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Did Anet just endorse GvG?


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> @"TwanBr.8340" said:

> > @"morrolan.9608" said:

> > Be aware that the spvp option will be using the spvp ruleset ie not WvW gear. For that reason alone its almost certainly a non starter.

> I would actually prefer this - provided there would also be a custom arena available for practicing.


the custom map would be your guild hall...but Anet ended doing a giant pve map of npc's and artwork... so much useless space....

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Haematic.4913" said:


> Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.



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> @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > This is something we are looking into and not something that has a set release date at all. Ben is still looking into the feasibility of this kind of change so I'd stop throwing coal in the hype train for now. The WvW team is also looking into a better option for GvG fights but we are in the preliminary stages of the investigation just like the PvP team. I just want you guys to temper your excitement until we know more about these ideas.


> Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?


> Organizing GvG's is usually the most difficult part of GvG; in that players schedules don't always pony up and at least a queue system would allow a guild who's looking to queue that day a chance to at least fight something, even if its 10-15 randoms who queued in to GvG.


> I remember GvG'ing against bots in GW1 and 8vG in HA & HoH. Even if the matches were a little lop-sided at least we were still able to participate in that 8v8 or that GvG.


> Also, I'm an advocate for the sPvP rules for GvG > WvW rules because it's a lot more balanced and guilds won't be required to constantly spend hundreds of gold when metas shift and it also allows guilds to hot-swap builds to counter.


So every time a group loses they changes there guild? It would be like the old days of gvg that players made. I am thinking leader-boards would be too much to ask from Anet due to how complicated it would be. Best to let the players run things like that and have anet give the players base spaces to do so in an "official" way.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> >

> > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.




Just out of curiosity, why isn't the guild hall arena being updated to properly cater for GvGers needs (Size, maps closing, getting rid off pve retal and confusin values)? From an armchair developers point of view it would be easier to tweak few things there rather than making a completely new game mode, maps and UI for sPvP?


Also, there was a really positive (As positive as wvwers can be) and idea rich topic about this over at reddit

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I am really sorry to the stance of Anet about leaderboard, Mr. Lukes.


In my opinion, the true blooded wvw player is not a hamster by heart who likes to run in circles. Realm vs Realm or in this case world vs world always has that conquest mode deeply ingrained, the will to rule over an empire or just your own personal castle where you can let your proud gaze flow over the land you gained with your own sword.


If nobody ever learns about these conquests and heroics, they are ultimately pointless and not desirable. At least for me. I am not saying that a leaderboard is the only way to achieve something like that, but it would have been a first step in the right direction.

Think about how stupid the Artus saga for example would be without the Knights of the round table and the common knights of Artur who unite under the flag of Camelot. How can you feel heroic when nobody chronicles your heroic deeds? It would just be some guys in shiny armor battling a group of other guys in shiny armor. Contrary to raids you can´t buy your way into a higher wvw rank and so your fame lives on if it is somewhere recorded.


The forefather game of the type of game that wvwvw is managed to do that or at least empored people to show how guilds had fared in the rvrvr war. i am pretty positive that you could do the same.


To not be a negative Nancy only, I actually welcome your idea to make room for the GvG scene. It would on one hand open spaces in the regular wvw, it could actually make some space on servers and help the server balance and it would separate those who see wvw more as a sport then a mode of conquest from the rest of the players.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> >

> > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.




Sounds like you guys are really limited by management.

A queue system for squads would surely be possible? It's going to be complicated to organize anything when people are not joining the match together.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> >

> > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.




hummm, basicly 3 teams on each side, sorry to be a bit obtuse on the questions :p


Have u guys have determined the objectives?

Would it be similiar to Spvp stronghold mode, with more lanes?

If so, wasnt the aoe spammy gameplay that borked up the gamemode ???


Arent 30 total players way to much for some skilled gameplay, doesnt that just force to powercreep race to lords??? or to final objective???


IMO one of the issues that is working like a barrier for your guys at ANet is the how u guys managed to make this game so spam based on cleaves and aoe's, everythign will get easilly borked up due that gameplay.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > >

> > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> >

> >


> hummm, basicly 3 teams on each side, sorry to be a bit obtuse on the questions :p


> Have u guys have determined the objectives?

> Would it be similiar to Spvp stronghold mode, with more lanes?

> If so, wasnt the aoe spammy gameplay that borked up the gamemode ???


> Arent 30 total players way to much for some skilled gameplay, doesnt that just force to powercreep race to lords??? or to final objective???


