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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > >

> > > If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.

> > >

> > Because it's their job, and Anet is the company they work for?

> > I don't have a reddit account, and don't plan on ever registering for one. I'd like to hear official comments about the game on the OFFICIAL forums for the game.

> >

> >


> Nope. being on the forums is not their job. Unless you know something I don't, Anet devs were not hired to post on the forums. Their job is to make a game. That's what their job is. Talking to you or me? Not their job. I don't really care if anyone has or doesn't have a reddit account, but if someone tried to tell me that I couldn't post on the forum of my choice in my off hours, I'd tell them where to go.


You're completely missing the point. The problem is not posting on Reddit. It's that they DON'T post on their own forums. But, on Reddit official statements are made.


Official statements should ONLY be made on their own forums or other official communications mediums.

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Now, I don't want us to forget the flip side of this: these "official" forums can get pretty heated at times. For someone pouring their life into creating a masterpiece, it can be pretty demoralizing to get blasted when it first comes out. I'm not a creative person, but I've worked with quite a few over the years, and their spirit can be crushed by negative statements made about their creation.


So, if they DID post here, there would have to be some toning down of the conversations. ;)

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > No one at Anet owes you a response on the forum.

> >

> > I think they do.

> >

> > But, even if they don't, if they're going to post anywhere, it should be here.


> The forum is mainly for users to talk about the game. It's also a place for Anet to place information that they feel is necessary for players. Too many people think that Anet should be forced to respond to their casual conversations. If you have an issue with Anet's product, customer service is where you should go. To require Anet to respond to every person's query is just unreasonable, and in order for ANet to do so, would at least double the cost of the game.


That's not what we're asking for, but your point is valid anyhow.


IMO, they need to respond to strong sentiments (i.e. lots of posts on the same subject). What is "lots"? I'm not sure.


The problem is that they respond to next to nothing here. Way short of "lots".

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > I think the question here is not whether is Reddit or GW2 official forum a better place to seek answers from Anet but rather WHY Anet admin/forum staff chose to reply in Reddit when their own OFFICIAL GW2 FORUM has many topics created by their anxious players seeking for a simple reply but gets none?

> > > >

> > > > One example is the most recent login problem after the patch. I wondered why too.

> > > >

> > > > If the argument is a matter of their choices to reply where they wanted to, that is invalid. We are talking about **technical issues** here and not just any queries, like ' when is Wintersday is going to end? '

> > >

> > > A question for you with regards to your question:

> > >

> > > How would you respond if certain devs simply answered you by saying they just prefer posting on Reddit? Or that they browse other interests on Reddit?

> >

> > I'd instantly cease wasting any time on these forums, if the devs think they suck and not worth bothering with.. why should players use them?


> It doesn't matter if you stop going to these forums or not. Because you're still making the assumption it was made pimarily as a tool to contact devs. That's an unwarranted assumption in my opinion. Devs will go, off hours on their own time, to what they want to go to. Reddit is likely to be a better place, because the community will have a louder voice there more generally.


> Not everyone but the idea of downvoting completely worthless posts means you have less silly stuff on the first page. It's easy to find a meaningful critique there. If I were a dev it's where I would go, because trawling through something like the official forums would take more time and would be considerably less efficient.




No, he's not. You're extending his argument beyond its meaning.


It's not that these are the primary communications tools. Nor is it that these are the only ones.


It's that IF they are going to communicate official information, HERE should be one place where they do it. They can also disseminate information elsewhere, but THIS should be one of their first methods of communication with the players. Certainly before any third-party forums.


He also said that if they're going to listen to the fanbase, then they need to be listening HERE first.


If that's not a true-ish set of statements as to the way things are, then these forums should be abandoned. THAT is what he said.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > > I think the question here is not whether is Reddit or GW2 official forum a better place to seek answers from Anet but rather WHY Anet admin/forum staff chose to reply in Reddit when their own OFFICIAL GW2 FORUM has many topics created by their anxious players seeking for a simple reply but gets none?

