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Nerf scourge, really.


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Hello anet, if you did't noticed it, scourge is brainless, noob friendly and OP.


For the sake of balance, can at least REMOVE WEAKNESS FROM CONDITION NECRO POOL. Missing half your attack at the second the scourge touch you is not fair, especially when there is 10 condition on you, making impossible to purge weakness.

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> @"Aedaryl.3195" said:

> Hello anet, if you did't noticed it, scourge is brainless, noob friendly and OP.


> For the sake of balance, can at least REMOVE WEAKNESS FROM CONDITION NECRO POOL. Missing half your attack at the second the scourge touch you is not fair, especially when there is 10 condition on you, making impossible to purge weakness.


Ooo, but main source of Weakness is Might corruption.

Sooo, whenever you get close to Scrooge McDuck, your Might (even a single stack) turns into 10 seconds of Weakness.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Aedaryl.3195" said:

> > Hello anet, if you did't noticed it, scourge is brainless, noob friendly and OP.

> >

> > For the sake of balance, can at least REMOVE WEAKNESS FROM CONDITION NECRO POOL. Missing half your attack at the second the scourge touch you is not fair, especially when there is 10 condition on you, making impossible to purge weakness.


> Ooo, but main source of Weakness is Might corruption.

> Sooo, whenever you get close to Scrooge McDuck, your Might (even a single stack) turns into 10 seconds of Weakness.


So as a fresh air weaver, anet, by giving me might, just made me unable to kill the necro that condi burn me cuz Might go weakness ?


I don't know if they are serious...

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> @"Aedaryl.3195" said:

> > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > > @"Aedaryl.3195" said:

> > > Hello anet, if you did't noticed it, scourge is brainless, noob friendly and OP.

> > >

> > > For the sake of balance, can at least REMOVE WEAKNESS FROM CONDITION NECRO POOL. Missing half your attack at the second the scourge touch you is not fair, especially when there is 10 condition on you, making impossible to purge weakness.

> >

> > Ooo, but main source of Weakness is Might corruption.

> > Sooo, whenever you get close to Scrooge McDuck, your Might (even a single stack) turns into 10 seconds of Weakness.


> So as a fresh air weaver, anet, by giving me might, just made me unable to kill the necro that condi burn me cuz Might go weakness ?


> I don't know if they are serious...


Foooooo... yes.

In Quaggan opinion they probably should rework Weakness to work same as does Might, but as reverse (- instead of +) and move fumble endurance part to chill or cripple.

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> @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > @"Aedaryl.3195" said:

> > > @"Morwath.9817" said:

> > > > @"Aedaryl.3195" said:

> > > > Hello anet, if you did't noticed it, scourge is brainless, noob friendly and OP.

> > > >

> > > > For the sake of balance, can at least REMOVE WEAKNESS FROM CONDITION NECRO POOL. Missing half your attack at the second the scourge touch you is not fair, especially when there is 10 condition on you, making impossible to purge weakness.

> > >

> > > Ooo, but main source of Weakness is Might corruption.

> > > Sooo, whenever you get close to Scrooge McDuck, your Might (even a single stack) turns into 10 seconds of Weakness.

> >

> > So as a fresh air weaver, anet, by giving me might, just made me unable to kill the necro that condi burn me cuz Might go weakness ?

> >

> > I don't know if they are serious...


> Foooooo... yes.

> In Quaggan opinion they probably should rework Weakness to work same as does Might, but as reverse (- instead of +) and move fumble endurance part to chill or cripple.


Agree, because it's horrible, as fresh air I have not a single one condi clear, I already can't be close or I'm dead, but now if necro touch me even with a range AoE, I can't kill him back, cuz I miss half or my burst

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> @"Aedaryl.3195" said:

> Hello anet, if you did't noticed it, scourge is brainless, noob friendly and OP.


> For the sake of balance, can at least REMOVE WEAKNESS FROM CONDITION NECRO POOL. Missing half your attack at the second the scourge touch you is not fair, especially when there is 10 condition on you, making impossible to purge weakness.


DH trapper meta was the exact same situation: a low risk high reward class emerges then every newb and their mother start playing it. Meanwhile, the actual top players are the ones countering said class, and no one points out how OP they are themselves.


This season, look at the top players and you'll see a lot of Rangers, Thieves and Mesmers. Necromancer being the most OP are a meme because of how hard it is for a _good_ necro to actually counter a _good_ druid.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > @"Aedaryl.3195" said:

> > Hello anet, if you did't noticed it, scourge is brainless, noob friendly and OP.

> >

> > For the sake of balance, can at least REMOVE WEAKNESS FROM CONDITION NECRO POOL. Missing half your attack at the second the scourge touch you is not fair, especially when there is 10 condition on you, making impossible to purge weakness.


> DH trapper meta was the exact same situation: a low risk high reward class emerges then every newb and their mother start playing it. Meanwhile, the actual top players are the ones countering said class, and no one points out how OP they are themselves.


> This season, look at the top players and you'll see a lot of Rangers, Thieves and Mesmers. Necromancer being the most OP are a meme because of how hard it is for a _good_ necro to actually counter a _good_ druid.


Ooo, except DH wasn't played at tournament level and Scrouge and Mirage are top picks.