Death match. Fight until a side is eliminated. No lords, likely no cap points. Just fights.


Spammy or not. Doesn't matter. If it's too spammy for you don't try it.



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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > > >

> > > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > hummm, basicly 3 teams on each side, sorry to be a bit obtuse on the questions :p

> >

> > Have u guys have determined the objectives?

> > Would it be similiar to Spvp stronghold mode, with more lanes?

> > If so, wasnt the aoe spammy gameplay that borked up the gamemode ???

> >

> > Arent 30 total players way to much for some skilled gameplay, doesnt that just force to powercreep race to lords??? or to final objective???


> Death match. Fight until a side is eliminated. No lords, likely no cap points. Just fights.


> Spammy or not. Doesn't matter. If it's too spammy for you don't try it.


> :bleep_bloop:


That is dumb lol.... stack more than enemy :P gameplay


Ofc.,. game has to have some gameplay arround objectives to make team splits, ganks, etc..... if player's just wan tot stack n spam.. im sure im on the wrong game...

That sounds like pvp for idiots :scream: who cant actually pvp... so they stack n spam for ego boast.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > > > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > hummm, basicly 3 teams on each side, sorry to be a bit obtuse on the questions :p

> > >

> > > Have u guys have determined the objectives?

> > > Would it be similiar to Spvp stronghold mode, with more lanes?

> > > If so, wasnt the aoe spammy gameplay that borked up the gamemode ???

> > >

> > > Arent 30 total players way to much for some skilled gameplay, doesnt that just force to powercreep race to lords??? or to final objective???

> >

> > Death match. Fight until a side is eliminated. No lords, likely no cap points. Just fights.

> >

> > Spammy or not. Doesn't matter. If it's too spammy for you don't try it.

> >

> > :bleep_bloop:


> That is dumb lol.... stack more than enemy :P gameplay


> Ofc.,. game has to have some gameplay arround objectives to make team splits, ganks, etc..... if player's just wan tot stack n spam.. im sure im on the wrong game...

> That sounds like pvp for idiots :scream: who cant actually pvp... so they stack n spam for ego boast.


I know that GW1 is still running. Maybe you could....

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> ill leave this here.... this is what WvW should be to start... but with several maps... to conquer....



Yes, I though Heart of Thorns WvW Guild upgrades would herald more content along similar lines. I'm a complete imbecile for my optimism - they've never iterated on content, it's always been about implementing more and more new systems instead of adding content for existing systems. This is old ground, too - it's sad to see myself typing the same thing that I was typing on the old forum, but I guess it needs mentioning on this one at least once.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > > > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > hummm, basicly 3 teams on each side, sorry to be a bit obtuse on the questions :p

> > >

> > > Have u guys have determined the objectives?

> > > Would it be similiar to Spvp stronghold mode, with more lanes?

> > > If so, wasnt the aoe spammy gameplay that borked up the gamemode ???

> > >

> > > Arent 30 total players way to much for some skilled gameplay, doesnt that just force to powercreep race to lords??? or to final objective???

> >

> > Death match. Fight until a side is eliminated. No lords, likely no cap points. Just fights.

> >

> > Spammy or not. Doesn't matter. If it's too spammy for you don't try it.

> >

> > :bleep_bloop:


> That is dumb lol.... stack more than enemy :P gameplay


> Ofc.,. game has to have some gameplay arround objectives to make team splits, ganks, etc..... if player's just wan tot stack n spam.. im sure im on the wrong game...

> That sounds like pvp for idiots :scream: who cant actually pvp... so they stack n spam for ego boast.


That wouldn’t be gvg then. There’s a general ruleset... plus if in your hall, I imagine the option to punt would be available.


I agree with Frou tho. Just expanding the existing area and let the players sandbox/self organize within existing wvw rule sets would likely be more than enough.

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So what I'm hearing is right now we have the ability to organize unofficial gvgs in guild halls using the _pve_ rules/skills set, and this new option will open up the ability to organize gvgs in this new arena or w/e using _pvp_ rules/skills set.


Could we, perhaps, switch the guild hall over to wvw rules & skills?


~ Kovu

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> >

> > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.




Pls NO! The Pvp Gear is all, but not Balanced.. u didnt have the same Gear as the WvW Gear, we dont have all Runes, Sigils as well. We need in these Arena our Equip, not only Meta based stuff, thats not what the Guilds need.


Rune of Durability (not in Pvp)

Sigill of Hydromancy (not in Pvp)

Sigill Energy 25% in Pvp (50% in WvW)


Thats one Example from my Build.


