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Nerf Spellbreaker winds.


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There are alot of things wrong with the balance in this game, but to use the argument that WoD prevents these so-called elite guilds from using 15 people to kill 60 is just silly. To expect to walk into a 60 man pug zerg with 15 and destroy them like the old days is just about over. People can blame WoD, Scourges, Mirages, heck blame the turrent engineer. These folks need to look in the mirror and realize that the advantages they once had, like having voice chat, is not longer an advantage as most pug groups are in TS nowadays. Pugs are a heck of alot more coordinated now for the most part. Even the average skill of a wvw has increased some. You want to fight 60, bring close to that number or don't complain when you lose and blame it on the radiant heat from your video card was in your eyes.


I've been in some of those blobs that get attacked by these small 'zerg-buster' groups . They wade in, and cannot one push anymore and the pug zerg chases them across the zone until they rage quit. Little did they know that this pug zerg, almost all 50 of them were actually in voice chat and pretty darn coordinated. Which is about how the pug zergs roll on my server nowadays. this is speaking from a T1 server perspective. May be different on your server of course. Maybe your talking about EotM, and if so, I apologize, as its still easy for these elite zerg-busting folks to roll there i hear.



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The problem is not the skill which is fine in my opinion to balance the boon meta.


Problem are the conditions itself, hard CC included. So you get inside the magic bubble and losse your stab. And because there nothing to prevent it you just get CCed to death. Which is not fun.


**When a condition is cleansed the icon should change to another color (like the debuff from food or utilities) which avoid the application of the same condition for an interval** As simple as that. If you break stun and can't be pushed\stunned\knockdown for 1 second that could give you a chance to survive. If you cleanse the 9 stacks of torment and the 12 of burning and you are immune to the application (not resistance) those conditions for 2 seconds that could make the players to stop smashing the keyboard.


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> @"grifflyman.8102" said:

> All they need to do is give a renegade a spirit ability that grants a unique buff that gives stability. Since it's not a boon it won't be removed


> @"Sabre.8251" said:

> I laugh every time a Revenant dies as Resistance is kind of the only way for a Revenant to handle Conditions.


God damn.

Just hurry up and turn resistance into an effect, not a boon, so that it's not corrupted by scourges or recycled permanently by mesmers.

Do it with stability, too.


[... getting major dejavu...](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/231053#Comment_231053 "... getting major dejavu...")


~ Kovu

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the meta is pretty good. WOD is a nuisance but it adds value to game play. it's no longer, "stack, empower, bomb bomb bomb bomb on mee, Reeeee."


commanders actually have to try and move in various directions to bait out the WODs instead of boon and charge. 15v60 is rather difficult these days, due to the fact of gearing. back in the day, new players still came in without trinkets and yellows. while organized groups had exotics and working on ascended. probably need a good 20-25 piece to take on a map queue these days. and that's playing in a defensive fight. good luck trying to take a t3 keep with a map queue humping siege and 12 WODs.

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It is too strong. Not only that it removes boons every half second and blocks reapplication of boons, it also blocks projectiles AND affects up to 10 people. How many skills actually can affect more then 5? It should get toned down, because this makes it OP. It has too many good effects. And btw spam Alacrity on Spellbreakers to reduce CD further lol. When it at last got toned down to affecting 5 people it would be way more fair. But nope, let it be 10 -.- Hey?! Can Meteors, Necro skills and whatever all also affect 10 people please?!

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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> It does need toning down a little, XTD has it about right- 10 targets is too many, duration is too long. His suggestions including cooldown time would make it more reasonable but still a useable skill.


Hey thanks =). I would like to see more strategic use of WoD, and I am all for more boon hate no issues with that. I really do not like the way warriors are playing right now, they are basically bubble bots running in like idiots and wasting cooldowns trying to get away. Maybe toning it down a little will encourage players to use it more intelligently instead of just dropping it right away.

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I'm playing SB a bit (retired staff ele and they busted my power reaper build by killing shroud) when I'm not on my ranger (oh the joy in sniping scourges!), and I will usually be the SB off to one side not being noticed until mid fight when others have wasted their bubbles then 'boom' you all die:-) I can't use TS etc (as I need to listen out for my disabled wife) so rely on many years of positional skill and leading PW v60 battles to time it


There are a lot of bad/wasted SB casts so toning it down would certainly help stop wastage- whether it would be used more intelligently, that's anyone's guess!

