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Santa Charr Poll


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Hello everyone.


This is Evga.2471 the creator of Santa Charr (That looks like a reindeer).


The reason I'm making a poll is that Santa Charr needs your help on making a decision.


Please keep in mind when making your decision. I have very little time to play GW2 since my Truck driving career keeps me very busy even though I'm on a

dedicated account (local work). I'm home daily but that's just to do a ten hour break for sleep, then it's right back to work.


A little History on Santa Charr:

Last year or the year before that I decided to make my Charr look like a reindeer with the Stage Helm. [wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stag_Helm_Skin](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stag_Helm_Skin "wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stag_Helm_Skin") . Since then I kept messing with the color scheme until I had it just right. Then one day going about in Lions Arch someone gave me the idea of Santa Charr since then it stuck. That brings us to last year when I got the idea to do something for the GW2 community. So I made a thread in November last year Originally called "Santa Charr Thread". Then a little mishap happened with that GW2 Forums and got relabeled as "The Santa Charr Thread". In that thread I said leave a comment that is Naughty or Nice and you'll get put on the Naughty or Nice List. Everyone that commented on that thread got something from Santa Charr. I know some of those people did not get anything form Santa Charr do to the mishap but I digress. Anyway later on in that thread, Santa Charr decided to let people get there picture taken with Santa Charr. That didn't go as well as people leaving a comment on the thread. Over all the whole thing went very well and it was a lot of fun and hard work to get everyone there gifts form Santa Charr on time.


So that brings us to this time and day. So which ever poll comes out on top will happen. The Details for this poll will be in a thread in November. So please keep out an eye out on the Forum in November so you don't miss your chance. If the November thread goes into the Abyss I'll bump up the thread so others will see. In the month of December when ArenaNet starts up Wintersday in GW2 is when the Poll that won will happen.


Thanks for your time to read this thread and be safe out there. See you all in November.


P.S. I'll bump this thread up two times when it goes into the Abyss. Please leave a small comment as well so this can be bumped up every now and then. Thanks



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What a sweet idea. I've seen a couple of people do similar things just off the cuff and I had a similar monk character dyed in red and white that I would toss out some stuff on in GW1. Especially now that seasonal events are more or less the same every year, it's pretty cool to see some community involvement to add a bit more flavour. Kudos :)

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Aw, I voted for the in game items since they can be as simple as a chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk (someone randomly sent me those two things one year and I felt bubbly happy for a long time, I kid you not). But now I see from other posters that the giveaway might be easier and I think Santa Charr should definitely go for the most joy spread for the least effort.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just bumping this thread up to the top for the last time. So far it looks like I'll have a lot of hard work ahead of me for this years Wintersday. Anyway keep an eye out for the thread coming in November. If you are reading this don't forget to vote and spread the word. THANKS.


Plus I kind of wish more people would look at the in-game events tab.

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I missed this as I am just returning to the game after a long break, but things like this are why I love this game and community!


However, I have to say that I think you missed a great opportunity in not naming him Santa Claws. I sort of like that it is like an anti-pun as well though <3

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Hello everyone thanks for the comments and the votes. There is only 17 more days to go before I get this thread closed. So get your votes and comments in before the closing of this Thread.


Details for the winning vote will be in a Thread in November so keep an eye out on the forums.


As a reminder if you are reading this please spread the word for me about this thread. Thanks and see you all soon.


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