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ArenaNet Forum Chats Coming!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

As we look to the start of a new year, we want to let you know about an exciting new initiative we’re going to offer here on the forums: Bi-weekly ArenaNet Forum Chats with Guild Wars 2 developers or development teams. These chats will be our take on the concept of a developer AMA.


The GW2 AFC series will begin in February. On a bi-weekly basis, an individual dev or team of devs will join the forums for a few hours to engage with you in real time on the topics you care about. You can create a thread to ask a question, give feedback, express a concern, or share a kudo. Or you can join an existing thread to share your thoughts on the topic at hand.


As always, we’ll be talking about the game as it is at the current time, rather than focusing on future development, although it’s always possible that some predictive info will be shared. Also, it goes without saying that in a two-hour event, it’s likely that we won’t be able to get to every thread that is created, nor answer every question that may be raised. However, the benefit of players and developers sharing ideas during these sessions could have far-reaching benefits, and we hope you’ll join in!


First order of business will be setting up a guest list. So, please share your ideas for dev or dev team participants. If you would also give a little idea of why you’d like that person or team to take part, that would be very helpful, as well.


We look forward to seeing you as participants in the AFCs!



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Sounds fantastic. I look forward to this starting.


One question though, will this be taking place in all sub-forums, a specific sub-forum, or will the sub-forum change based on who the participating dev(s) is(are) at the time and their position/specialization?


(Ex. A pvp dev doing an AFC, would it be in the pvp sub-forum or are all going to be in general discussion regardless of topic?)


If it is taking place in a single sub-forum, I imagine all of the thread creation spam asking questions may fill page 1 quite quick and push any non-AFC discussion threads to be lost to the back pages.


Is a dedicated sub-forum for AFCs going to be created, or would a separate place for this only attract those who seek it out and lessen participation compared to if it were always in existing sub-forums?


Just wondering where to watch for it to be and if I need to watch different places each time. On that note, will there be a news/announcement (an actual news/announcement in the news/announcement sub-forum) when one is scheduled to take place?

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Brilliant news. Lots of positive things happening right now - greater interaction with many of the teams, a great first episode of ls4 and some of what the head of marketing guy said about celebrating the game and bringing back the hype. Should be a good year for the game and community!


I’d like to hear from lore and narrative personally. Rather than call out all the issues we have with story and consistency, it would be good to discuss contexts and structures so we can have a greater understanding of why things are as they are. I sppreciate the need to avoid spoilers or potential upcoming storylines, but it is always interesting to hear from the team about how and why they choose to proceed down a story arc and the obstacles involved.

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"As always, we’ll be talking about the game as it is at the current time, rather than focusing on future development"


If this is true then what's the point exactly? Talking about the game as it is in anything other than praise is the only way this could be useful. "What will you do about this?" "Will you fix this?" All these questions rely on talking about future information... the most pertinent questions do. If those are off-limits and won't be addressed then really what's the point.

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Ben Arn.. .. but he need to work on all those awesome updates like health bars... uuu.. No, leave our Ben alone! Give him more money instead!


Hmm, maybe your game engine magicians? Would be great to learn what features Guild Wars 2 could possibly get in future (like GH decoration's limits or procedure generated areas).

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Is the amount of moderating going to be toned down at all for these kinds of AMA forum threads? There's a reason the gw2 subreddit and other fansites became so popular for game discussion and it's super easy to get infractions for even the slightest things on here. I can't imagine official forum AMA threads being able to get the same kinds of questions and comments as what's allowed to get voted up on reddit.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> As we look to the start of a new year, we want to let you know about an exciting new initiative we’re going to offer here on the forums: Bi-weekly ArenaNet Forum Chats with Guild Wars 2 developers or development teams. These chats will be our take on the concept of a developer AMA.


> The GW2 AFC series will begin in February. On a bi-weekly basis, an individual dev or team of devs will join the forums for a few hours to engage with you in real time on the topics you care about. You can create a thread to ask a question, give feedback, express a concern, or share a kudo. Or you can join an existing thread to share your thoughts on the topic at hand.


> As always, we’ll be talking about the game as it is at the current time, rather than focusing on future development, although it’s always possible that some predictive info will be shared. Also, it goes without saying that in a two-hour event, it’s likely that we won’t be able to get to every thread that is created, nor answer every question that may be raised. However, the benefit of players and developers sharing ideas during these sessions could have far-reaching benefits, and we hope you’ll join in!


> First order of business will be setting up a guest list. So, please share your ideas for dev or dev team participants. If you would also give a little idea of why you’d like that person or team to take part, that would be very helpful, as well.


> We look forward to seeing you as participants in the AFCs!




I vote the class and combat team(s). Why? because those areas need the most tlc.



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Can't tell you how happy this makes me. I have seen nothing but a hugely increased effort by Anet to include the immediate community in shaping the game and talking with us. I hope you won't be discouraged by any negativity, most of us are really grateful for the opportunity to communicate. I personally as a new player was attracted to WvW and I would like a chance to talk to the WvW team and share some feedback from myself and my guild (we do GvG and raids). I would like to talk to the gem store team and give them feedback based on familiar complaints I hear.

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Thanks for this, Gaile!


An idea for you: Create a thread for ideas (only) for this AFC . Encourage people to not debate within that thread. If there needs to be a debate, create a new one and link to it.


For ideas that people would like to talk about, we can sort of vote on them. Give them a "thumbs up" if a member thinks it would be a good thing to discuss. If any of us REALLY thinks it should be included, give it a "helpful" instead.


That way, you (Gaile) can put forth an agenda to your folks so they are not blind-sided.



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I'd like profession specific threads, I'd like to know who specifically takes care of engineer balance for example and what their plans are for the class, sort of like a roadmap. Guessing every profession wants something like that too.





> @"Fluffball.8307" said:

> I look forward to the wave of reddit-users coming here to sabotage this and then complaining they got banned. rolly eyes


That's not how it is, also please stay on topic.

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