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How to be more unique?


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> @"coocooee.1470" said:

> I was wondering how you guys ignore or not care about seeing the same class as yourself out in the world or doing other things. For some reason it really urks me and compels me to log out and play something else. I have OCD and I get that same compulsive feeling when seeing the same class as me when my OCD makes me perform my little rituals. If any of you guys have a way I could try to get over this little hurdle I'd really appreciate it.


I have a simple question...how can you play any multi-player game or MMO if your OCD is that bad? Secondly...I didn't know there were other people in the world playing the same profession I was...you're telling me I'm not unique? It's all using your mind to just not see everyone else on screen, they don't exist aka single player games.

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I know logical answers won't help much. Phobias and OCD hangups happen no matter how much the conscious mind tells us we're being silly. But let's try anyway, because it'll be great if you can control this and enjoy group play.


Look to RL. What is your job? Lawyer, teacher, doctor, fast food worker, art custodian, etc etc etc? Are you the only one around you who is one of those? Unlikely! But there are so many subcategories. In lawyers alone there are criminal (further divided into defense, prosecution, research, federal, state, private, and such) and civil (such as corporate, patent, insurance, tort defense/complainants, with government/private flavors, and some litigate and others never see a courtroom). I was a public defender in a high case load lower level court with occasional jury work, and I was the one who did great in the courtroom and did best at getting my clients' understanding that I really was on their side, but I was pretty awful at the desk and clerical parts. Also I had unique hair and an eccentric wardrobe accessory that made it easy to describe me even not knowing my name :) I saw other attorneys every day at work but remained distinctly my own flavor of lawyer.


And what do you wear? If you wear pants, does it upset you that others around you have jeans, slacks, yoga pants, coveralls, basically anything that is two divided cloth cylinders covering their lower limbs? Maybe you can get your mind thinking of others sharing your profession as using the same core concept but ringing huge fashion changes on it. Sure, it's another mesmer, but they're chanting their mantras while you're laying down your aoe effects.


In game my main for story and new map exploration is a Daredevil. I see other Daredevils around, but none of them have led an adventuring theater troupe, ruined their voice rescuing civilians in Lion's Arch, daringly stolen an airship from the Aetherblades -- whatever their stories, I have my own. So RP can help differentiate your character in your mind from others that happen to share some of the skill set but none of the personality. That part does require getting into an RP guild or group, though, RP can't really be done in a vacuum.


Try to make your subconscious realize that just because the person next to you shares some tools and abilities with you, they're not using them the same way as you are. Fingers crossed for you!

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@"Donari.5237" really appreciate the answer. I don't necessarily feel like its my OCD that makes me do this but the feeling is very similar and its hard to describe why I even get the feeling in the first place, it almost feels like my brain needs to be wired about something for everything. I dont normally have this problems in other games I play. But anyways your solutions have been helping thanks again everyone.

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