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Thanks for removing the downvote option.


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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> > > I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?

> >

> > If someone disagrees with you, they can post a comment that says "I disagree with you" and you and them can discuss it... giving your post a down vote anonymously is the exact opposite of open communication.


> You're demonstrating exactly what the thumbs down button was good for. No matter how often someone responds with a well worded, respectful and convincing argument that counters your point, you will reply with the exact same countered argument until people stop caring about responding and nothing is gained.


> At the very least, you could save time with a singular click.


very well said and not only that maybe even saved a person from getting infracted or banned for it too . even if they was on topic and points was correct . as well as saving time with just one click on a vote down or vote up or helpful vote . the way he is going on about it proves your points even more so .

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @ThePlayMaker.1058 said:

> > > I disagree with this choice. Transparency is important in facilitating open, honest discussion. Removing any sort of negative feedback is kitten, how else will we get a good idea of people who disagree with something?

> >

> > If someone disagrees with you, they can post a comment that says "I disagree with you" and you and them can discuss it... giving your post a down vote anonymously is the exact opposite of open communication.


> You're demonstrating exactly what the thumbs down button was good for. No matter how often someone responds with a well worded, respectful and convincing argument that counters your point, you will reply with the exact same countered argument until people stop caring about responding and nothing is gained.


> At the very least, you could save time with a singular click.


Leo gets it. Have a thumbs up, Leo!

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > There is no point in thumbs up without thumbs down.... It become s simply a ego stroke without thumbs down. And thumbs down did not actually do anything, just as thumbs up does nothing, people are crying "abuse" but really these people are worried about their own petty egos, who cares if people down voted your post, typically there was a reason for it beyond "they did not like me".

> And now people are going to actually tell you that reason, unless they're too lazy to do more than simply perform a useless dismissive click.


Well if an overly sensitive, poster is too lazy, vindictive, or incapable of understanding a written counterpoint, but can understand a thumbs down, what does that say about those opposed to thumbs down? Because i can assure you, those that did want thumbs down to go likely felt what it meant to be thumbs downed more than the posters that wanted it to stay.

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> @Kravick.4906 said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > I do not care that someone disagrees with me.


Perhaps you do care that people disagree with you. If you want those who disagree to be held to a different, more stringent standard than those who agree. If you want to limit the means by which others express their disagreement then you seem to be showing that you do care.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> Perhaps you do care that people disagree with you. If you want those who disagree to be held to a different, more stringent standard than those who agree. If you want to limit the means by which others express their disagreement then you seem to be showing that you do care.


Perhaps you misunderstood. I said that I don't care that people disagree with me **so long as they give a reason.** The down vote button served no purpose other than to anonymously enforce the hugbox mentality mentioned. This is a discussion forum. We are here to have discussions and semi-public discourse regarding topics involving GW2. Not play childish games of whos popular or not.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

Seriously, it's not that difficult to see why allowing downvoting is a bad idea that creates more problems than it solves.


> @Kravick.4906 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > Perhaps you do care that people disagree with you. If you want those who disagree to be held to a different, more stringent standard than those who agree. If you want to limit the means by which others express their disagreement then you seem to be showing that you do care.


> Perhaps you misunderstood. I said that I don't care that people disagree with me **so long as they give a reason.** The down vote button served no purpose other than to anonymously enforce the hugbox mentality mentioned. This is a discussion forum. We are here to have discussions and semi-public discourse regarding topics involving GW2. Not play childish games of whos popular or not.


And, as I stated previously, you do not seem to hold those who agree with you to the same standard (no requirement that they justify their opinion to you ). If you hold one group to a different standard than another then you are making it clear that you do care when people disagree with you.


Now, if you advocated for the removal of the thumbs up (and perhaps even helpful) option because you someone agreeing with you should have to publicly explain their agreement, then it would be believable.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > Great, "now you cannot show that you disagree with me, instead you can only agree!" do me a favour and remove the thumb up option, please. I really really dislike the people who don't possess the mental fortitude required to accept that some people just wont agree with them. Do your job Darwinism, PLEASE.


> You can totally show that you disagree with something ... by making a post and saying so. Like I'm doing here. The Thumbs Down concept is simply a way for people to troll you and NOT explain why. It's pretty cowardly IMO.


You're only saying that because, before the removal, you likely had the most thumbs down of any user on the forums. And the people who were down voting you were explaining why.

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > Great, "now you cannot show that you disagree with me, instead you can only agree!" do me a favour and remove the thumb up option, please. I really really dislike the people who don't possess the mental fortitude required to accept that some people just wont agree with them. Do your job Darwinism, PLEASE.


> You can totally show that you disagree with something ... by making a post and saying so. Like I'm doing here. The Thumbs Down concept is simply a way for people to troll you and NOT explain why. It's pretty cowardly IMO.


There are two problems with making a post to say you disagree with something:

1. You spam up the thread with "Holy kittens please no" posts. Like this one! I'm very disappointed at the removal of thumbs down. For exactly the reason that VaaCrow stated, though perhaps I would not have phrased it that way.

2. You make the forums just look like a bunch of agreeing sycophants. FAR more people will press the "thumbs up!" button to agree with something, than will bother to make a post. Heh, I don't even really want to make this post. My viewpoint does not need explaining, this is taking far more effort and time out of my day to simply say "I disagree". You get a skewed result of a lot of "I agree!" without allowing anyone who doesn't agree to have the same ease to chime in, and thus most won't.


There is nothing cowardly about simply disagreeing. There is nothing cowardly about a LOT of people disagreeing. And an explanation is not always needed, it is *usually* fairly obvious.

It is absolutely not trolling to have a LOT of people dislike a single post. It is you saying something that a significant number of people don't like. *Get over it.* No one agrees with anyone 100% of the time, and sometimes we have some extremely unpopular opinions. And if one person is actually trolling - say, following a particular person around and down voting every single post they make - then that's what report functions and forum moderators are for. You'll notice it, and the mods can see (and fix) it.

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