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Revenant the only class without a great/meta tier build


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I would like to point out 2 things:

- rev was made to sell HoT. Once that goal was achieved, rev's role became obsolete (just look at underwater combat). It also doesn't help that Anet nerfed wars/thieves at begin of xpac to artificially create demand for revs. In long run, rev has to compete with those classes for the spot in the match, so we will always have issue of either revs being stupidly broken and replacing those 2 or revs being obsolete because those 2 can fill the spot of bruiser/roamer (not to mention mes can fill it too). In short, rev has no role.

- rev's weakness is condis, which is ok on paper, however as long as scourge/mirage dominate pvp, we won't see many revs.


I really wish they have never introduced rev to the game. Would save a lot of players a lot of struggle and frustration.

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i spent 200g for character slot. I tried Spellbreaker in pvp and then tried Rev. Rev had cool animations but was useless. I could not jump into 5v5 fights , could not find much condi cleanses, poor choice of escapes. I felt useless against mirage, necromancer. I just did not get role of revenant in pvp. I understand that this was my 1st time, but guardian/warrior were much easier to handle. I will not try rev class in pvp ever again. High risks with no rewards.



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Rev is great in pvp i just played 10 games with my rev and won 9 of them. You don't need a meta build to be good please just learn to play the class,

Just because people aren't posting builds or you can't see it on a website doesn't make it an unviable class.


Please learn to use the class.

I'm also able to pull 14k dps average on 100cm with a 1day old rev in gaurdian grieving gear (balth. runes etc) as i was not sure that was gonna stick with the class when i leveled it up (using tomes) i was pleasantly surprised how well this class performs in spvp/fotm cms, i have yet to go to a raid on this yet as of now i just converted my gear to berserkers and made and ascended mace ill get back to you guys on my findings on that.


Overall i Revs are great at what they do and a power house in spvp as far what i can see garentee'd protection to your team is pretty OP.

I legit thought revs were bad till i played on then after playing it i have got to see you guys need learn to play.


Yep, i'm Spvp gold

Yep, i have fotm cms on farm everyday

Yes, i do raid

Yes, I have been playing for awhile





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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Power rev's damage is insane. I was running a menders druid with 21k health and a revenant using s/s hit me 3 times when I was at full health and I died.


Holosmith can, **from stealth**, chain a natural cc combo which if the first attacks connects and you don't have a breakstun on hand kills a full HP marauder Herald in less than 3 seconds. That's on par with HoT Herald release damage (but Revs never got access to stealth).

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  • 1 month later...

Revenant is pretty close to being an S tier meta spec I'm honestly surprised the balance team didn't go that extra bit last balance patch to make it happen. A couple sustain changes here and there and revenant would have been a very healthy replacement for the old explosives dodge roll holo spec especially since that spec got nerfed and replaced with a more side node oriented role. If they did give them the necessary sustain only thing I'd like to see changed is sword 4 off hand dmg reduction OR a more obvious tell.

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Maybe rev mains will get a small token buff or ability kinda like how thief is still played because of shortbow 5 and a couple other mobility abiilities. We go fetch points... maybe you could be the water boy? We can then sit together and watch while the loved classes get to skirmish. Or maybe you find some ridiculous animation cancel ping pong rotation that makes u kind of viable.... but not preferred. yeah ... welcome to this side of balance.

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> @"Zyllias.9538" said:

> Rev can't even disengage a fight with Shiro, its mobility is compete by many classes.



This is more of a bug than anything else. RS is extremely inconsistent and bases "behind you" on where your character is facing, but getting hit with certain skills seems to bug this out and change it to camera facing. Really RS should just operate like a dodge and go where you are moving since anets programming team apparently can't get this skill to work right.


The truth is Revenant simply needs better defense. The class has mobility, has utility, and actually has extremely good damage. The problem is a lack of good counter measures against certain cheese tactics - mainly condi spam. Easiest way to buff Rev would just be flat buffs to invocation. Cleansing channel - 2 conditions. improved healing or protection access somewhere - done, Rev viable again. And for Renegade, just give it sustain.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > @"Zyllias.9538" said:

> > Rev can't even disengage a fight with Shiro, its mobility is compete by many classes.

> >


> This is more of a bug than anything else. RS is extremely inconsistent and bases "behind you" on where your character is facing, but getting hit with certain skills seems to bug this out and change it to camera facing. Really RS should just operate like a dodge and go where you are moving since anets programming team apparently can't get this skill to work right.


> The truth is Revenant simply needs better defense. The class has mobility, has utility, and actually has extremely good damage. The problem is a lack of good counter measures against certain cheese tactics - mainly condi spam. Easiest way to buff Rev would just be flat buffs to invocation. Cleansing channel - 2 conditions. improved healing or protection access somewhere - done, Rev viable again. And for Renegade, just give it sustain.


Yes you are right, but i tried invocation and appeal me less than devastation because this one has brutality and i can have quickness in both legends, not only shiro. On weapon swap its really Deadly, i use the rune of the warrior. While invocation with retribution using Jalis/Shiro (because i dont play glint, i really dont like, i don't know how viable it must be for high end reve but for me its like this) would give me more defense, i would lack of offensive efficacity without devastation, there must be added some condi cleansing somewhere beside invocation wich has only one condi cleanse on legend swap, and maybe improve invocation or retribution.


Edit: Song of the Mists must proc without having to hit targets and with higher buffs.

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> @"Zyllias.9538" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > @"Zyllias.9538" said:

> > > Rev can't even disengage a fight with Shiro, its mobility is compete by many classes.