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> It's funny cause, its like you're fine with miles upon miles of instant death circles on the ground... but one bubble is too much? Honestly sick of these topics. What server are you guys on? Is there even a commander on disc when this happens?


One bubble is fine. It's when there's 10... 15...20.. of them. I was watching some huge fights last night and just literally laughing out loud at the silliness. Spellbreakers taking it in turns to run in, Winds and run away. The other 90 seconds? Chill in the back meditating on your next WoE run in. I played it myself a week ago to try it and I dont know how anyone can find it anything other than dull.


When a server blob has a large amount of SB's and scourges a large portion of a 'fight' is spent trying to negotiate the maze around the bubbles and red circles. It's incredibly dull. I don't want to dance with the enemy for 15m waiting for one side or the other to miss a winds.

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Pretty overpowered spell that's taking over fights.


1. It lasts 10s. Static field lasts 4s, Null field 5s, Feedback 6s. So pretty much double duration.

2. It boon strips all boons on cast and 1 boon per sec for 10s after. One or the other, why both? Scourge already handle the mass boon removals.

3. It's radius is 360, Static field 180, Null field 240, Feedback is 240, Well of corruption 240. A skill this powerful with the biggest radius.

4. Recast time of 90s, meanwhile there's much less effective elites out there with 240s cooldowns.

5. Number of targets 10. Null field 5, Well of corruption 5, Static field 10. Static field is ok with bigger targets because it has the smallest radius.


I don't care if it's an elite in comparison, it has more properties to the spell to make up for that, like shield of absorption, old grim specter, well of corruption, rolled into one with extra numbers for everything, just the fact it has three spells rolled into one should have been enough. It's obvious this spell was meant for wvw more than anywhere else, but they gave no thought on how much it would affect the battlefield, once again GG balance team.


Well at least they didn't make it reflect projectiles....


P.S I go around all these bubbles, including allied bubbles cause I still can't tell what's an enemy or allied bubble with the mass spam unless I look real close to the edges to see if I can see some red there, but who the hell has time to look at a tiny line in a mass fight, at least regular enemy aoes are more recognizable still.

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Spellbreaker winds does not need a nerf. Right now any decent group will take a **maximum** of 1 warrior per party. Any more and they'd be doing themselves a disservice. If you nerf winds, warrior falls out of meta again.


There is so much room for counter-play: dodge rolls, stun breaks, superspeed, better positioning... And on top of that it's not an easy skill to use effectively. Play a spellbreaker in wvw and then come back. You'll quickly realize that winds is not as powerful as you think.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> Check your mobility setup. Are you using double direction button for dodge? Are you using a and d for turning left or right? Focus on strafe, bind dodge on something. Bind action cam for movement. You'll be mobile and you won't have problems with spell breakers bubbles unless you yolo push. You can do it. :)


Normally this is one of the things I would say, just move out of the bubble. I don't really have an issue with the skill, or the concept, or even with boon hate. I just really do not like the type of game play it is promoting with Warriors in its current form. I think a lot of groups rely too much on it. Its become an all or nothing...who can get off the first bubble type of skill, instead of being used strategically.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > Check your mobility setup. Are you using double direction button for dodge? Are you using a and d for turning left or right? Focus on strafe, bind dodge on something. Bind action cam for movement. You'll be mobile and you won't have problems with spell breakers bubbles unless you yolo push. You can do it. :)


> Normally this is one of the things I would say, just move out of the bubble. I don't really have an issue with the skill, or the concept, or even with boon hate. I just really do not like the type of game play it is promoting with Warriors in its current form. I think a lot of groups rely too much on it. Its become an all or nothing...who can get off the first bubble type of skill, instead of being used strategically.


you can mark and lock down warriors with mes and oull then around with focus and gravity well.

