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Gold for griffin


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If you want easy money, buying gems is the fastest.


If you want easy money, yet no credit card required, log in and do your dailies every day. That's an easy 2 gold a day. You'll have what you need in less than a year.


Other than that, you just have to play the game. Hit up the event chains in the popular areas for farming. Silverwastes, AB, even Palawadon now is decent. Loot like a madman, and sell sell sell.

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Winterdays event that is on now will help alot, farm presents and sell them ob the TP.


You could do T4 fractals and daily recommend for fractal chests which sell well.


There's RIBA which I think you need a low level alt around level 45-50 to open the chests one and sell what ever you get out of the bags.


I spent most of my money befor PoF and pretty much made my money back for the mounts by selling unidentified equipment on the TP. The new meta and great hall in the season 4-1 Istan map can get alot unidentified gear.


Which ever method you choose to make money make sure you try to have fun as grinding for gold could burn you out.


Good Luck and have fun.

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The way I did it was a no no. But I didn’t care. U might care and others however. What I did is fractals. Auric basin meta. Sold every mat I had. Used all my laurels on heavy mats and sold them. Did dailies. Dungeons. Repeat till I got 250. It works but the cost of laurels is really bad. That’s if you need them. If you don’t then spend them laurels.

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I assume you do not want to spend your own money or you would have done so already. Any other options will take some time. Depending on what you are good at, you may have several options:

1. PvP Tournaments: These can give you a lot of gold. The biggest catch is that you have to be good at PvP, which is not everyone's case, and have a decent team.

2. Dailies: As mentioned above, easy 2g a day. The easiest ones are the gathering and vista viewers dailies and do one PvP match (as they work towards the dailies). Most of the time, you don't even have to win. Just play one.

3. Dungeons: Run 5 dungeons paths (I think, but don't quote me on this one ;) ) and get 5g. Maybe not the easiest one depending on how easy it is to find a group. I haven't done them in a while so I don't know. (Could be a clue there xD)

4. Fractals: My personal favorite in order to make gold. I find T3 is where you start making decent gold by selling all the loot.

5. Silverwastes/ Lake Doric etc farm: You may find these to be especially grindy as you don't really have to pay a lot of attention. Just follow the train really.

6. Meta Events/ events chains: Again can be quite grindy but some do give good items that can be sold for fairly good prices on the TP.

7. Play the Trading Post: Another potentially long task and may require some studying. You have to examine classic supply and demand for items and spot the profitable items. Not much effort but takes some learning to be good at. There are websites that "help" you with find the profitable items but if they help you, they help other people too... Classic economics if you are familiar with the theories.


I probably have missed a few but these should give you a good starting point. It really depends what you enjoy in the game. My advice would be to do what you enjoy and it won't seem to boring. I know you wanting the griffon will be constantly at the back of your mind and you may get impatient. But honestly, just take it at your own pace. I enjoy fractals so I get gold fairly easily just playing normally. Obviously, you can save up. So no more spending recklessly on items you think you can do without for now (e.g. no converting into gems to buy skins etc)


Another poor man tip would be to use portals that connect Cities and LA as much as possible to reduce the distance, and therefore costs, of Waypoint teleportation. That can save you a few silvers a day. Most people would probably laugh at this one but hey! Every little helps!


I hope you get your flying permit soon! :)

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Got any as-yet-unused BL weapon skins? I have a few that I really like but haven't found the right alt to wield yet. Now and then I decide I need gold more than I need to maybe use that skin one day ... for the Griffon I had a jetpack I'd collected some time earlier when a vendor offered it, and figured I'd rather have a griffon mount than an inanimate hunk of rusty metal, especially as I seldom show backpieces. That covered the griffon nicely. Now I'm hoping my Dominator Sword gets chosen by someone as a must-buy ... :)


In other words, as Yargesh said check your bank for what's sellable. You can use gw2efficiency.com to see your current gold value for every item, filtered by tradeable to make sure it can be TP'd.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> The way I did it was a no no. But I didn’t care. U might care and others however. What I did is fractals. Auric basin meta. Sold every mat I had. Used all my laurels on heavy mats and sold them. Did dailies. Dungeons. Repeat till I got 250. It works but the cost of laurels is really bad. That’s if you need them. If you don’t then spend them laurels.