> > >

> >

> > This is more of a bug than anything else. RS is extremely inconsistent and bases "behind you" on where your character is facing, but getting hit with certain skills seems to bug this out and change it to camera facing. Really RS should just operate like a dodge and go where you are moving since anets programming team apparently can't get this skill to work right.

> >

> > The truth is Revenant simply needs better defense. The class has mobility, has utility, and actually has extremely good damage. The problem is a lack of good counter measures against certain cheese tactics - mainly condi spam. Easiest way to buff Rev would just be flat buffs to invocation. Cleansing channel - 2 conditions. improved healing or protection access somewhere - done, Rev viable again. And for Renegade, just give it sustain.


> Yes you are right, but i tried invocation and appeal me less than devastation because this one has brutality and i can have quickness in both legends, not only shiro. On weapon swap its really Deadly, i use the rune of the warrior. While invocation with retribution using Jalis/Shiro (because i dont play glint, i really dont like, i don't know how viable it must be for high end reve but for me its like this) would give me more defense, i would lack of offensive efficacity without devastation, there must be added some condi cleansing somewhere beside invocation wich has only one condi cleanse on legend swap, and maybe improve invocation or retribution.


> Edit: Song of the Mists must proc without having to hit targets and with higher buffs.


Just FYI Brutality has a 9 second ICD so the 8 second weapon swapping (which is why you took warrior rune, I'd imagine) won't really work the way you think.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Zyllias.9538" said:

> > > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > > > @"Zyllias.9538" said:

> > > > Rev can't even disengage a fight with Shiro, its mobility is compete by many classes.

> > > >

> > >

> > > This is more of a bug than anything else. RS is extremely inconsistent and bases "behind you" on where your character is facing, but getting hit with certain skills seems to bug this out and change it to camera facing. Really RS should just operate like a dodge and go where you are moving since anets programming team apparently can't get this skill to work right.

> > >

> > > The truth is Revenant simply needs better defense. The class has mobility, has utility, and actually has extremely good damage. The problem is a lack of good counter measures against certain cheese tactics - mainly condi spam. Easiest way to buff Rev would just be flat buffs to invocation. Cleansing channel - 2 conditions. improved healing or protection access somewhere - done, Rev viable again. And for Renegade, just give it sustain.

> >

> > Yes you are right, but i tried invocation and appeal me less than devastation because this one has brutality and i can have quickness in both legends, not only shiro. On weapon swap its really Deadly, i use the rune of the warrior. While invocation with retribution using Jalis/Shiro (because i dont play glint, i really dont like, i don't know how viable it must be for high end reve but for me its like this) would give me more defense, i would lack of offensive efficacity without devastation, there must be added some condi cleansing somewhere beside invocation wich has only one condi cleanse on legend swap, and maybe improve invocation or retribution.

> >

> > Edit: Song of the Mists must proc without having to hit targets and with higher buffs.


> Just FYI Brutality has a 9 second ICD so the 8 second weapon swapping (which is why you took warrior rune, I'd imagine) won't really work the way you think.


well actually it still gives me better opportunity to be prepared and swapping weapon the right time.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > Rev is fine and needs nothing

> > >

> > > shh don't tell the truth

> >

> > fixed for accuracy


> You're alone in your badly informed opinion so I hardly see how you tell the "truth"


I guess Naru pretty much saying it's A tier just went over your head.


Seems certain players can't perform on classes unless that class is broken OP.

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> @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > Rev is fine and needs nothing

> > > >

> > > > shh don't tell the truth

> > >

> > > fixed for accuracy

> >

> > You're alone in your badly informed opinion so I hardly see how you tell the "truth"


> I guess Naru pretty much saying it's A tier just went over your head.


> Seems certain players can't perform on classes unless that class is broken OP.


That's why we see so many revenants in ranked and top 250, and so many posts thanking Anet for finally fixing revenant's problems from the last 3 patches /s


Helseth also said scepter Mesmer would be OP when they added conditions to autos. Pardon me if I don't give a fuck what some DH main said.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > > Rev is fine and needs nothing

> > > > >

> > > > > shh don't tell the truth

> > > >

> > > > fixed for accuracy

> > >

> > > You're alone in your badly informed opinion so I hardly see how you tell the "truth"

> >

> > I guess Naru pretty much saying it's A tier just went over your head.

> >

> > Seems certain players can't perform on classes unless that class is broken OP.


> That's why we see so many revenants in ranked and top 250, and so many posts thanking Anet for finally fixing revenant's problems from the last 3 patches /s


> Helseth also said scepter Mesmer would be OP when they added conditions to autos. Pardon me if I don't give a kitten what some DH main said.


We've been through this before you and I.


It seems your problem with Rev is that it isn't broken OP. Maybe all the past success you had with the class was it being over tuned? I mean we had "pro" revs like months after HoT dropped destroying pro's with 3yrs exp on their mains....that's all personal skill right?




The problem with Rev is it was broken OP for far too long and the players who "main" it, aka FoTM it, got used to that. So they believe that Rev should always be that strong. Now that it's not and it can't carry those players you are seeing complaints that it's too weak. When the reality is it's fine.


The REAL issue is your skill level not the class.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > people pay attention to metabattle?!


> Devs do, as far as Quaggan knows, and for example Rev has pretty high rating (91%) on metabattle, which doesn't make any sense.


you mean no rev is in the meta or great builds only in the goods one with score of 70.....

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