> > > > >

> > > > > One example is the most recent login problem after the patch. I wondered why too.

> > > > >

> > > > > If the argument is a matter of their choices to reply where they wanted to, that is invalid. We are talking about **technical issues** here and not just any queries, like ' when is Wintersday is going to end? '

> > > >

> > > > A question for you with regards to your question:

> > > >

> > > > How would you respond if certain devs simply answered you by saying they just prefer posting on Reddit? Or that they browse other interests on Reddit?

> > >

> > > I'd instantly cease wasting any time on these forums, if the devs think they suck and not worth bothering with.. why should players use them?

> >

> > It doesn't matter if you stop going to these forums or not. Because you're still making the assumption it was made pimarily as a tool to contact devs. That's an unwarranted assumption in my opinion. Devs will go, off hours on their own time, to what they want to go to. Reddit is likely to be a better place, because the community will have a louder voice there more generally.

> >

> > Not everyone but the idea of downvoting completely worthless posts means you have less silly stuff on the first page. It's easy to find a meaningful critique there. If I were a dev it's where I would go, because trawling through something like the official forums would take more time and would be considerably less efficient.

> >

> >


> No, he's not. You're extending his argument beyond its meaning.


> It's not that these are the primary communications tools. Nor is it that these are the only ones.


> It's that IF they are going to communicate official information, HERE should be one place where they do it. They can also disseminate information elsewhere, but THIS should be one of their first methods of communication with the players. Certainly before any third-party forums.


> He also said that if they're going to listen to the fanbase, then they need to be listening HERE first.


> If that's not a true-ish set of statements as to the way things are, then these forums should be abandoned. THAT is what he said.


I'm seeing a lot of "should"s there. So what exactly are you prescribing, now?

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

> > > > > > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

> > > > > > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

> > > > > D. Make sure _someone_ is making sure all the responses from other media do end up on forums eventually. Sure, that's not devs' responsibility. It's the jobof people responsible for the communicating with the community. And if there are no such people, theye definitely _should_ be.

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > > You think the devs' preferences should not matter.

> > > > > Because they don't. I mean, it's okay to have different preferences on individual level, but on _company_ level there should be a unified communication strategy. Even if a specific individual doesn't wont to post on official forums (and is not paid to do so), someone else _should_ do so (and _be_ paid for it).

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > But apparently their preferences do matter or we wouldn't have this problem.

> > > >

> > >

> > > If the Devs want to post n Reddit as opposed to here, because they think Reddit is better, then these forums are a waste of money and resources. They should shut them down and let the Devs just post on Reddit, from here on out.

> > >

> > > It's that simple. If you don't like coffee.. working at Starbucks was bad carrier choice mistake.

> >

> > I have no argument.

> >

> > I feel these forums have their strengths and weakness just like Reddit has its strengths and weakness.


> Anyone's feels on the matter are irrelevant, The only reason for Exclusive Company sponsored Game forums to exist is serve as a bridge of communication between the players and game company's staff and development team . If they don't serve that purpose then they have no reason to exist.


Actually, they can exist for another reason: to give players a place to vent, chat, whatever. If the company maintains some other communications medium, then forums could exist for only that reason.


But, that's not the case. Someone earlier said that if there's a problem, contact support. Yet, support will OFFICIAILLY tell people to post it here in order to get it fixed (if it's a design decision or something like that).


So, one arm of the company is offloading its problems to the forums, but the forums are not being frequented by staff. Seem like a black hole to you?

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> @"BolkovonHarnfeldt.1372" said:

> Lot of strawmen here. I doubt anyone would claim that the primary function of this forum was to contact devs or that devs should read all posts or should answer all questions posted.

> But it surely one of its functions **is** to get in contact with devs (after all, it happens from time to time) and there surely **are** ANet employees reading the forums that easily could forward questions to the relevant devs and - if the developer him- or herself doesn't feel like answering in person could post for them.

