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Nerf Spellbreaker winds.


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Hello Anet.


I want to ask to nerf the Spellbreaker winds. My idea would be that the boon stability will not be removed if your standing inside the bubble.

Or instead remove boons that will be remove 1 stack each half second. That will be enough time to get out as possible.

But right now there is no balance or a way to fight this against more then 5+ spellbreakers in a blob.

Because guild groups that loves to zerg burst vs blobs are dealing the problem of a enemy blob with 10+ spellbreaker latelty.

We had moments that we pushed and we got bubbled and died 1 second because all our boons removed so quick.

Even we used everything from heal support and stab support to get out but there was no piont.



You said it self Anet for bringing back the zerg burst, if you really care then this problem would be fixed by now.

Do something about it thanks. If you don't nerf it then you can either remove it because it's unbalanced anyways.

There is no any skill that can add boons that quick from each classes.

That's why it's unbalanced.


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and what you think.




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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> Even we used everything from heal support and stab support to get out but there was no piont.

Heal support? At what magnitude? Last I checked the only true zerg healers (ie staff tempest @1500+ hp) was a dying breed almost entirerly replaced by squishy backliners that get one-pushed if the melee fails to sustain themselves with boons up the kitten. I havent even heard commanders call out waterfields for a very long time.


This isnt "unbalanced". This is a *choice* players has made.

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I don't see how it's unbalanced. Winds in and of themselves are not a problem. It doesn't do damage. It requires the group coordinate CC and damage within the winds. You are asking to nerf something that is actually only dangerous in addition of another class. That is not an imbalance. Some groups know how to chain Winds really well and focus their damage and CC, other groups not so much. What you seem to be mad at, is you coming across a group that coordinated well. I do absolutely hate getting caught inside chain Winds, but that is not a balance problem. It is a problem of positioning and planning. Considering how many boons Firebrand and Mesmers can pump pout, you bet your sassy kittens you need a Winds for help.

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Nerf Spellbreaker winds.

Ask anyone actively playing in WvW maps, from my own server like Yaksbend, everyone I have asked, believes Spellbreaker Winds is **extremely toxic** to the game. Ill advocate three points/ways that without exaggregation **ruins any** zerg/group fighting in **every** shape, aspect and form.

**Firstly**, Spellbreaker winds fails to promote a meta focused around fighting eachother, as most of the time zerg/group fights ends decisively in about 1-3 seconds during a push. Before and after those decisive seconds, there is close to no fighting at all. That is because fighting nowdays all comes down to who manages to drop a bubble on the enemy first, leading to noone wanting to charge into the enemy, as they will drop their bubbles.

**Secondly**, it removes boon stacks per tick **COMPLETELY**, oh you had **10** stacks of Stability? Think twice, cause after the enemy drops a bubble you will not even have time to react. And most of the time not able to move a centimeter, thus dying in the **Spellbreaker winds** with **no way to fight back.**

**ArenaNet**, please, you did such a good attempt in bringing back zerg fighting, by for example making stability more accessible between classes, but then you also introduce the **complete opposite,** and in such a **dominating** fashion. Effectively going one step forward and two back. Making the new stability options close to no point at all, because in fights you will end up having no stability, because of **the Spellbreaker Winds completely overpowered boonstripping.**

**Thirdly**, the **only way** to counter a bubble, is to use a bubble of your own, so skillful positioning and gameplay is not rewarded, we have for **months** tried to come up with ways to fight against a zerg/group without using bubbles ourselves, it is impossible. Furthermore, if you are outnumbered, you will NEVER win, as the enemy will have 1 or more bubbles than you. Even if you survived the bubble mayhem, the enemy will simply back off to their tower/keep, and wait for their bubbles to come back on. So **evading the bubbles does not work**, because the enemy just immediatly starts backing off, and you cannot punish because you are stuck trying to get out of the Spellbreaker Winds. back off completely when their bubbles are on cooldown, you can't even fight back then.

Thank you for your time, and please listen and take action, if the spellbreaker winds does not get nerfed by

means such as;

1) Make it **not strip boons anymore** at all. only make it **prevent applying new boons while standing inside of it**

2) Increase the interval between boonstripping ticks,

3) Make it not remove Stability

4) Double the cooldown on Spellbreaker winds

5) drastically reduce the sphere radius

If a game is supposed to be based around **one elite skill**, then the developers should reconsider what creates a good game.