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> @"PassionWhisky.3457" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > >

> > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> >

> >


> Pls NO! The Pvp Gear is all, but not Balanced.. u didnt have the same Gear as the WvW Gear, we dont have all Runes, Sigils as well. We need in these Arena our Equip, not only Meta based stuff, thats not what the Guilds need.

> Example:

> Rune of Durability (not in Pvp)

> Sigill of Hydromancy (not in Pvp)

> Sigill Energy 25% in Pvp (50% in WvW)


> Thats one Example from my Build.



> @"PassionWhisky.3457" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > >

> > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> >

> >


> Pls NO! The Pvp Gear is all, but not Balanced.. u didnt have the same Gear as the WvW Gear, we dont have all Runes, Sigils as well. We need in these Arena our Equip, not only Meta based stuff, thats not what the Guilds need.

> Example:

> Rune of Durability (not in Pvp)

> Sigill of Hydromancy (not in Pvp)

> Sigill Energy 25% in Pvp (50% in WvW)


> Thats one Example from my Build.



> @"PassionWhisky.3457" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > >

> > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> >

> >


> Pls NO! The Pvp Gear is all, but not Balanced.. u didnt have the same Gear as the WvW Gear, we dont have all Runes, Sigils as well. We need in these Arena our Equip, not only Meta based stuff, thats not what the Guilds need.

> Example:

> Rune of Durability (not in Pvp)

> Sigill of Hydromancy (not in Pvp)

> Sigill Energy 25% in Pvp (50% in WvW)


> Thats one Example from my Build.



Because wvw is balanced? Mady my day. GvG is the same cheesy play and meta like in spvp. Nothing will change.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> So what I'm hearing is right now we have the ability to organize unofficial gvgs in guild halls using the _pve_ rules/skills set, and this new option will open up the ability to organize gvgs in this new arena or w/e using _pvp_ rules/skills set.


> Could we, perhaps, switch the guild hall over to wvw rules & skills?


> ~ Kovu


I made this post a while back, looks like it got deleted -- https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/hot/QoL-Request-PvE-PvP-WvW-Rules-for-GH-Arena/first#post6641980







I wanted to suggest the following QoL update for the guild hall arenas.


This comes from a discussion I’ve had with the WvW community in particular, but this QoL applies to the three separate game modes.


Each game mode has it’s respective combat and skill rules.


My QoL requisition in it’s simplest form would be to have an NPC that can set the rules for the Arena, which means that if the players choose PvE rules, PvE rules will apply, if they select PvP rules, PvP rules will apply and if they select WvW rules, WvW rules will apply.


For instance -


PvP players can rally 1-5 team members in down state contingent on finishing an enemy team downed player.

PvP exclusive skill behavior

In PvP, Stealth breaks target.

WvW players can rally 1 team member in down state contingent on finishing an enemy team downed player.

WvW exclusive skill behavioir

WvW specific Retaliation

In WvW, Stealth breaks target and squad markers.

PvE specific Retaliation

In PvE, stealth breaks target.

In PvE, certain performance enhancing boosters buff player damage, reduce damage taken, etc.

Thanks for reading,


~ Haematic



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> @"Xibalbar.7459" said:

> > @"PassionWhisky.3457" said:

> > > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > > >

> > > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Pls NO! The Pvp Gear is all, but not Balanced.. u didnt have the same Gear as the WvW Gear, we dont have all Runes, Sigils as well. We need in these Arena our Equip, not only Meta based stuff, thats not what the Guilds need.

> > Example:

> > Rune of Durability (not in Pvp)

> > Sigill of Hydromancy (not in Pvp)

> > Sigill Energy 25% in Pvp (50% in WvW)

> >

> > Thats one Example from my Build.

> >


> > @"PassionWhisky.3457" said:

> > > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > > >

> > > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Pls NO! The Pvp Gear is all, but not Balanced.. u didnt have the same Gear as the WvW Gear, we dont have all Runes, Sigils as well. We need in these Arena our Equip, not only Meta based stuff, thats not what the Guilds need.

> > Example:

> > Rune of Durability (not in Pvp)

> > Sigill of Hydromancy (not in Pvp)

> > Sigill Energy 25% in Pvp (50% in WvW)

> >

> > Thats one Example from my Build.

> >


> > @"PassionWhisky.3457" said:

> > > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> > > >

> > > > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> > > Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Pls NO! The Pvp Gear is all, but not Balanced.. u didnt have the same Gear as the WvW Gear, we dont have all Runes, Sigils as well. We need in these Arena our Equip, not only Meta based stuff, thats not what the Guilds need.