> If devs are posting on reddit in their spare time - good for them. However, it does reflect kind of badly on ANet (IMO) if they don't have communication policies in place that ensure that customers using their very own forum do not get the same amount of information about the game they play as people using a 3rd party forum.




> @"STIHL.2489" said:


> Anyone's feels on the matter are irrelevant, The only reason for Exclusive Company sponsored Game forums to exist is serve as a bridge of communication between the players and game company's staff and development team . If they don't serve that purpose then they have no reason to exist.


Again, agreed.


> @"Daddicus.6128" said:



> You're completely missing the point. The problem is not posting on Reddit. It's that they DON'T post on their own forums. But, on Reddit official statements are made.


> Official statements should ONLY be made on their own forums or other official communications mediums.


Once again, agreed.

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ANet's communications with their fans are haphazard. Sometimes, they communicate via blog, sometimes via social media, sometimes in this forum, sometimes on Reddit, sometimes via an interview on a gaming site, sometimes on Youtube, etc. There is no single source for information about the game.


This is due to the fact that all of those information portals exist and are used by fans of the game. In order to keep the game in the minds of the player population, ANet has a presence on these portals. This is not only a problem for developers, it's a problem for any business that has customers potentially numbering in the millions.


The problem with the lack of a central clearing house for information about the game ought to be clear, but it apparently isn't. Any player who wants certain information but who for any reason limits the portals he frequents can miss out. This ought to be a concern for any business. Customers are not generally going to feel that the onus is on them to search a dozen (or, frankly, even two) portals for that information. They are going to go to the portal they believe the information ought to be found on. If they don't find it there, they are going to think less of the company. It's a fact that people are going to react negatively to perceived neglect, which makes the issue one of public relations.


This is not to say that devs posting on their own time can't or shouldn't post information about the game on reddit. It's clearly not ANet policy to forbid that, and they therefore can do what they like. It's also not to say that ANet should not provide information on a whole raft of portals, as they are doing. That type of visibility is valuable to them.


However, there is currently no central location where everyone would know to look for information. It would not have to host the information, just a link to posts on those various portals that pertain to things that might be of concern to a member of the community. Cryptic did this with their games a long time ago. They used a game's forum to show links to articles about that game on fan sites, etc. ANet could do this. It wouldn't have to be on this forum. It could be on the game site. It wouldn't have to list every post by every staff member, just one's dispensing information. They could get an intern to do it.


ANet does not have to do this. However, if they don't they are going to continue angering some customers. They might want to think about that.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

> > > > > > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

> > > > > > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

> > > > > D. Make sure _someone_ is making sure all the responses from other media do end up on forums eventually. Sure, that's not devs' responsibility. It's the jobof people responsible for the communicating with the community. And if there are no such people, theye definitely _should_ be.

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > > You think the devs' preferences should not matter.

> > > > > Because they don't. I mean, it's okay to have different preferences on individual level, but on _company_ level there should be a unified communication strategy. Even if a specific individual doesn't wont to post on official forums (and is not paid to do so), someone else _should_ do so (and _be_ paid for it).

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > But apparently their preferences do matter or we wouldn't have this problem.

> > > >

> > >

> > > If the Devs want to post n Reddit as opposed to here, because they think Reddit is better, then these forums are a waste of money and resources. They should shut them down and let the Devs just post on Reddit, from here on out.

> > >

> > > It's that simple. If you don't like coffee.. working at Starbucks was bad carrier choice mistake.

> >

> > I have no argument.

> >

> > I feel these forums have their strengths and weakness just like Reddit has its strengths and weakness.


> Anyone's feels on the matter are irrelevant, The only reason for Exclusive Company sponsored Game forums to exist is serve as a bridge of communication between the players and game company's staff and development team . If they don't serve that purpose then they have no reason to exist.


But that's not the only reason for exclusive company forums for a sponsored game to exist. You're saying it is, but that doesn't make it so. It's a good place for the community to get to each other. Even from this very small thread, we can see that some people refuse to go to reddit. The forum is therefore another alternative for those people to talk to other players.