I have collaborated to make this post, and I am speaking for a majority of people who wants to see a stop to the Spellbreaker Winds abuse that is happening right now.


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> @"radiantbliss.6875" said:

> I don't see how it's unbalanced. Winds in and of themselves are not a problem. It doesn't do damage. It requires the group coordinate CC and damage within the winds. You are asking to nerf something that is actually only dangerous in addition of another class. That is not an imbalance. Some groups know how to chain Winds really well and focus their damage and CC, other groups not so much. What you seem to be mad at, is you coming across a group that coordinated well. I do absolutely hate getting caught inside chain Winds, but that is not a balance problem. It is a problem of positioning and planning. Considering how many boons Firebrand and Mesmers can pump pout, you bet your sassy kittens you need a Winds for help.


You are right on that part. But like I said before.

There are guild groups like to zerg vs larger groups. There is no way 15+ to beat 40+ group if they have 10+ spellbreakers.

One of the reason that zerg groups wants to quit.

15+ does not have that many cc numbers to focus first on those 10+ spellbreakers while the 30+ dps will melt you down in the same time.

We have done 15+ vs 50+ many times but we are facing now more spellbreakers and we can't do a thing against that anymore.

Whenever we move out of the first bubble we used almost the half of our support to get out of that alive trying.

While we lost already 2 people dead and the second bubble shows up.

We counted 10+ bubbles for 15+ people...

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> Bubbles or not, when numbers are more than 2x, they can literally simply 111 you to death.


> unless the enemy is below average.


> i avoid those fights. i wait till i get more numbers.


Well we do love outnumbert fights.

More people is most of the time pug people are not skilled.

Anyways if they still have 10+ spellbreakers and few necro's.

No matter how big your group will be, you'll still get rekt. They just run you over and bubble over with no problems.

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> @"Toxi XerPender.6507" said:

> **Thirdly**, the **only way** to counter a bubble, is to use a bubble of your own, so skillful positioning and gameplay is not rewarded, we have for **months** tried to come up with ways to fight against a zerg/group without using bubbles ourselves, it is impossible. Furthermore, if you are outnumbered, you will NEVER win, as the enemy will have 1 or more bubbles than you. Even if you survived the bubble mayhem, the enemy will simply back off to their tower/keep, and wait for their bubbles to come back on. So **evading the bubbles does not work**, because the enemy just immediatly starts backing off, and you cannot punish because you are stuck trying to get out of the Spellbreaker Winds. back off completely when their bubbles are on cooldown, you can't even fight back then.



That goes without saying on ANY skill. Every server claims every other server goes running back to their keep/siege/tower/whatever when the battle no longer favors them. That isn't a Winds problem. That's called playing turtle and it's been done long before PoF was released. Groups will pull back if their frontline is on cooldown. Groups would pull back when stability was on cooldown. It's part of the strategy. Don't fight them by their tower? If they are running for a tower, they obviously are retreating and leaving their backline open. Kill their backline. Am I missing something here? The Winds is not what is locking you down. Other classes. Other skills. Those are what are locking you down. The bubble isn't going to stop you from using stunbreaks. If your stunbreaks aren't working, then your issue is with your stunbreak and the classes locking you down. Not the ONE warrior skill that has a long cooldown. Condi cleanses still work. Heals still work. Reflects can still be placed in the bubble. Stunbreak. Stunbreak. Stunbreak.


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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > Bubbles or not, when numbers are more than 2x, they can literally simply 111 you to death.

> >

> > unless the enemy is below average.

> >

> > i avoid those fights. i wait till i get more numbers.


> Well we do love outnumbert fights.

> More people is most of the time pug people are not skilled.

> Anyways if they still have 10+ spellbreakers and few necro's.

> No matter how big your group will be, you'll still get rekt. They just run you over and bubble over with no problems.


my team has no problem with spell breakers or necros. just numbers more than 2x hehe. we've found a way to deal with those.

