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Nerf scourge, really.


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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > Well, Anet class development is based on PvE. As far as I know, there isn't a PvP class balance team. The PvP team works with the class developers, but it's not like there is a Necro PvP developer and a Necro PvE developer. So the class was designed from top to bottom as a PvE class and it appears folks forgot to tell these devs that PvP is based on fighting withing a small circle. If scourge was in a game like WoW, for example, it would be fine. But forcing every player into capture points and then giving one class the ability to instantly kitten on anything inside a small circle is just bad HOLISTIC design.

> Scourge was developed with PVP in mind (as was Spellbreaker, for that matter, and for the same reasons), its entire _thing_ is countering boon-heavy builds, which plague PVP/WvW but are basically non-existent in PVE.


They have PvP abilities... but the PvP is on record saying they don't balance classes (which means they also don't design them)... they just request changes but they aren't the ones tuning. Now, the profession design team might have a good grasp on PvE and PvP (doubt it, if we look at current state of pvp), the people in charge of PvP (like making every map a twist on conquest instead of having lots of different win-conditions) are not designing classes. Which is how we get something like Scourge...who can queue for PvP knowing that any map that is selected, they will be able to dominate on points.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im really tired of the state of pvp in the game. I play LB/LS power ranger since launch, im not a big pvp nerd but i did play enough to get my bearings and earn the tiger rank... I am really tired of builds that require no skill, that are completely resistant to cc, and/or ignore defensive abilities. Sourge requires no skill to play at all, its just placing aoe circles and things fall over and die. Theres no GAMEPLAY between players when one of them is scourging around. There are other offenders but nothing has gotten this bad, we are able to predict loss or victory with 90% certainty depending on which team has more scourges... Its been MONTHS now, i really don't understand how is this still a reality. I spend most time in PVE content but cant imagine how players who actually want to play for pvp mainly, and like to play something other than scourge didn quit the game over this yet... this is some b u l l s h i t !

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Scrouge dont need nerf's, the game need a better design and class concept overall.


> This is the problem with the balance, is ment to be bad balance to catte the badies playing some giimick and feel a fake class evolution trough Elite traits.


> I expect the next balance patch just a few value tweaks rather than solve the main big problem with the "balance".

> THis is will show how bad Anet developers are, those at balance ofc, even a pidgeon has a brain to do a better work.


> It will be just trade a rotation for another one, keep spamming.


This is a game where a mesmer can onehit for 80% hp a zerker when a zerker ranger has to shoot at him for 20 seconds to get to thesame point...

Where a condi aoe scourge makes more dps in shoter ammount of time to a single target than a single target ranger. Where a thing with the desctiption "for 6s take no damage from incoming attacks" doesnt protect you from incoming attacks at all... Where a thief can teleport around like mad and where a revenant can auto chain teleport automatically to target for an hour and never get of someones back. Where a engi can stun you forever and while being still able to kill you in 3 seconds at thesame time.


You are right, the game isnt balanced, isnt about skill. I feel Anet is just afraid of ticking off those troglodytes who use those unbalanced exploit builds. They dont understand that most players then are scared away from playing or resent the gameplay being forced to pick such a build to even stand a chance.

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Nerfing every single class including Scourge, wasn't a nerf... It means Scourge perform exactly the same. Scourge... funny, Anet never learns from their own history. It's not like Anet could learn about Purging Flames, Ele's Ring of Fire and Dragonhunter's Traps... It's like the "balance team" keeps rotating out, knowing nothing about GW2's skill nerf history and its reasons.



Making Scourge's primary damage rings of AoE was just a huge design mistake.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Scrouge dont need nerf's, the game need a better design and class concept overall.


Im sorry if this looks like I'm disregarding the other stuff you said but I just locked in on this.


~~If your retort to "My class isn't' busted, you just need to change the whole game to fix my class" then your class is busted. ~~


> @"Saiyan.1704" said:


> **Making Scourge's primary damage rings of AoE was just a huge design mistake.**


Now that I think about it Aeolus is actually right. Necro has generally been a "slow but heavy hitting" class in a world of classes that are fast and can hit just as hard if not harder.


At this point, either you leave necro busted up close (even though its easier to escape shades now, thank goodness), or you fix everyone else so they don't do as much damage for the mobility they have, and create a niche that the necro fills.

That being said it's probably easier/more strategic to just have the necros pissed off if they don't play scourge, than piss off literally everyone else.


you can't really add or take away damage from Necro to make them fair as the game stands. That being said you probably cant add mobility to them either, otherwise we have another dragonhunter kittenstorm. Might just have to deal with the old "Necro melts you at melee" routine.

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Thread of 101 "good" advices on how to **not** fix scourge.


1. Weakness is an excellent condition with very clear role and purpose (stopping crit builds from dumpstering even on 24k hp targets in 2s)

2. Your 25 might stacks got converted to weakness? Well...maybe dodge the corruption?

3. Necro having less coruptions means tommorow you'll be dying in 1.5s to burst of any of these professions: Ele, Mesmer, Engi, Ranger, Warr, Rev, Guard.


The real issue of scourge (if i must go there) is how easy it is for him to hit a target with shades, without any significant punishment if he fails to do so, or openings for those engaging him in melee.


A few solutions i would propose.


1. Misssing Manifest Sand Shade (that is not hitting any enemy with it) puts the skill on forced cooldown (no insta casting next one).

2. Sand shroud (the main offender) can be spilt into two parts - instant barrier and cast-time pulsing damage. Latter interruptable, putting skill on full cooldown.

3. Having shades do different preparation animations (so you can see what's coming) would be lovely.

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