There's nothing to suggest that the main purpose of this forum is for the company to communicate with players. Obviously they will from time to time, but from where to you get the idea that this is it's main purpose? You can have an opinion on the matter if you like but that's all it is.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > > I think the question here is not whether is Reddit or GW2 official forum a better place to seek answers from Anet but rather WHY Anet admin/forum staff chose to reply in Reddit when their own OFFICIAL GW2 FORUM has many topics created by their anxious players seeking for a simple reply but gets none?

> > > > >

> > > > > One example is the most recent login problem after the patch. I wondered why too.

> > > > >

> > > > > If the argument is a matter of their choices to reply where they wanted to, that is invalid. We are talking about **technical issues** here and not just any queries, like ' when is Wintersday is going to end? '

> > > >

> > > > A question for you with regards to your question:

> > > >

> > > > How would you respond if certain devs simply answered you by saying they just prefer posting on Reddit? Or that they browse other interests on Reddit?

> > >

> > > I'd instantly cease wasting any time on these forums, if the devs think they suck and not worth bothering with.. why should players use them?

> >

> > It doesn't matter if you stop going to these forums or not. Because you're still making the assumption it was made pimarily as a tool to contact devs. That's an unwarranted assumption in my opinion. Devs will go, off hours on their own time, to what they want to go to. Reddit is likely to be a better place, because the community will have a louder voice there more generally.

> >

> > Not everyone but the idea of downvoting completely worthless posts means you have less silly stuff on the first page. It's easy to find a meaningful critique there. If I were a dev it's where I would go, because trawling through something like the official forums would take more time and would be considerably less efficient.

> >

> >


> No, he's not. You're extending his argument beyond its meaning.


> It's not that these are the primary communications tools. Nor is it that these are the only ones.


> It's that IF they are going to communicate official information, HERE should be one place where they do it. They can also disseminate information elsewhere, but THIS should be one of their first methods of communication with the players. Certainly before any third-party forums.


> He also said that if they're going to listen to the fanbase, then they need to be listening HERE first.


> If that's not a true-ish set of statements as to the way things are, then these forums should be abandoned. THAT is what he said.


But a dev answering questions on his own time is not an "official" annoucement from Anet, it's a dev answering questions on their own time.


Put another way, let's say a dev happens to like reddit and he sees a question he can answer....should he not answer it because it's not the official forums? This should be the first place of communication for something like patch notes. All patch notes get posted here. And then they get shared on reddit.


But devs are answering questions in their own time, they happen to be on reddit, probably they like it for the same reasons I do, and then they answer the questions they see on their time. I'm not going to tell them they have to post it here, because I don't think that's reasonable. And I think the devs should stop answering everything altogether, because people don't seem to appreciate when they do if it's not here.


This is a storm in a tea cup. I don't really care if stuff is posted here and in reddit, but if you guys can't see why it would be easier to find valid fan opinion here, or at least community supported fan opinion, then I don't know what else to say. They should have never taken down votes off the official forums.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > You need to understand why plenty of people prefer reddit over forums, it is something very fundamental.


> Do tell?


Broader freedom of expression and no nigh-totalitarian moderation (this post is going to get deleted for so much as saying this, btw)?


Nah, can't **possibly** be that.


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If I remember right, in the older topics about why they post in reddit instead of forums was that if they post here it's official thus they need other people to translate it to German, French and Spanish, which takes time and if they post on reddit no translation is needed as it's not an official platform. Plus, some people (Oh no, devs are people too!) simply prefer reddit's format to forums. It's much easier to keep on track who is replying to what within the topic rather than going through 3 pages worth of replies that are irrelevant to what you are looking for. Reddit frontpage is pretty much moderated by players, so you get to see what's actually the hot topic of the day rather than having to skim through 45096849576 useless polls about things that are not important in any way.