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Good luck wasting all your stunbreakers in a WoD, with all them CC on top. Dodge? Nice joke. Seriously when you get like 10-15 Stuns/fears/knockdowns....the list goes on...get on your face, then you're simply stunlocked in that bubble. And btw i played that shite myself. At first funny to see a zerg insta dieing because of WoD+CC spam into it. But it's just sad how fast and easy you end fights with it. Sure a fight, that takes a half hour is boring aswell. But a fight that is over as it starts? Isn't fun aswell.

It just turns WvW into the next PvE farm. And as said, easy to lock down people in a bubble. Just spam statics, drop the hammer, hammer warriors and so on into the bubble. I'm running a Party Stunbreaker to counter it. But after 5-6 break frees it's over. But enemies still can throw in more CC then you can break your party free from.

Positioning is also problematic at some locations. You can only retreat or try to push in, which i both saw often end up in a wipe. But hey sure, let the WoD be how it is, when i get more Stunbreakers in exchange. *Shrug*

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> @"Sabre.8251" said:

> Good luck wasting all your stunbreakers in a WoD, with all them CC on top. Dodge? Nice joke. Seriously when you get like 10-15 Stuns/fears/knockdowns....the list goes on...get on your face, then you're simply stunlocked in that bubble. And btw i played that kitten myself. At first funny to see a zerg insta dieing because of WoD+CC spam into it. But it's just sad how fast and easy you end fights with it. Sure a fight, that takes a half hour is boring aswell. But a fight that is over as it starts? Isn't fun aswell.

> It just turns WvW into the next PvE farm. And as said, easy to lock down people in a bubble. Just spam statics, drop the hammer, hammer warriors and so on into the bubble. I'm running a Party Stunbreaker to counter it. But after 5-6 break frees it's over. But enemies still can throw in more CC then you can break your party free from.

> Positioning is also problematic at some locations. You can only retreat or try to push in, which i both saw often end up in a wipe. But hey sure, let the WoD be how it is, when i get more Stunbreakers in exchange. *Shrug*


As a guardian mainly i hate all of those as well but....

still with the current boons sackting from spambrand and other classes a broken trait for WoD is needed, when the game is all about lame gameplay of stack rather than know wich target to atack, and its based on a basic lure to lure and melt that zone with spam...


WoD needs to be broken in a broken/lame gameplay.


RiP decent pvp 2004-2012.

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> @"Sabre.8251" said:

> Yes, that's pretty much correct what you say. The boonspam is the source of this problem. Both requires an overhaul. But completly negating all boons with WoD and Scourge is for sure not a solution, it will only extend the problem.


On gw1 we didnt had this kind of problems... duno why ANet wanted to make this lame thing to happen, it was more than obvious this would be a issue for pvp side of the game, still i think this extreme lame and bad combat system was actually something Anet really wanted to acheive.

All that Anet needs to do is remove the boon stacking, add hexesm some condis turn into hex effect, shouts are shouts like gw1 had, non stacking stuff mostly, stances, only enchantements could stack,like regen for example.

Make stability its own mechanic or a stance, make skill to end stances like gw1 had.. less aoe gameplay, and more direct gameplay towards 1 adervesary like gw1 had still with team work in mind..


Alot could be achieved if they revert a bit the gameplay to be similiar to gw1, at least in the skill design.


Even necromances and its elite specs could be easilly balanced(some build are underwhelming, the only viable balance with the actual game its to make them broken and OP for players accept it wich is stupid as well) if Anet didnt wanted a game to carry bad players...


IF HoT was a problem, then PoF had more some problems, how many problems due the easy nature of everything stacking in this game the next expantion will create???

Anet shooted themselves in the foot with this combat system and skill design towards pve, while wanting the classes on pvp as well, seperating the skill design is another issue, its a placebo to a fix, while the issue is how the game itself is based on stacking aoe both on defense and ofense.

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Just remember, the best solution to a zerg trying to get you to push across a tight space (like a bridge) isn't to try and push- it's to build a ballista or two behind you and force them to either push or retreat into a more open space.


I know the 'purists' (those too blind to use actual tactics, preferring to just blob) won't like it, but it works a charm and ends the stalemate fast.


Combine that with a well timed WoD (which needs a nerf, as above) or two and collect the bags.


Or stand waving at each other across that choke point for 5-10 minutes, which I've seen a lot of clueless people do.

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