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Scourge was nerfed...ish. The Scourge skills that corrupt into torment were changed to be less bursty, but they left alone all other corruptions. So now they can still spam Corrupt Boon, Shades and F2 to corrupt all your other boons into still bursty conditions. Vigor is a common boon which corrupts into 3 bleeding. Retaliation corrupts into confusion, which was never even touched in the patch. Those are the main ones and are fairly common. Then there's poison from regen, for 10 seconds! Constant fear from stab. Perma weakness. And good luck being able to attempt to counter the shade pulsing on you without needing to dodge, because you'll also likely have chill _and_ cripple on you. I think if they just reduce the duration and stacks of some boon conversions, Scrouge could be better. But it'll still forever be OP as long as they have zero tell corruptions, massive AoEs that cover whole points, and Firebrands maintain their healing output.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> All scourge needs is having less barrier on self unless a particular trait is picked that forces them to forfeit a key damage trait. So they have to choose between their own survival and damage, but can still support others.


It's not that barrier is helping lots...

Sure a GOOD necro can be unkillable, but that was true for Reaper and core as well (i loved playing chill reaper bunkering points and not dying whole matches). Of all the Necro specs, Scourge is the most squishy, but it's also the most offensive oriented one.

There are several clear counters for scourge. Very bursty power builds would be one, ranged attacks are another, Firebrand and Tempest perma cleanses are another, but since those builds kind of sacrifice damage, they're more of a soft counter than a Scourge killer.

The problem is, because condis are so strong, everyone plays a condi build. And Necros are masters of condition damage, so you'll lose.

The only reason why there's so many complaints about scourge is more or less the same as to why there's so much outcry about "Elitism" in Raids. People want to stick to their guns, and their guns aren't very good vs that particular one.


And at least scourge has a counter, season 1 bunker chorno and tempest didn't.


I think the balance here is less about nerfing scourge, but more about buffing counters for scourge so that they can be more useful vs other classes (and honestly, they have already, people just didn't pick up on it because of what i said earlier).

I mean, i play Scourge, exclusively lately, because, well i tend to win, and Necro has been one of my favourite classes to play in PvP since at least HoT. But do you know what scares me the most? Longbow rangers... There have been half a dozen guys i had a hard time 1v1 with since PoF, most were longbow power/assassin rangers, others were Rifle Deadeyes and heal/cleanse Tempests or Firebrands (the later just because i couldn't kill it, not that it could kill me). And if you look at Scourge you'll see why... It's not the most mobile class, and while it's awesome vs condis, barrier doesn't do much to supress big bursty damage (it absorbs a bit, but the rest will bite) and it has limited range. Nowhere near 1200, so usually well positioned rangers and DE will end up sniping me to bits.

But because core builds and Rifle DE are considered "weak" i usually get a free pass to obliterate everyone that uses condis vs me.


I mean in my last match, we won 500 to 2xx, i was constantly defending mid, and was downed ONCE defeated zero times. Because the only power build (i think) was a DH trapper, that didn't play that well, especially because he wanted to melee me so much, and we all know that Guardians are notorious for their lack of easily corruptible boons, right?


I'm not going to be an ass and say that Scourge isn't overwhelming in the current meta, but that's partly because no one's willing to play counters to it, and it'll be hard to nerf it without it losing its identity, because the strongest point to it atm is boon corruption, and well, people would rather complain they have a thousand condis on them than remember they died because they had a ton of corruptible boons and allowed themselves to get close enough to a necro to corrupt them.

Because, corrupting boons is mostly a close contact thing. Most of the boon corruption things are either melee/short range pulses from the necro and the shades, or ground targeted afairs.

One thing might be interesting to balance scourge for pvp is the ability to destroy or knock-back shades. Because they can be annoying no-go areas that can be used to hold a point without having to be physically on it.

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> @"Kicast.1459" said:

> > @"jihm.2315" said:

> > seems intentionally op but i dont know why they did this


> are you serious?

> well in case you didn't get the point... it is broken op to sell there expansion... business as usual.

> Same happened for hot.Same happens for all mmos.


excuse my ignorance but i dont get why a gamebreaking class would sell an expansion if anything it will loose their already existing population ans i dont think that new ones that try the game will be impressed also

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Nerfing boon corruption itself might be the key to nerfing Scourge.


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> I think the balance here is less about nerfing scourge, but more about buffing counters for scourge so that they can be more useful vs other classes (and honestly, they have already, people just didn't pick up on it because of what i said earlier).

What you're describing is power creep. The more you buff "counters" the more than the classes that aren't buffed are left behind until they get a bone and get buffed up too. ANet can't buff all specs to be equally viable (hell they can barely make half the new specs worth running in more than one game mode) so until we reach the unobtainable perfect standard of balance, the nerfhammer will have its time and place.

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> @"GoZero.9708" said:

> Nerfing boon corruption itself might be the key to nerfing Scourge.


> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > I think the balance here is less about nerfing scourge, but more about buffing counters for scourge so that they can be more useful vs other classes (and honestly, they have already, people just didn't pick up on it because of what i said earlier).

> What you're describing is power creep. The more you buff "counters" the more than the classes that aren't buffed are left behind until they get a bone and get buffed up too. ANet can't buff all specs to be equally viable (hell they can barely make half the new specs worth running in more than one game mode) so until we reach the unobtainable perfect standard of balance, the nerfhammer will have its time and place.


Boon Corruption on Reaper and Core is fine.


I say again, Scourge is the problem, stop trying to deflect to other issues that where never issues before Scourge.


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