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Which is your favourite racial culture

Wandering Mist.2973

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> @"Pax.3548" said:

> Human here, though I played and enjoyed all races, human is the one I felt related to (for obvious reasons), the least liked race would be the charr though thats because I carry some prejudice from gw1, they did awful stuff back there, they have the war side of humans from real life plus 5+.


Lol! I feel the same way about the Charr!

I also like the "humans are the underdogs that won't give up and die" feel of the personal story. I feel like the humans personal story is the most engaging to me.

Asura is a close second as I just love those little gremlins!

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Charr. I honestly don't understand who'd want to play a fantasy game and be a human - you have to be a human every day of your life. That seems like a boring choice, although Guild Wars does an admittedly good job of making human culture unique..


The charr are as far from what we think of as typical human culture as any of the races get. They're industrious, have families of choice, not inclined toward long-term monogamy. There's tons of interesting aspects there. (Although, sometimes it does seem like ANet forgets the social norms and mores of the society they themselves designed - pretty clear that the subpar story team is not the same innovative and thoughtful team that did worldbuilding.)


I will admit, however, that charr society structure makes it damn near impossible to be a "typical charr" RPer. Charr soldiers don't have the same kind of freedom a random sylvari or asura do. They have responsibilities, a warband, and a job - they can't just go off traveling on a whim. So, a ton of charr RPers are either Gladium, high ranking officers (which is generally looked at by RPers as a sign your character is a Mary Sue), or born outside of the Legions. It's tough to be just a "normal" charr adventurer.

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I love how curious and noble Sylvari are. Their female voice actor is amazing and the Grove is really relaxing. They're fun and easy to write about/RP, because they're far more free than most of the other races, who are bound by Krewes, the Legions and economic class, and they're excellent blank canvases for character development.

Close behind them are the Charr. They're absolutely badass and I also love the female voice actor for them. It's as close as you can get to playing the bad guy, which I always find extremely fun.

Then there are the Asura, Humans and Norn.

Asura are cute, I guess. I find humans boring. And ugh, Norn. Too self-absorbed and obnoxious for my taste. No thank you.

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Culturally, I find the Sylvari more interesting. The Asura, Charr, and Norn all seem to have cultures that foster confidence/arrogance. Asura often believe themselves to be the genius of geniuses. Charr are militaristic. Norn place emphasis on personal glory. In this light, the Sylvari strike me as uniquely able to produce a most diverse set of characters. Humans can too, I guess, but they are largely familiar and, as such, uninteresting.

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> Asura

I like and hate the culture.

I like how they aim to better themselves always and try to come out as being the best and better than other races. Even better when at times they get proven wrong and try to fix it or move on from it and not think about the failures or mistakes. Like that one krewe that's in I think Timberlane where the leader didn't realize the Skritt was set up there to make those drinks and get drunk off it as an experiment.

I do hate how they go about it, though. The only difference I see from normal Asuras and the Inquest is that Asuras don't want to try and do tests and experiments on their kind to advance their technology while the Inquest just don't care.

I've seen Asurans doing things to Skritts, Ettins, Risen, and many others. One cay say okay to Risen and Ettins, but the whole prejudice against the Skritt should really stop. I mean for the most part Humans and Charrs did.



I'm not sure if I can voice here seeing as I'm considered human in real life by many, so I can relate to them more than the other races. I think that should disqualify me in even saying anything here.


> Norn

Get drunk and "MY LEGEND!"

They're just inferior failed evolutions of the Kodans. Moving on.


> Charr

I might not have a Charr char, but I think they might be my favourite culture-wise.

They're like the Asurans where they aim for their future really early in their life. They're cunning... they have both the brains AND the brawns.

They might be a bit hot-headed at times, but they at least aim to get the job done quickly and swiftly. Their legions are separate, but at least they USUALLY don't fight against each other anymore (minus the Flame Legion which I just considered as mentally unstable as the Sons of Svanir... okay no... Svanir are worst as they don't think their whole idea through at all).


> Sylvari

I think they're a walking timebomb when it comes to their culture.