I do find it amusing though, people complaining about communication yet they refuse to go where it's happening. You don't even need to register an account to read stuff there, you can just simply bookmark the dev tracker (https://www.reddit.com/r/gw2devtrack/) and keep up with what they say without having to deal with rest of the reddit. People crosslink dev posts from forums to reddit all the time and there's no reason why it wouldn't work the other way as well. If you feel they answered something in reddit that then should be posted here as well, you can always cross link it yourself, nobody is stopping you from doing so.

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> @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > >

> > > If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.

> > >

> > Because it's their job, and Anet is the company they work for?

> > I don't have a reddit account, and don't plan on ever registering for one. I'd like to hear official comments about the game on the OFFICIAL forums for the game.

> >

> >


> It is not part of the dev's job to respond to your every whim. That's what slaves are for, maybe you should get one.


Maybe not, but if they are responding to something in an official matter, ie disclosing the fact they work for Anet, then they shouldn't be posting anywhere BUT the official forums for the game they are officially representing. It's not that hard to understand.


Slave owner? If you are working for a company most will not allow you to just walk around disclosing official information, in an official matter, unless permitted by the people that run the company. Welcome to the real world.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > >

> > > > If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.

> > > >

> > > Because it's their job, and Anet is the company they work for?

> > > I don't have a reddit account, and don't plan on ever registering for one. I'd like to hear official comments about the game on the OFFICIAL forums for the game.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > It is not part of the dev's job to respond to your every whim. That's what slaves are for, maybe you should get one.


> Maybe not, but if they are responding to something in an official matter, ie disclosing the fact they work for Anet, then they shouldn't be posting anywhere BUT the official forums for the game they are officially representing. It's not that hard to understand.


> Slave owner? If you are working for a company most will not allow you to just walk around disclosing official information, in an official matter, unless permitted by the people that run the company. Welcome to the real world.


I hope they stop then and no one gets any more information. Would that make you happy?


I personally prefer reddit and would much rather responses be posted there than here personally.

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don't like reddit; didn't buy it...

If they host a forum with 'dev tracker ' I assume they want the devs to use it.

Gw2 benefits from interacting with its customers , its not all one way.

if the dev's prefer redddit then change the forum,

rather than people having to piece it together themselves.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> ANet's communications with their fans are haphazard. Sometimes, they communicate via blog, sometimes via social media, sometimes in this forum, sometimes on Reddit, sometimes via an interview on a gaming site, sometimes on Youtube, etc. There is no single source for information about the game.


> This is due to the fact that all of those information portals exist and are used by fans of the game. In order to keep the game in the minds of the player population, ANet has a presence on these portals. This is not only a problem for developers, it's a problem for any business that has customers potentially numbering in the millions.


> The problem with the lack of a central clearing house for information about the game ought to be clear, but it apparently isn't. Any player who wants certain information but who for any reason limits the portals he frequents can miss out. This ought to be a concern for any business. Customers are not generally going to feel that the onus is on them to search a dozen (or, frankly, even two) portals for that information. They are going to go to the portal they believe the information ought to be found on. If they don't find it there, they are going to think less of the company. It's a fact that people are going to react negatively to perceived neglect, which makes the issue one of public relations.


> This is not to say that devs posting on their own time can't or shouldn't post information about the game on reddit. It's clearly not ANet policy to forbid that, and they therefore can do what they like. It's also not to say that ANet should not provide information on a whole raft of portals, as they are doing. That type of visibility is valuable to them.


> However, there is currently no central location where everyone would know to look for information. It would not have to host the information, just a link to posts on those various portals that pertain to things that might be of concern to a member of the community. Cryptic did this with their games a long time ago. They used a game's forum to show links to articles about that game on fan sites, etc. ANet could do this. It wouldn't have to be on this forum. It could be on the game site. It wouldn't have to list every post by every staff member, just one's dispensing information. They could get an intern to do it.


> ANet does not have to do this. However, if they don't they are going to continue angering some customers. They might want to think about that.


I feel this is a pretentious over-explanation. In an era where you can Google anything from the palm of your hand, to generalize the community's feelings like that insinuates that community refuses to accept that the current year has widely adopted social media portals that will collect and report their desired news within a reasonable window of time.


