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Blocking forum users.


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Is there a way i'm not seeing where you are able to block a certain forum user so you don't have to view their topics/comments? If not would you please implement one?


I'm rather fed up of the front page of the forum being dominated by one users threads, and would like a way to remove them. Thanks.

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I've made a suggestion for this a while back and it was met with a response from @"Gaile Gray.6029" saying that blocking people's responses/threads would essentially break up the context of the flow of the thread if you didn't see responses made by the person you blocked. It was also met by other forum goers who felt that I was whining and wanting a, "safe space", or just needed to, "ignore them", ect.


All in all, many many forums have had an option to either block a persons threads/responses or atleast flag their stuff so it was, "minimized" (Like closing a tab.) and you didn't see it, unless you clicked on his/her name while scrolling down then it would open back up to a normal chat block.


But perhaps someday it will be done.

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> I've made a suggestion for this a while back and it was met with a response from @"Gaile Gray.6029" saying that blocking people's responses/threads would essentially break up the context of the flow of the thread if you didn't see responses made by the person you blocked. It was also met by other forum goers who felt that I was whining and wanting a, "safe space", or just needed to, "ignore them", ect.


> All in all, many many forums have had an option to either block a persons threads/responses or atleast flag their stuff so it was, "minimized" (Like closing a tab.) and you didn't see it, unless you clicked on his/her name while scrolling down then it would open back up to a normal chat block.


> But perhaps someday it will be done.


For blocked posts/users it should just show greyed out post placeholder with "hidden message" or sth on top so you can choose to see it if it breaks thread flow.

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![](https://media.giphy.com/media/3o85xwosfwwK9LmsZG/giphy.gif "")

If only I knew how to post a GIF....


Anyone else think of the episode where Butters filters out all of the comments from the internet related to Cartman before giving it to him to read?


I think the best thing you can do is just take initiative yourself and not read the posters you don't want to read? I'm sure a lot of people already do it. Also such a system could be easily abused by someones ego, you want to complain about something and someone offers simple advice so you just block them and keep complaining, could make for some very nonsensical forums.


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Don’t worry folks... I brought plenty of handkerchiefs for ya. ;)


Unfortunately for you, discussion will always exist on a discussion forum. Either contribute in a constructive, on-topic way or spend your time reading the forum policy to remind yourself why and how the forum works.


If you see many of my threads remaining on the first few pages, that is because players are responding to the topic and sharing their thoughts. In other words, they are discussing. Which I believe is the purpose of the forum.


If you rather see other threads then why not each of you complaining create a thread that players respond to? If they are interesting or relevant topics, I’m sure they will remain more visible to you and will likely bump threads you don’t want to see out of your view. The overall goal is to have more players discussing and that doesn’t mean only on topics you personally enjoy.


You could also ask those responders to not share their opinions, but you are basically telling them they can’t share their thoughts simply because you don’t like that the topic being responded to is from the same creator. Try to make that sound more credible if you can :)

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:


> I think the best thing you can do is just take initiative yourself and not read the posters you don't want to read?



Yes, this is the best way to block someone. It's called self-control. Unfortunately, it seems to be in short supply in the modern world, hence some people call for someone else to do it for them.

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I understand wanting to block some people, but I'm with Gaile on this one. I've used other forums with block features and I always end up unblocking people very quickly because it means any topic they post in doesn't make sense - everyone else in the discussion has info you don't have.


The only time it's worked well for me was when someone found out I'd blocked him and thought that meant he could say what he liked about me, and somehow forgot the moderators could still see his posts. He got himself banned and then I didn't have to see his posts any more. :D


Other than that I tend to stick with the approach of ignoring topics if I notice they're created by people I know I'm going to end up arguing with (or in some cases because I can never understand a word they've said) and not responding to their posts in other topics unless the nature of the discussion means I can't avoid it.

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> @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> Is there a way i'm not seeing where you are able to block a certain forum user so you don't have to view their topics/comments? If not would you please implement one?


> I'm rather fed up of the front page of the forum being dominated by one users threads, and would like a way to remove them. Thanks.


I know exactly who you are talking about, one word "polls" and yes I agree, I've also reported them for spam, 8 threads (mostly polls) on the front page is to many, clearly trying to be a special snowflake for Christmas. The reality is I will probably get a warning and they won't...

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So, you want to have a filter bubble again? I still find it kinda funny to join a place to have discussions just to lock out other opinions or people that might have different opinions. You can create your own fanclub somewhere else, BBoards are free, so is the hostin space. I'd also like to not see threads like this, but man, it's your opinion, and to get a full picture of something, I need the full panorama of opinions. You guys just want to pet on your backs? The place would be a terribly boring place - or a very communist one, you can pick either...






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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> > Is there a way i'm not seeing where you are able to block a certain forum user so you don't have to view their topics/comments? If not would you please implement one?

> >

> > I'm rather fed up of the front page of the forum being dominated by one users threads, and would like a way to remove them. Thanks.


