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Ranked not worth the time


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Tried my hand at ranked after a few months away from the cesspool. Yup just as i remembered it's not worth the time. Last time i played ranked i was T2 plat like seasons 5,6 7. The issue tho is pvp is soo stale with circle dancing pvp combined with the out of control match manipulation that still goes on. Lots of matches these days where its 4v5 or 5v4 Everytime i hear someone is on a "alt" account for pvp. i take it as they are a cheating loser. Who needs a alt account for pvp unless it's to cheat?


You need to test a build there is unranked, need more toons? Buy a character slot.


Unless anet deals with the pve hunter, afk, bot, and match manipulator problem. PvP in gw2 will stay sub par and non competitive.


Unward back to unranked while all the trash is in the ranked play que.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Tried my hand at ranked after a few months away from the cesspool. Yup just as i remembered it's not worth the time. Last time i played ranked i was T2 plat like seasons 5,6 7. The issue tho is pvp is soo stale with circle dancing pvp combined with the out of control match manipulation that still goes on. Lots of matches these days where its 4v5 or 5v4 Everytime i hear someone is on a "alt" account for pvp. i take it as they are a cheating loser. Who needs a alt account for pvp unless it's to cheat?


> You need to test a build there is unranked, need more toons? Buy a character slot.


> Unless anet deals with the pve hunter, afk, bot, and match manipulator problem. PvP in gw2 will stay sub par and non competitive.


> Unward back to unranked while all the trash is in the ranked play que.


Ever think people with alts that que ranked in spvp also want that account to obtain one of the top 250 titles as well otherwise ascended shards of glory currency to acquire gear on that account.

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Okay, have fun with the quality matches in unranked then while I play with "trash" players like Sind, Zan, Sizer, Boyce etc. in Ranked.


Also there is quite a few reasons for alt accs in Ranked, one of them being bad matches off peak that punish Legend/Plat T3 Players with 20-30 Rating losses while rewarding 1-5 rating for wins. The wintrading/match manipulation problem is also blown out of proportion, often as excuse by players who don't get a ranking that satisfies their ego. Most players in the top spots are really good players (and some got carried by a lucky winstreak + a strong meta spec (i.e. Scourge). That's not to say there is no wintrading, but I see no evidence for it being as prevalent as many "anti-pvpers" claim.

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Oh i do :) thank you. Even when there is a 5 man premade vs me and 4 randoms i can carry pretty well with a few baddies and win all my 1v1 or 1v2 matchups. Lol Sind is a joke no idea who the rest are. The "top" players on the laderboard haven't ment much since season 4. I'm sorry but playing a toon that is the fastest toon in the game (thief bow 5) on a game mode where skill isnt required but speedy toons are doesn't make you top or good hahaha. Running faster and decapping everything may win the game but that doesn't mean you are skillful. Noly way to prove a top from this uncompetitive mess would be to do a 1v1 tournament.


Aye kiddos circle dancing conquest has failed ESL and hince it's not a competitive mode. When you play a game and it's a instant win for the team with 2 thief mobile players vs a team with none. That isn't a skill based game, that is a speed dance game. Too bad we havent had some actual pvp maps besides a crapped together courtyard tdm map

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A lot of people seem to know how to "circle dance", when in reality their failure in Conquest stems from their failure to rotate. ;)


Dueling skill is distant from rotating skill. Rotating takes in consideration: your role in the game, others roles in the game, the role of the enemies for the game, map-specific objectives, spawn points, terrain, and mechanical strategy e.g. baiting, luring, portal plays, kiting...

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> A lot of people seem to know how to "circle dance", when in reality their failure in Conquest stems from their failure to rotate. ;)


> Dueling skill is distant from rotating skill. Rotating takes in consideration: your role in the game, others roles in the game, the role of the enemies for the game, map-specific objectives, spawn points, terrain, and mechanical strategy e.g. baiting, luring, portal plays, kiting...


Yeah but unless everyone runs a build that rotates that means you take a chance at not having a speedy toon on your team. Oh no i mean circle dance as in the dace between the 3 circles too. Conq is just too zzzZZZzzz to even bother time with. I get my enjoyment from tears and good 1v1 fights in unranked, and hey I'm not forced to just reroll a fast toon to "roatate" with and decap. I can use what i want to use and so can others if it's stronghold or TDM. Speed doesnt matter in those 2 unless you want to be caught alone.


See this is why TDM will always be the correct and superior pvp. It's simple and works. Kill them win, Be killed by them then lose. Simple

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