But if you're like me, and refuse to use social media to get the info desired pinging on my phone automatically, you should accept that you will have to resort to slightly less modern methods to obtain info, like "word of mouth" or search it out.

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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

> > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > >

> > > > If I were a dev, I wouldn't want to post on the official forums anyway, because they're far more hostile territory. Why would I open myself up to that kind of abuse. Ridiculous posts on reddit tend to get downvoted and disappear. I prefer it for that reason myself.

> > > >

> > > Because it's their job, and Anet is the company they work for?

> > > I don't have a reddit account, and don't plan on ever registering for one. I'd like to hear official comments about the game on the OFFICIAL forums for the game.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > It is not part of the dev's job to respond to your every whim. That's what slaves are for, maybe you should get one.


> Maybe not, but if they are responding to something in an official matter, ie disclosing the fact they work for Anet, then they shouldn't be posting anywhere BUT the official forums for the game they are officially representing. It's not that hard to understand.


> Slave owner? If you are working for a company most will not allow you to just walk around disclosing official information, in an official matter, unless permitted by the people that run the company. Welcome to the real world.


Apparently your not understanding how their company enforced policies. If the devs were in violation of those policies that the posters here are accusing them off, don't you think there would have been corrective action taken? Or do you think posters complaining on the forums is corrective action?

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

> > >

> > > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

> > > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

> > > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

> > D. Make sure _someone_ is making sure all the responses from other media do end up on forums eventually. Sure, that's not devs' responsibility. It's the jobof people responsible for the communicating with the community. And if there are no such people, theye definitely _should_ be.

> >

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > You think the devs' preferences should not matter.

> > Because they don't. I mean, it's okay to have different preferences on individual level, but on _company_ level there should be a unified communication strategy. Even if a specific individual doesn't wont to post on official forums (and is not paid to do so), someone else _should_ do so (and _be_ paid for it).

> >

> >

> For OFFICIAL communications, not for what guys do on their time off. They have rules they have to follow all the time, such as not revealing specific things, but to say that on a company level you should tell devs not to post on reddit is ludicrous. It's like saying we don't want devs to communicate with fans about stuff they can, unless they do it in a place they don't want to. Pointless exercise is pointless.


> People should be happy devs are taking their own time to communicate when they don't have to, not complaining about where they're choosing to communicate. If the ultimate result of this type of complaint is we get less communication, how would that help anyone?



Take when they do a release. It is a pretty known fact that devs will be on reddit doing a megathread as soon as that happens .... talking about the game. I highly doubt that is on their own time as why would you have your devs out of action that long when they are fixing bugs?


If they want to talk about sports or whatever, fine, post wherever. If they are talking about the game when they are on the clock I do not see it as a big stretch to ask them to use the company forum. Or if that is SO cumbersome do what other forums do and have a bot on this forum track dev posts to reddit and crosspost them here.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

> > > >

> > > > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

> > > > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

> > > > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

> > > D. Make sure _someone_ is making sure all the responses from other media do end up on forums eventually. Sure, that's not devs' responsibility. It's the jobof people responsible for the communicating with the community. And if there are no such people, theye definitely _should_ be.

> > >

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > You think the devs' preferences should not matter.

> > > Because they don't. I mean, it's okay to have different preferences on individual level, but on _company_ level there should be a unified communication strategy. Even if a specific individual doesn't wont to post on official forums (and is not paid to do so), someone else _should_ do so (and _be_ paid for it).

> > >

> > >

> > For OFFICIAL communications, not for what guys do on their time off. They have rules they have to follow all the time, such as not revealing specific things, but to say that on a company level you should tell devs not to post on reddit is ludicrous. It's like saying we don't want devs to communicate with fans about stuff they can, unless they do it in a place they don't want to. Pointless exercise is pointless.

> >

> > People should be happy devs are taking their own time to communicate when they don't have to, not complaining about where they're choosing to communicate. If the ultimate result of this type of complaint is we get less communication, how would that help anyone?