> > Example:

> > Rune of Durability (not in Pvp)

> > Sigill of Hydromancy (not in Pvp)

> > Sigill Energy 25% in Pvp (50% in WvW)

> >

> > Thats one Example from my Build.

> >


> Because wvw is balanced? Mady my day. GvG is the same cheesy play and meta like in spvp. Nothing will change.


I know I hate to say this, but Spvp was right to nerf energy sigil. It's too good for most of WvW. You literally can't be wrong by picking it.



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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> This is something we are looking into and not something that has a set release date at all. Ben is still looking into the feasibility of this kind of change so I'd stop throwing coal in the hype train for now. The WvW team is also looking into a better option for GvG fights but we are in the preliminary stages of the investigation just like the PvP team. I just want you guys to temper your excitement until we know more about these ideas.


5 years in and they realize the games name isnt world v world but GUILD wars... still.. what combat guild only has 15 people ... lol.. More like roamers v roamers at that limit lol

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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > This is something we are looking into and not something that has a set release date at all. Ben is still looking into the feasibility of this kind of change so I'd stop throwing coal in the hype train for now. The WvW team is also looking into a better option for GvG fights but we are in the preliminary stages of the investigation just like the PvP team. I just want you guys to temper your excitement until we know more about these ideas.


> 5 years in and they realize the games name isnt world v world but GUILD wars... still.. what combat guild only has 15 people ... lol.. More like roamers v roamers at that limit lol


GvG's have consistently been 15's or 20's.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"Haematic.4913" said:

> >

> > Can you please have a queue and leader-board option or at least leave it on the open table for discussion?

> Again this is all still in the planning stages but I'll clarify some things. There is no current plan to give this a queue or a leader-board. What we're currently looking into custom arena map that would allow for 15v15 team death match. The thought was to give players an easier place to organize GvG fights. This 15v15 mode would use the sPvP rules and skill splits. Doing this would open the opportunity to do special tournament if the popularity was enough to support a full tournament.




So after five years, you're going with a half baked option and 'hope' enough players will think it's good enough?


No queue= FAIL. Guilds want to be able to join when they can and have opponents to fight. Go back and look at the early days of Guild Wars for how that works and how keen guilds were to progress on the leaderboard.


No leaderboard? Really? Then what is the point? What are you trying to develop? A tiny sandbox that you can throw 15v15 in and call it 'gvg'? Must be all of a day's work in that. Any proper gvg map needs some objectives, paths and splits so that tactics win matches along with superior skill.


No titles/capes/etc for winning guilds? Again, look at the early Guild Wars model.


If you're going with spvp rules and skill splits, then you need to have a practice area where guilds can practise against other squad splits (from the same guild), as most will not be that familiar with spvp sets and rules- and those sets severely restrict builds so a lot of guilds will just say 'no thanks', as it's a lot of bother for no leaderboard or queue system.


I'd prefer starting off with wvw rules and sets and then altering skills for 'gvg only'.


How will matches be organised? Unless you have some form of in game matchmaking, do you seriously expect the mode to gain any traction?


Take a good, long, hard look at what made Guild Wars Guild battles so popular in the beginning of that game and then make a decent attempt at replicating that for GW2 (given the completely different boons, etc..).


Don't make a half baked version, you will just get laughed at. Players and guilds will only return if it is worth fighting for.

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@Baldrick.8967, as no queue i imagine Anet wanting experimental, to tune up the game mode itself first ??

I imagine queue and ladder wont make that much of a diference in the initial stage, and this is if Anet wants to make a decent game mode. ofc, wich still most players just want their pve stat broken builds to stack n spam...

That's not GVG guys!!!!!!!!!!


it needs to be within pvp environment and stats...

it needs objectives.. it is mandatory to put players at prove within certain roles towards those objectives aka teamplay(tactics, and "voice teamwork.").

No groups full of broken gimmicks vs gimmicks to stack and get carried trough the gameplay (on gw1 no matter what metas they would run, players skill was a major part in it).

It needs a ladder and queue as much experimental those would be initially.


Blunt comment...:

If u guys just want to stack 15 vs 15 or more to 111111 dodge 11111... u will never be gvg's players.... just a bunch of stacked noobs wanting to leech from class stacking...


Edit(stil if stack n spam is what players really want and that will make the wannabee GVG scene have players.. whatever works is fine, this game was towards noobs anyway...)



./peace & R.I.P. GuildWars series 2003-20012.

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