Pretty much what I did, made sure to get in AB and/or some other meta every day and fractals when there was time. But now, I would recommend Palawadan. You can do it every other hour, and I tend to make about 5-9 gold each run, just from selling the unidentified equipment.

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> @"Yargesh.4965" said:

> No grind. Go through your bank, if you play at all I am sure there is quite a lot of gold in mats and other stuff laying around. As mentioned above laurels can be a source or karma etc.


That's assuming they haven't already cashed out on all of those for something already. None of those are quickly acquired either. Only a benefit of saving over time.

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1. Park all your unused characters at a chest with a guaranteed yellow. Draconis Mons JP comes to mind.Log on every day on every character to get some fast loot.

2. If you can do the Wintersday JP on the Gingerbread path (hard mode) you can get 15 presents 1 jp run is ~75s and it only takes what .. less than 3 minutes per run?

3. The griffon progression works in chunks of 25g per karma vendor item. The heart missions you do to unlock the vendors will help with the gold you need. Those stackable weapon and armors in PoF are pretty convenient gold.


If you park at jp chest and log for rewards, do the jp 10 or more times each day and sell your loot from the heart events, it should lighten the burden of how much the griffon costs.

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I'm still doing auric basin and silwerwastes meta from time to time for some gold too. It's good to vary things up when you get too tired on one method.


Also if you want to try your luck, one thing to do is to gather season 3 materials like jade and berries, use those to get ascended amulets, and salvage those trying to get salvaged excellence (800g). The drop rate is really low though.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> The way I did it was a no no. But I didn’t care. U might care and others however. What I did is fractals. Auric basin meta. Sold every mat I had. Used all my laurels on heavy mats and sold them. Did dailies. Dungeons. Repeat till I got 250. It works but the cost of laurels is really bad. That’s if you need them. If you don’t then spend them laurels.


Tier 3 and 4 bags currently sell better than the tier 6, if you want to maximize value of your laurels.


Daily Tequatl is worth 3-5 gold in cash and materials.

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* if you're good at jp - winter wonderland jp. i've heard one of my guild mates make 100g easily through that with less time.

* if you're decent at spvp - tournaments. even if you lose, 10g within 7-10 mins. and if you play rank, that last chest could yield 20g easily after a few matches.

* if you don't like to grind like me - t4 daily fractals. do all the dailies and you'll have about half the griffon within a week.

* if you like to grind - do Silverwastes train and chest train. get on a toon level 44-54, open them bags and sold all the mats.

* if you're good with math - do some research and start rigging the tp. honestly it's a bit too late now. i sold a lot of mats before the expansion, and earned a shit ton since all of those mats drop significantly after the expansion and still haven't gained their original prices yet.

* if you're still clueless - get on gw2efficiency website and start doing your homework, see what sell good and do itsy bitsy steps towards obtaining those mats/items.

* if you have about 1000 laurels like a friend of mine - spend them all on t4 bag, aka medium crafting bag. those mats sell good. if less than 100 laurels, save them

* if you're good at raiding - like run all 4 wings in 2 hours or something, then they earn a shit ton with ascended mats drop. but totally not for everyone.

* if want those golds and still don't know what to do - do HoT metas and world boss train to fill in the time gap. they drop good mats, rare items that you could get ectos in return. i forget how fun world boss train can be and how rewarding it is too when i joined one that a friend led. it's a nice change of air.


if you don't want to do any of the above. then spend your rl cash to buy gems. and convert gems into golds. lots of people did it this way i believe. since i've never seen gems-gold price drop like crazy in the last few months. i manage to take advantage of that and convert the other way around to stack my gems for the holidays.


although, it has collections that you have to do on PoF maps, and golds to spend on some of the collections. so take your time, spend what you have. rinse and repeat.

it's not a one step, spend it all, but rather an ongoing process. for instance, you're going to need 50g to complete the very first collection. so look forward to getting your 50g. do the next collection at the same time with playing the game and getting 50g more to complete the next one, and so on.

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