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Loss of a Wonderful Player (Jakket)

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Today we had a touching memorial for a loved member of the GW2 community. Darcy AKA Jakket, was 72 years young and has been playing guild wars for 11 years. She was always helpful and a great commander. She lead many squads against the world bosses and always was victorious.

Jakket (Darcy) will be missed by everyone who knew her.


Please leave your thoughts and memories

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Jakket/ Whaff/ Darcy earned her title "God walking amongst mortals."


For 2 years or so Darcy lead the Karka farm as Whaff, then showed up in Sparkfly Fen to lead a happy group of regulars and new comers alike through their daily Tequatil routine. She was the person that people are talking about when they praise the GW2 community.


She helped those around her, she would give her practical, no non sense advice to anyone who needed a friend , a shoulder. Anyone who seemed in trouble, she would do what she could to help them through the situation. I have seen her buy things for people in real life who were desperate. I have seen her speak to others who were going through tough times, and really and comfort them.


She did all of this and remained unaffected, she let everyone be themselves.


She taught me to show up everyday, and be myself. Be kind, don't make other's people's drama your own. Be where you want to be, others like you will be there too. We create the world we want by being it.


I offer a petiton to ANET for a dedicated Asuran female NPC character from Jakket at Sparkly Fen, with a nice and charming shout, just like "Thank you friends, see you tomorrow". It will be a nice memory to Her.


I will miss you .

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Hi folks! I'ts Mittzz here,


I've been playing Guild Wars 2 since a few months after release, thick or thin. I've been playing MMORPGs since their inception, and RPGs going back into the 1970s. I've met hundreds of people, been part of wonderful communities, and formed true friendships from these pursuits.


I've never met anyone quite like Jakket. She wasn't just a part of the community that was around her, she MADE the community that was around her.


She ran and commanded Karka Queen as Whaff, ran and commanded Tequatl as Jakket, and did Raids with myself, my wife, and what seems like an endless family of Brazilians. She did countless other things in game and real life to help her community. As far as I'm concerned, it's people like Jakket that make games like Guild Wars 2 work.


She deserves a cookie, a medal, a memorial. She deserves respect, recognition, love, admiration. She deserves a story, a legend, an epic tale.

Myself, and a host of others, even dream of an eternal NPC.


Thank you Jakket, thank you for befriending my wife and thus myself. Thank you for the hundreds of hours we spent together, wether chatting or wordlessly sipping coffee or tea while farming in tandem, or working as a team. Thank you Jakket, and Whaff, and Darcy, thank you for being you.

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Farevell to a great and kind person, yes, we will miss you.

I offer a petiton to ANET for a dedicated Asuran Girl NPC character from Jakket at Sparkly Fen, with a nice and charming shout, just like "Thank you friends, see you tomorrow". It will be a nice memory to Her.

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> @"solo.2519" said:

> Farevell to a great and kind person, yes, we will miss you.

> I offer a petiton to ANET for a dedicated Asuran Girl NPC character from Jakket at Sparkly Fen, with a nice and charming shout, just like "Thank you friends, see you tomorrow". It will be a nice memory to Her.


Agree, nothing's better than this.


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It has been my honor to present her memorial.


With an overflowing memorial squad within a large gathering, the crowd was emotional.

Touching words from many giving testimony of how Jakket affected them.


Darcy was more than a player.

She was an active community builder in a way I have never seen in my many years adventuring mmos.

An exceptional individual who's every action was pure, wise and compassionate.

It made her very presence a signal and inspiration to everyone around her to be the best they could be.


Jakket had an impressive knack to know what to say, when to say it, as well as when to say nothing at all.

She elevated people around her to an exquisite standard of decency, competency and a touch of silly.


Her commitment and dedication to lead the in game events she did is enough to consider her remarkable.

But it's the way she did it that truly demands she be honored and remembered as a legendary player, if there ever was one.


To say she has the respect and admiration of the regulars of the Tequatl event she lead for so long would be the least.

Beloved is a more appropriate description of how many feel about her.

For those regulars any recognition ANET could bestow upon Jakket would be of high significance and greatly appreciated.


And so I wholeheartedly endorse the proposed petition:

A dedicated Asuran female NPC character from Jakket at Sparkly Fen, with a nice and charming shout, just like "Thank you friends, see you tomorrow".


It would be most appropriate she left a mark in the game as she did in our hearts.

This commemoration would be cherished for years to come.


Thank you for your consideration.


And thank you Darcy

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I have known Darcy for 2 and a half years, first at running our guilds daily Teq and Triple Trouble. Later when our guild stopped doing Teq daily, she set up her own daily Teq and brought a wonderful group of players together. She always there, encouraging players to join her setting up defenses for Teq. I will miss loading into the Sparkfly Fen map and see the familiar blue commander tag busy organising. Thank you for our wonderful time together, my friend. <3

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will miss Jakket' s welcome whenever I entered Sparkfly Fen for Tec, I will miss the banter, the well oiled machine, and the always there on T4 - which she explained so thoroughly to me when I asked. I only saw this today and am deeply saddened as I have not been to Tec in awhile, and the expectation that when I got into "her" map today and looked for her, that I found out the news of her passing ... My condolences to her friends and family, know that she touched many lives xx

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