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The next balance patch priorities should be:


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> @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:


> > What does make you think that warrior passive defense is balanced respect to engineer?....passive defy pain should be removed just as well

> > -Full counter is overloaded

> >

> Just stop. SB is garbage now. FC doesn't do enough compared to say current 2nd tier op holosmith that can do 5k + with a simple dodge.

> Ask any good war. Evenly matched skill SB losses to almost everything.



While I agree that SB needs a buff, It should not come to at all to FC. In fact, the daze must be removed from FC.


What should happen:


1. Buff to dagger damage.

2. Less reliance on resistance to fight conditions and moving towards condi removal.


Holo needs damage nerf anyway.

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The same as since day 1:


* Give combat a better rhythm.

* Make "stack & spam" tactics hardly effective.


As long as most of the combat consists in doing a lot of things in little time before the enemy can react, the gameplay will be horribly toxic to new players and terrible to watch.


We need a better pace. Fundamental changes to mechanics and designs. That won't change tweaking numbers here and there.

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> @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:


> > What does make you think that warrior passive defense is balanced respect to engineer?....passive defy pain should be removed just as well

> > -Full counter is overloaded

> >

> Just stop. SB is garbage now. FC doesn't do enough compared to say current 2nd tier op holosmith that can do 5k + with a simple dodge.

> Ask any good war. Evenly matched skill SB losses to almost everything.



Ask a warrior if...warrior is OP? Is that a trick question?

Passive sustain is a general problem..it does not belong to one class only, passive sustain lacks direct counterplay and allows the user to persist on their aggressive advance when in truth they should retreat : **basically it allows the players to assume a more relaxed stance when playing**


-Why warrior must be the only class with pulsing stability on rather short CD?

-Mobility , dmg, sustain all tightly packed in a single build with no fee to pay


The very concept of balanced gameplay is lost to the GW2 community.....I find it hilarious that warriors ask to nerf other " 1 man army" builds while vouching for theirs

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Sword weaver is no where nearly as weak as believed. I've played weaver exclusively this season running sw/d. I've reached top 100 so far and could probably get legendary before the season ends. Weaver offers reliable damage and long CC chains as well as some indirect support just for being an ele. The damage is lacking a little but their survivability is almost unrivaled. In fact the only class I cant kill as a weaver, thats not a bunker, is another weaver just due to the amount of tools they have.


If anyone is interested I stream me playing weaver everyday from 6pm to about 10-11pm eastern. https://twitch.tv/fifithefancy

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> @"Ragion.2831" said:


> The thief community went on a full on ingame protest when the class got destroyed some months before HoT. I imagine now they are satisfied though.


Pro Mesmers (Suppcutie ....not-so-cute-as-Helseth-something ...) where dropping their class to to use the S/D spamm evade

Other pro players moaned about it .

Jonathan Sharp(balancer) couldnt just nerf a spec so close to the Quallifiers .

Only in the final match , Caed spammed his Black Powder to counter that spec .

After , S/D get extra inacive cost increase , and the Black Powder from 1 > 2 sec pulses (because it made Warrior worthless) .


Then the memory get a little fuzzy ...

Theres a Money Tournament that didnt have chairs :P

Last Round , the NA team use Soldier Amulets

Some yawing from the viewers .

Theres a massive DC in the game , after the end of the 2nd Game .

I dont emember whos won , but from now on the casuals coppied the bunkerish specs , and we had Bunker meta till the last 200k Tournament .


It took 8 months , for some WvWvW player to populaze Stuff Daredevil and in husthush meanwhile ppl where using Spamm Headshot +Fire/Air Sigeins + Impacting Disruption

In both scenarios ... the Thief community dimmed them as Noobstompers that wont see the light of Competive play (just like Backstab and any other spec till now)


Whatever happens .... dont listen or ''Trust'' Thieves :P



If :-

a) Thief ensisted (from launch) that the ''victim'' should use some defensive gear to counter their Bacstab spec (and later on moan about bunkers...) .....

b) pros and casuals where moaning about THAT bunkerish era , but both use them to Win Tournaments Money , or Win Games

c) It didnt seem so appealing on twitch to attarct new customers


Then the only option was :

a) Ban again Helseth and call me to fix Rooftops for free , in order to NERF EVERYTHING and bring down all classes to the Warrior lvl (befre they buffed the Healing Signet + Cleansing Ire + any other Selfhealing + Warriors Sprint (they had to use the Elite Signet +trait) + BEFORE ANY OTHER CLASS GOT SPEED MOBILITY, thus and making every1 ANGRY

b) Or Introducing something (more damage) to ''kill'' the Bunker meta


But whatever happens , Thief community started the powercreep

True story

Jack Daniels






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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"NeedCoffee.1402" said:

> >

> > > What does make you think that warrior passive defense is balanced respect to engineer?....passive defy pain should be removed just as well

> > > -Full counter is overloaded

> > >

> > Just stop. SB is garbage now. FC doesn't do enough compared to say current 2nd tier op holosmith that can do 5k + with a simple dodge.

> > Ask any good war. Evenly matched skill SB losses to almost everything.

> >


> Ask a warrior if...warrior is OP? Is that a trick question?

> Passive sustain is a general problem..it does not belong to one class only, passive sustain lacks direct counterplay and allows the user to persist on their aggressive advance when in truth they should retreat : **basically it allows the players to assume a more relaxed stance when playing**


> -Why warrior must be the only class with pulsing stability on rather short CD?

> -Mobility , dmg, sustain all tightly packed in a single build with no fee to pay


> The very concept of balanced gameplay is lost to the GW2 community.....I find it hilarious that warriors ask to nerf other " 1 man army" builds while vouching for theirs


Exactly. From my solo queue experience, spellbreakers are clearly ruining PvP much more than scourges. I feel scourge is a pain, but can be handled. Spellbreaker can do too many things at once and has no proper counter ( i.e a build that will beat the spellbreaker not regarding players skills).

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Firebrand support is utterly god mode, if Aanet deals with this in a subtle manner than scourge is indirectly brought into line. Mirage needs tweaking, it's too far above everything else for it's role. Balance must be done for high level, it then trickles down. For example if you listened to people going on about DE in "spvp" which is a dead build in high ratings then you would delete it for all modes.

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