> >


> Take when they do a release. It is a pretty known fact that devs will be on reddit doing a megathread as soon as that happens .... talking about the game. I highly doubt that is on their own time as why would you have your devs out of action that long when they are fixing bugs?


> If they want to talk about sports or whatever, fine, post wherever. If they are talking about the game when they are on the clock I do not see it as a big stretch to ask them to use the company forum. Or if that is SO cumbersome do what other forums do and have a bot on this forum track dev posts to reddit and crosspost them here.


Don't they usually post on the official forums when they are going to do one of those on Reddit?

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I don't really have any sort of vested interest one way or the other, so long as if I enjoy one platform, there is at least a 'one stop shop' where I can peruse dev posts. I was shown [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/gw2devtrack/new/ "this"), and that works great. The reverse is also true, I believe.


I do take a slight exception to the idea that down voting is a useful thing. It's a useful thing in a perfect world, but in my experience, it ends up being abused. Using it as a tool to say you disagree with a sentiment or an idea is one thing (though, I think if you do down vote something like that, you do the poster the courtesy of explaining 'why, but I digress). It's another thing entirely when it becomes a tool to bully people. I've been downvoted on Reddit (in other subs, not this one) for simply asking a question about something I don't understand. How does one disagree with a question? Then I ask that, 'How does one disagree with a question?", and of course, that is downvoted. Then, invariably, for the next week, because that person(s) got a rise out of me, they follow me around and down vote anything I say. That's hardly useful or helpful.


Conversely, without a thumbs down, the thumbs up can be used in exactly the same way as a thumbs down, without quite the same level of abuse. Rather then comparing ups and downs, you just compare bigger ups and downs across the discussion. If an OP makes a statement and hardly anyone agrees with it, it will have few thumbs up compared to the responses explaining why that would be a bad idea. If you want to express you don't agree with the OP, up vote the people who are responding the reverse, and you've accomplished the same thing.



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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

> > > >

> > > > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

> > > > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

> > > > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

> > > D. Make sure _someone_ is making sure all the responses from other media do end up on forums eventually. Sure, that's not devs' responsibility. It's the jobof people responsible for the communicating with the community. And if there are no such people, theye definitely _should_ be.

> > >

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > You think the devs' preferences should not matter.

> > > Because they don't. I mean, it's okay to have different preferences on individual level, but on _company_ level there should be a unified communication strategy. Even if a specific individual doesn't wont to post on official forums (and is not paid to do so), someone else _should_ do so (and _be_ paid for it).

> > >

> > >

> > For OFFICIAL communications, not for what guys do on their time off. They have rules they have to follow all the time, such as not revealing specific things, but to say that on a company level you should tell devs not to post on reddit is ludicrous. It's like saying we don't want devs to communicate with fans about stuff they can, unless they do it in a place they don't want to. Pointless exercise is pointless.

> >

> > People should be happy devs are taking their own time to communicate when they don't have to, not complaining about where they're choosing to communicate. If the ultimate result of this type of complaint is we get less communication, how would that help anyone?

> >


> Take when they do a release. It is a pretty known fact that devs will be on reddit doing a megathread as soon as that happens .... talking about the game. I highly doubt that is on their own time as why would you have your devs out of action that long when they are fixing bugs?


> If they want to talk about sports or whatever, fine, post wherever. If they are talking about the game when they are on the clock I do not see it as a big stretch to ask them to use the company forum. Or if that is SO cumbersome do what other forums do and have a bot on this forum track dev posts to reddit and crosspost them here.


I'm pretty sure the devs aren't posting when they're on the clock. My understanding is they mostly post on their own time.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

> > > > >

> > > > > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

> > > > > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

> > > > > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

> > > > D. Make sure _someone_ is making sure all the responses from other media do end up on forums eventually. Sure, that's not devs' responsibility. It's the jobof people responsible for the communicating with the community. And if there are no such people, theye definitely _should_ be.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > You think the devs' preferences should not matter.

