mostly will have lots of people at night baruch bay is a good example for this one they got this Diamond Legend warrior dude that leads nearly every night till early morning, then there is at max like 30min break and then RTK guild lead running around. that is going on like this for a very long time so they got lots of people who come at those times into WvW, last time against em they had often more people at night then during the day.

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> Saturday in the late afternoon: Two zergs, one red and one blue attack home and take the map from left and right, only to battle it out in the mf.


Damn I wish I could have seen that. It pose so many questions.


How did they all fit within the mystic forge?

Was it a spur of the moment thing or did each commander actually want to cap the mystic forge?

Was it like... standard zerg fighting... or undress everything and splash the waters in the mystic forge on each others wet bodies?

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> @"Lemoncurry.2345" said:

> mf = mittelfeste = literally middle fortress = garrison

> Useless fact: it's garni (garnison = garrison) on kodash and everybody who says "mf" here has a hamster as a mother and smells of elderberries (and is probably from Riverside)!

> You are welcome.



I bet you name Henry as Klaus or something too...

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I play on Kodash and i'm part of their so called "Community" for a while now. Let me give you my 2 cents about those "server alliances":


> @"Lemoncurry.2345" said:

> *snip*

> * Kodash

> The wanna-be fighting server. They strive to be like Riverside but ultimately fail. No offtime-PPT whatsoever (apart from holiday-seasons). Historical arch-enemies of Elona due to locked MUs in prehistoric times. No one likes them.

> *snip*


That is so painfully true ^^

But we (Kodash) do have "offtime-PPT" but we are far outnumbered everytime. I mean what genius thought it would be a good idea to pit us against servers that are populated 24/7? Elona and Kodash have "night time guilds" that flip objectives, but theire numbers dwindle due to being overrun by enemies when the Community goes to sleep. Instead of getting fighting people we should have looked for more "around the clock" coverage. But what do you expect when the "Comunity-Elite" is only interested in PPK?


> @"Buy Some Apples.6390" said:

> German servers play for PPT, they will avoid fights unless they greatly outnumber you.


That is not entirely true. the"Community-Elite" only want one thing: to fight

They dont give a kitten about ppt. in fact they even actively ignore it. they rather throw the enemy heave loot bags in their faces instead of defending a t3 tower or the t3 garrison. And if they do help, it's mostly at the last second. This goes mainly for GvG Action. That changed a bit in the last weeks, but it is still leaning more towards "we wanna fight and not defend". Public Zergs look for fights too, but are far more likely to help defending objectives.


So Yes. Kodash is not liked by other german servers and we dont like them either. We even have nice nicknames for Drakar-Lake players. we call them "Drakarlaken" which is a play on words -> Drakkar-Lake sounds similiar to the german word for "cockroach" (Kakerlake) ^^





A little bit off-topic:


Oh and one more thing: The atmosphere is beyond toxic. From what i heard it seems to be normal for all servers, But i think Kodash takes it one level further:

It goes so far that many of us deactivate the Team-Chat and/or use an alterternative TeamSpeak-Server. We have trolls, idiots who think they're funny, harsh commentary about certain "useless" classes. If you do not play the build that the Commander wants you to play, you dont get a place in the squad. And dear god, whatever you do, do not use Skill X while plaing as Class Y! Even though it might be much more useful to do so... Either play our useless build or GTFO (this reaction happend two time in the last month).

Being forced to use TeamSpeak to even get a place in the squad is something i can tolerate, though it can be counterproductive at times. I see enough Squads with no one using TeamSpeak and they usually get kitten done better than squads with it...


Our "unofficial" community motto is: "If you do not have the same opinion, then you are against us!". Even me writing all this will most likely result in me being banned from our community or at least be the target for mockery by the "Community-Elite"


For all that might not get my drift: "Community-Elite" is sarcasm. It refers to those who think of themselves as the most skilled/popular/gods of WvW. We have plenty of them. Some of them already transferred to other servers to grace them with their presence ;)

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> @"Seductive.5741" said:

> > @"Lemoncurry.2345" said:

> > Here is a little (tongue-in-cheek) insight on how German servers see each other:

> >

> > * Abaddon

> > Carried by their night-capping. Almost no threat in a fight. No one likes them.

> >

> > * Drakkar

> > Carried by their night and morning-capping. Almost no threat in a fight. Basically a PPT-improved version of Abaddon. Therefore bandwaggon-target of dreams of all PPT-oriented German players. No one likes them.

> >

> > * Elona

> > Totally irrelevant due to dwindling numbers. Kept "full", without a link in t5 by Anet because reasons. Historical arch-enemies of Kodash due to locked MUs in prehistoric times . No one likes them.

> >

> > * Kodash

> > The wanna-be fighting server. They strive to be like Riverside but ultimately fail. No offtime-PPT whatsoever (apart from holiday-seasons). Historical arch-enemies of Elona due to locked MUs in prehistoric times. No one likes them.

> >

> > * Riverside

> > Self-proclaimed German fighting server and home of all try-hards. Huge senior citizen morning karma-train. No one likes them.

> >

> > * Dzagonur & Millersund

> > Alternating transfer-targets for PPT-players wishing to join the respective Drakkar-link. No one likes them.


> Best Description ;)


u know, u can do it better ..

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> @"Lemoncurry.2345" said:

> mf = mittelfeste = literally middle fortress = garrison

> Useless fact: it's garni (garnison = garrison) on kodash and everybody who says "mf" here has a hamster as a mother and smells of elderberries (and is probably from Riverside)!

> You are welcome.


Thanks for the clarification. I am neither from Kodash or Riverside(Millers Sound), and I also don´t really care if we are strung on Drakkar or Abbadon. Drakkar people have always been nicer to me than Abbadonian wvwers though.


I also don´t know one Klaus or an Henry. ;)

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > @"Lemoncurry.2345" said:

> > mf = mittelfeste = literally middle fortress = garrison

> > Useless fact: it's garni (garnison = garrison) on kodash and everybody who says "mf" here has a hamster as a mother and smells of elderberries (and is probably from Riverside)!

> > You are welcome.


> Thanks for the clarification. I am neither from Kodash or Riverside(Millers Sound), and I also don´t really care if we are strung on Drakkar or Abbadon. Drakkar people have always been nicer to me than Abbadonian wvwers though.


> I also don´t know one Klaus or an Henry. ;)

Nah as someone above said it was neither, it was Bärbel. Which I will assume translates to bear balls.

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> @"Buy Some Apples.6390" said:

> German servers play for PPT, they will avoid fights unless they greatly outnumber you.


> So if you are against 2 german servers and one of them attacks one of your towers, the other will see this as an opportunity to attack one of your other towers on the other side of the map as an easy cap.


the only 2 Server that are really good in fighting and searching for fights are FSP and vabbi. all other EU Servers, and BB and French servers are same ppt-heroes like german Servers. dodge fights and build ACs until world Ends. i saw that from SFR, Deso, Piken Gandara etc...


and vabbi and fsp are also only blob Servers like every wvw Server today. never saw any roamers. onyl Groups with Minimum of 10 People...


its a General Problem of wvw that was created with world linking. because anet killed small scale with their linkings that can blob 24/7. before linkings, playerr numbers where smaller in lowert iers and you could roam way better because you werent outnumbered all the time as roamer...

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On reset day and saturday we try to fight with BB and piken. All servers had 50+ players on boarders, so it would be a equal fight.

After over 2 hours we had ONE fight, that s all.

What they do is run away, hide, port, run away, build AC, run away, flee, port, hide, run away.....


After 2 days we give up and only do dailys and u-buff hunting.

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