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Mounts!!!! Your thoughts?


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I'm looking forward to mounts. But have to confess that I am giving ANet the benefit of the doubt, as I strenuously disliked HoT. Preview area was enjoyable, so I am hoping this carries through the entire expansion and that it is more like the base game. If it's another "how many ways can we make you wish you were back in Orr" expansion, then ANet will have blown their last saving throw.

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> @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> Not a fan of having them in the game, but resigned that I will see them everywhere. The bigger problem will be seeing them in the core Tyria maps where they are going to be very unnecessary and unlike the more open desert maps, will feel very cluttered if say everyone shows up in Frostgorge on their mounts for claw.


Have to agree with this one fully/

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I admit that I never wanted mounts in game. I could still be completely happy without them. However, Anet has decided to walk this path so I'm rolling with it. We'll see how it goes. I _did_ enjoy the Raptor during the preview weekend (although I foresee falling off many cliffs in my future, because I didn't give myself enough stopping room). I'm reserving my ire for now.

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> @ardasica.4531 said:

> Yay! My first thumbs down for indicating I would pass because mounts are mandatory. Which they are. I'm sure ANet isn't crying into their soup because I'm not purchasing PoF.


So, what's wrong with it being mandatory? It's a core aspect of the expansion, it's like me saying I quit gw2 because combat is necessary.

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> I remember when GW2 first came out and players were begging for mounts, and ANet said no. Something about how waypoints were fine and mounts made you less likely to pay attention to the world around you or something.


> Now they're finally giving those players what they want and suddenly everyone hates it. I'm fine with it, and I enjoy the salt of ungrateful players.


*shrugs* I didn't want mounts to start with. I'm not banging on to take them out of the game either. I just don't like being told I have to have them if I'm going to play the new expansion. Most likely an authority problem I'm sure. In either case, those that wanted them got them.

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I still want gemstore custom spider mounts which was initially suggested. To prevent people who might have a huge fear of spiders from seeing such things, I would suggest something in the option to disable other player custom mounts or if you have the tech, to filter out certain custom mounts you don't want to see while keeping other custom mounts in. All this option would do is change the appearance to default mount on your screen. :D

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> I remember when GW2 first came out and players were begging for mounts, and ANet said no. Something about how waypoints were fine and mounts made you less likely to pay attention to the world around you or something.


> Now they're finally giving those players what they want and suddenly everyone hates it. I'm fine with it, and I enjoy the salt of ungrateful players.


To be fair, I was one of those players from day one that never wanted them in the game. I'd say look at my posting history on the subject, but that doesn't exist anymore.

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I think they're great; I played the first demo weekend, and riding the Raptor feels really good. Around when I first picked up Guild Wars 2, I remember the topic of Mounts coming up and thinking that they're unnecessary because of the Waypoints, but now that they're coming I'm really excited for it. They're a big addition that will drastically change how we explore, not just in the Crystal Desert, but everywhere. If they were all basically the same - just a cosmetic that give a speed buff - that would be a disappointment and I would say the criticism is justified. But that each of them come with new ways of exploring the world and don't just act like an extension of your character is what makes them unique and exciting. I don't think they invalidate Waypoints either; of course it will still be faster to teleport around the map, just now we have a means of more quickly getting to our destination from those Waypoints, which will be major considering the size of the new maps.

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I've enjoyed what we've been able to do with mounts so far. I like the idea of them having specific skills on dodge and engagement type abilities. The only thing that has been a negative for me is that the raptor mount seemed to struggle going up some stairs. I hope that gets fixed.

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I just hope they avoid an immersion-breaking mount-swapping exercise. If there are multiple ways to crack a problem, happy days. If you have to use raptor for X amount of steps and jumps before swapping to skimmer for 5 seconds and hopper for one leap and back to raptor again, that would be a shame. Here's to the benefit of the doubt!

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I liked the raptor on the demo weekend very much. Hopefully the other ones will have also such an organic feeling like the rator. Onlx thing wich imo could be better is the sizescaling with some races. Made a gigantic chaardian, wich looks rediccilous on the back of the raptor. Also a normalsized charr like the one i play looks a liitle bit strange imo. Like ohhh look there that cat is riding cute little lizard ^^

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> @calb.3128 said:

> I just hope they avoid an immersion-breaking mount-swapping exercise. If there are multiple ways to crack a problem, happy days. If you have to use raptor for X amount of steps and jumps before swapping to skimmer for 5 seconds and hopper for one leap and back to raptor again, that would be a shame. Here's to the benefit of the doubt!


This is honestly one of my biggest fears. I was already annoyed at how much I dismounted in the open world as it was. Having to play mount swap in the middle of a new JP would drive me batty.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> I think mounts are a bad idea. GW2 is becoming less unique by this move. The WP system is far superior and watering it down with the addition of screen clutter is disheartening. I wish they had used their development time for something else - anything else.


The WP system is akin to flying mounts in other games as your basically going from point A to point B completely skipping all the other players you would have seen on your travels.


With ground mounts when going from point A to point B you'll see all the players inhabiting the space between and they'll see you while your traveling the playerbase actually seeing people traveling the roads is great for immersion. It also allows for greater player interaction because if I'm traveling from the southern to the northern part of the map after PoF is released then that will be on foot instead of WP and if I see a player in need along the way I will most definitely interact with them.


Just look at HoT a map could have a decent amount of people on it but you won't see them because one half is WP'n around and the other half is either gliding above your head or traveling through tunnels below your feet meaning you won't see them. PoF and mounts will add a community level this game has been lacking since its locking people into situations to interact and see one another.

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> @Doam.8305 said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > I think mounts are a bad idea. GW2 is becoming less unique by this move. The WP system is far superior and watering it down with the addition of screen clutter is disheartening. I wish they had used their development time for something else - anything else.


> The WP system is akin to flying mounts in other games as your basically going from point A to point B completely skipping all the other players you would have seen on your travels.


> With ground mounts when going from point A to point B you'll see all the players inhabiting the space between and they'll see you while your traveling the playerbase actually seeing people traveling the roads is great for immersion. It also allows for greater player interaction because if I'm traveling from the southern to the northern part of the map after PoF is released then that will be on foot instead of WP and if I see a player in need along the way I will most definitely interact with them.


> Just look at HoT a map could have a decent amount of people on it but you won't see them because one half is WP'n around and the other half is either gliding above your head or traveling through tunnels below your feet meaning you won't see them. PoF and mounts will add a community level this game has been lacking since its locking people into situations to interact and see one another.


I don't want to waste time running between points. I want to get to where the 'fun' is. Seeing other people on the way is not 'fun' (to me).


The only player interaction I want is on the WvW or PvP battlefields. In PVE, I just want to go where I want without having to see/talk or interact with anyone. Mounts are a waste of my time. Keep them in the game and let everyone who wants to gallop (or whatever verb you want) around, but also have the WP system so those of us who are not into wasting time moving around can get to where we want to be.

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