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Winds does not need to be changed, Winds is only deadly when combined with CCs and damage. Winds by itself does exactly what it is supposed to do and strip boons. With Firebrands crapping out boons left and right necros cannot keep up at all there needs to be a secondary source of boonstrip.

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Okay, it looks like many people does not have a problem to fight against 60+ with maybe 13+ spellbreakers, scourge and firebrands. Then explain me how to win against that with 15+ organised people. I would like to hear the experience. Don't say use siege or you can't fight vs 60+. Yes you can because we have done it many times. Only now they run shitloads of spellbreakers now. You can dodge yes, but after we used our dodge there is second bubble. Then we use our heal support and boon support to get out alive from the 3rd bubbles. Then there comes the 4th bubble and your done.


Wvw is now only about range bombs and bubbles. They say this is fun. It's fucking boring lol. Because it ends fights in 1 -2 seconds. Nothing of real changelle anymore and makes fight guilds that are zerg burst to quit the game. No wonder why we lost so many skilled fight guilds.


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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> Okay, it looks like many people does not have a problem to fight against 60+ with maybe 13+ spellbreakers, scourge and firebrands. Then explain me how to win against that with 15+ organised people. I would like to hear the experience. Don't say use siege or you can't fight vs 60+. Yes you can because we have done it many times. Only now they run shitloads of spellbreakers now. You can dodge yes, but after we used our dodge there is second bubble. Then we use our heal support and boon support to get out alive from the 3rd bubbles. Then there comes the 4th bubble and your done.


> Wvw is now only about range bombs and bubbles. They say this is fun. It's kitten boring lol. Because it ends fights in 1 -2 seconds. Nothing of real changelle anymore and makes fight guilds that are zerg burst to quit the game. No wonder why we lost so many skilled fight guilds.



the counter is fb dh scourge and revs. hehe. and lots of coordinated one shot bombs.


but i cant fight 60 if i dont have 35 atleast. :/

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?


If you are be able to wipe with 15+ vs 60+ with 12+ spellbreakers and the rest of the group firebrands and scourge and power revs then you'll get from me a 100 gold.

I would be happy to learn from you then.

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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?


> If you are be able to wipe with 15+ vs 60+ with 12+ spellbreakers and the rest of the group firebrands and scourge and power revs then you'll get from me a 100 gold.

> I would be happy to learn from you then.


The thing is those 60 are runnig the same comp as well :D, sooooooooooo that is obvious impossible...

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?

> >

> > If you are be able to wipe with 15+ vs 60+ with 12+ spellbreakers and the rest of the group firebrands and scourge and power revs then you'll get from me a 100 gold.

> > I would be happy to learn from you then.


> The thing is those 60 are runnig the same comp as well :D, sooooooooooo that is obvious impossible...


excatly my piont, My guild group have won fights vs 60+ with 15+. But lately we facing now a lot of spellbreakers. Guilds that are zergs are tired of facing this problem. That's why anet need to give a change. Otherwise more skilled guilds will leave and quit. BoRP quit few weeks ago. They were zerg guild and they said it self. The game right now f1cking suck.

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> @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Ghost.7032" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?

> > >

> > > If you are be able to wipe with 15+ vs 60+ with 12+ spellbreakers and the rest of the group firebrands and scourge and power revs then you'll get from me a 100 gold.

> > > I would be happy to learn from you then.

> >

> > The thing is those 60 are runnig the same comp as well :D, sooooooooooo that is obvious impossible...


> excatly my piont, My guild group have won fights vs 60+ with 15+. But lately we facing now a lot of spellbreakers. Guilds that are zergs are tired of facing this problem. That's why anet need to give a change. Otherwise more skilled guilds will leave and quit. BoRP quit few weeks ago. They were zerg guild and they said it self. The game right now f1cking suck.


You're talking about 15 v 60? And you're wondering why you're getting farmed? Come on. 15 v 60 is doable if they're REALLY bad with no co-ordination. If both groups have good players and decent co-ordination? Then numbers win. They outnumbered you by four times as much. The best you can hope to do is keep doing fake pushes to bubble bait, or if they're playing too aggressive, bait them to a choke and don't go open field. If you do need to go open field, then you need to cloud them.

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