> I know exactly who you are talking about, one word "polls" and yes I agree, I've also reported them for spam, 8 threads (mostly polls) on the front page is to many, clearly trying to be a special snowflake for Christmas. The reality is I will probably get a warning and they won't...


You'd probably get a warning or not responded to because of your invalid report reason. The report feature is not meant for false or petty use.

I think it's clear where the snowflakes are this Christmas. In Frostgorge Sound of course! ;)

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> > Is there a way i'm not seeing where you are able to block a certain forum user so you don't have to view their topics/comments? If not would you please implement one?

> >

> > I'm rather fed up of the front page of the forum being dominated by one users threads, and would like a way to remove them. Thanks.


> I know exactly who you are talking about, one word "polls" and yes I agree, I've also reported them for spam, 8 threads (mostly polls) on the front page is to many, clearly trying to be a special snowflake for Christmas. The reality is I will probably get a warning and they won't...


Yeah i've just been reporting too. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. The person in question reminds me 100% of Ajit Pai in attitude, Shame that they have to behave like this for attention.

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> @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> > > Is there a way i'm not seeing where you are able to block a certain forum user so you don't have to view their topics/comments? If not would you please implement one?

> > >

> > > I'm rather fed up of the front page of the forum being dominated by one users threads, and would like a way to remove them. Thanks.

> >

> > I know exactly who you are talking about, one word "polls" and yes I agree, I've also reported them for spam, 8 threads (mostly polls) on the front page is to many, clearly trying to be a special snowflake for Christmas. The reality is I will probably get a warning and they won't...


> Yeah i've just been reporting too. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. The person in question reminds me 100% of Ajit Pai in attitude, Shame that they have to behave like this for attention.


You don't have to wonder about that. False reports are usually passed over or result in disciplinary action. I'm not so sure admitting to false reporting is very wise either. Here, this may help clear your understanding of the forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/342/forum-moderation-and-infraction-system




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The OP wanted to know if there's a block feature on the forums. That's been answered: no, there's no block feature.

And the reasons there won't be have also been established.


ANet might reconsider their policy someday, but it's not likely to be this week or even next year, certainly not in time to deal with whatever frustration folks are feeling today.


We all know the rule of thumb: don't feed the trolls (if that's what you think is going on) and saying that your annoyed by "one person's threads" is like cooking a 7-course meal with all the troll's favorite dishes. If you think the person is misguided, send them a PM asking them to self-moderate. And if you think that there's an actual issue that needs moderation, report.



> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> The report feature is not meant for false or petty use.


Reporting someone for spamming threads wouldn't be false or petty. It would simply be reporting someone for spamming.


Of course, taking glee by publicly admitting to reporting someone does seem petty. Instead, just report if you feel there's an issue that needs moderation. ANet will either agree (and warn/infract the account holder) or they won't.


Also of course: publicly telling someone that their motivations for reporting are invalid, well that also comes across as petty. The same advice applies: report if you think there's an issue worth ANet's time to investigate.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> Anet should put restrictions on how many polls one account can start. Like 1-2 per weeks tops so it wont get flooded with stupid polls like if you have your scythe yet or not.


So you are saying only polls you personally find interest should be allowed? Doesn't quite work that way.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > The report feature is not meant for false or petty use.


> Reporting someone for spamming threads wouldn't be false or petty. It would simply be reporting someone for spamming.


> Of course, taking glee by publicly admitting to reporting someone does seem petty. Instead, just report if you feel there's an issue that needs moderation. ANet will either agree (and warn/infract the account holder) or they won't.


> Also of course: publicly telling someone that their motivations for reporting are invalid, well that also comes across as petty. The same advice applies: report if you think there's an issue worth ANet's time to investigate.


Sure it would, if the threads being reported do not constitute as spamming and as you pointed out, publicly admitting it for personal glee.


Telling someone that their motivations for reporting are invalid when they are in fact invalid is necessary, whether seen as petty or not. It's not the opinions that matter on a topic such as this. Only the policy of the forum.

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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @"Offair.2563" said:

> > Anet should put restrictions on how many polls one account can start. Like 1-2 per weeks tops so it wont get flooded with stupid polls like if you have your scythe yet or not.


> So you are saying only polls you personally find interest should be allowed? Doesn't quite work that way.


Polls that actually matters are np to me. But when it goes down to which color u like more black or white, then its a problem. Most polls are biased already anyway.

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> @"VaaCrow.3076" said:

> Is there a way i'm not seeing where you are able to block a certain forum user so you don't have to view their topics/comments? If not would you please implement one?


> I'm rather fed up of the front page of the forum being dominated by one users threads, and would like a way to remove them. Thanks.


Dwayna forbid the forums from actually being used, right? The alternative is that you compete for the same space, and "dominate" the front page too, when given that forum blocking isn't going to be implemented.


Or mentally block them out. Or respond to the person in question. Example: Gaile, please restrain yourself from posting one too many times in the same section of the forums within a few days. Thank you.



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