Either they get way too curious and cause trouble if they stay normal, they get way too secluded and keep to themselves to stay soundless, they're way to mentally unstable if they go the Nightcourt route (I mean really... to make things one of you have to torture them? Really?) and while "Mordremoss" is gone, the whole "They could turn at any moment" made it a bit worse.

I like the Sylvaris, but their culture is way too chaotic for my liking.




If I was me and I somehow got pulled into Tyria and walked into a random race... the way I see it is:

Asura: I have the chance of being looked down on or maybe get caught in a bad experiment they're doing around the area.

Human: Either can be normal, pig-headed, or a thief.... or white mantle.

Norn: Either they start talking about "legends"... maybe burp on me and ask if I have ale.. or maybe drunk and transform into an animal and accidentally attack me.

Charr: Could be annoyed with me, or I think have just a normal conversation as long as I don't annoy them... or not in the Field of Ruins where they might attack me.

Sylvari: manchild/womanchild asking me questions. No thank you.

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["...some Voices choose to interpret early stories of a lost group of kodan as an explanation of the origin of the norn. If this is true, they argue, then the norn are failed kodan who have forgotten their place as judges and protectors of the balance, and that is why their true "bear" form has been replaced with a fragile, furless state."](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Wisdom_and_Power_of_the_Kodan)


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when i started the game. Sylvari

when i got used to the game. human


now. asura. theres just something about the banter between asura, the commentary, and the crazy stuff they get up to. that appeals to me, no matter what the story is doing. amazing voice actor as well.


plus...the idea of a tiny snarky Asura talking DOWN to a human, charr, or norn...is just hilariously appealing


i wish i could replay lv 1 to lv 30 Asura questlines over and over. they were great.......i miss my krewe......all the faces i met in those early levels jsut...dissapeared from the story.....kinda wish i had a story that kept up that asura themed story up to lv 80.





Sylvari were appealing to me early on due to visuals. and the "misticism". but it quickly got old.....as it was just to fantasy woodland elf for me. not enough seriousness. to much "Dreams" and "destiny"


Humans were amazing early on for their classic rpg adventure story from lv 1 to 30. reminded me of why i got into gaming. but....once u lose your mentor(tybalt whyyyyyy), the story just..doesn't feel as interesting. might be the voice acting. they still got good looking armor though....love the seraph heavy armor and cultural medium armor.


Charr, love gathering a warband.......its just a pitty that you never get to interact with them later on...like asking "hey we fighting a dragon. any commentary?" nope...instead your just........on your own....warband nothing more than an elite skill u never really use anymore...





btw....can we please get some better looking Asura armor. there isn't much variety in designs....and lets face it. most of it is shared between the genders with no attempt to make it appealing to either...just generic. (not all mind ya. seer armor and cultural armor is nice. as are outfits....wish i could customize outfit parts)

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> ["...some Voices choose to interpret early stories of a lost group of kodan as an explanation of the origin of the norn. If this is true, they argue, then the norn are failed kodan who have forgotten their place as judges and protectors of the balance, and that is why their true "bear" form has been replaced with a fragile, furless state."](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Wisdom_and_Power_of_the_Kodan)


And the Norns themselves deny this, their shapeshifting powers come from the Spirits of the Wild rather than some kinship with the Kodan.


Thurlnn the Lost offers another explanation as to the origins of the Norns: they are either related to the Jotun, or co-existed with them as powerful rulers of the world when humans were cavemen ("Lived like Grawl"). When their co-ruled kingdom fell, the Jotun degenerated into the ugly savages they are today but the Norns found salvation in the Spirits of the Wild and formed the current, "modern" incarnation of Norn culture.

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> Charr, love gathering a warband.......its just a pitty that you never get to interact with them later on...like asking "hey we fighting a dragon. any commentary?" nope...instead your just........on your own....warband nothing more than an elite skill u never really use anymore...



Yeah, totally agree with this. Although as an in-lore Centurion, you're pretty independent of your warband now. You should instead have command of a COMPANY of warbands (at least 3) at your disposal that you never make use of. That's a real pity.


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