> > > > Because they don't. I mean, it's okay to have different preferences on individual level, but on _company_ level there should be a unified communication strategy. Even if a specific individual doesn't wont to post on official forums (and is not paid to do so), someone else _should_ do so (and _be_ paid for it).

> > > >

> > > >

> > > For OFFICIAL communications, not for what guys do on their time off. They have rules they have to follow all the time, such as not revealing specific things, but to say that on a company level you should tell devs not to post on reddit is ludicrous. It's like saying we don't want devs to communicate with fans about stuff they can, unless they do it in a place they don't want to. Pointless exercise is pointless.

> > >

> > > People should be happy devs are taking their own time to communicate when they don't have to, not complaining about where they're choosing to communicate. If the ultimate result of this type of complaint is we get less communication, how would that help anyone?

> > >

> >

> > Take when they do a release. It is a pretty known fact that devs will be on reddit doing a megathread as soon as that happens .... talking about the game. I highly doubt that is on their own time as why would you have your devs out of action that long when they are fixing bugs?

> >

> > If they want to talk about sports or whatever, fine, post wherever. If they are talking about the game when they are on the clock I do not see it as a big stretch to ask them to use the company forum. Or if that is SO cumbersome do what other forums do and have a bot on this forum track dev posts to reddit and crosspost them here.


> I'm pretty sure the devs aren't posting when they're on the clock. My understanding is they mostly post on their own time.


If they are posting as developers of Anet and not just random poster, they are speaking for Anet. I wouldn't do that off the clock myself.. to much liability and no reward.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > For the umpteenth time, devs are not required to answer your posts on their work time. They browse the web on their spare time. They're entitled to browse anywhere they like or anywhere they feel comfortable. Your options would be something like this:

> > > > >

> > > > > A. Forbid devs from posting anyone but on the official forum.

> > > > > B. Forbid devs from posting at all.

> > > > > C. Make posting on the forums part of their job, which it's not.

> > > > D. Make sure _someone_ is making sure all the responses from other media do end up on forums eventually. Sure, that's not devs' responsibility. It's the jobof people responsible for the communicating with the community. And if there are no such people, theye definitely _should_ be.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > You think the devs' preferences should not matter.

> > > > Because they don't. I mean, it's okay to have different preferences on individual level, but on _company_ level there should be a unified communication strategy. Even if a specific individual doesn't wont to post on official forums (and is not paid to do so), someone else _should_ do so (and _be_ paid for it).

> > > >

> > > >

> > > For OFFICIAL communications, not for what guys do on their time off. They have rules they have to follow all the time, such as not revealing specific things, but to say that on a company level you should tell devs not to post on reddit is ludicrous. It's like saying we don't want devs to communicate with fans about stuff they can, unless they do it in a place they don't want to. Pointless exercise is pointless.

> > >

> > > People should be happy devs are taking their own time to communicate when they don't have to, not complaining about where they're choosing to communicate. If the ultimate result of this type of complaint is we get less communication, how would that help anyone?

> > >

> >

> > Take when they do a release. It is a pretty known fact that devs will be on reddit doing a megathread as soon as that happens .... talking about the game. I highly doubt that is on their own time as why would you have your devs out of action that long when they are fixing bugs?

> >

> > If they want to talk about sports or whatever, fine, post wherever. If they are talking about the game when they are on the clock I do not see it as a big stretch to ask them to use the company forum. Or if that is SO cumbersome do what other forums do and have a bot on this forum track dev posts to reddit and crosspost them here.


> Don't they usually post on the official forums when they are going to do one of those on Reddit?


Exactly, anet is giving mixed messages. If they are going to use reddit as their official means as communication why run their own?

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an official forum is just that, a place where the devs focus on for anyone that has a concern or idea.

if they use an unofficial place to do their official work then they could just as much close this forum and focus on the older unofficial forums like guild wars guru or guild wars online, they decided to have one focus point (the GW2 official forum) so they can work more efficient.

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