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It's been a while since latest patch. Do you feel like condi problem is addressed?


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Spam still happens because tweaking numbers does not address that problem.


To solve spamming working to well, you need punishment for spamming.


You solve disable spam by making disables work less and less with an accumulative stun resistance.


You solve condition spam by rewarding cleansing at the right time, by making conditions actually build up. So cleansing after the enemy used the bulk of their condition skills works better than trying to spam cleanses.

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It's been a while since latest patch. Do you feel like condi problem is addressed?


Yesterday, I revisited pvp and wvw and all i saw was red circles everywhere. Onee again, wvw+pvp were in a such bloody mess, i keep reminding myself that only in a alpha-beta stage game that would've ever happened and that Gw2 still remains in alpah+beta stage since than


Quite disheartening isn't it where we are continuously being lead to believe Anet wants our best interest?


want to spend 5 more years of the same B.S? than you got it!


You like B.S? keep believing


So once again, i left to return to playing a competitive game which take serious action in eliminating toxicity in their game.


**See you in the next 'balance' patch and in the next one and in the next one**


Oh i almost forgot....after the next one and after the next one

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I don't know how they thought this was going to play out. I mean on paper it sounded awesome but it seems like they did the idea and only tested maybe one class with the new changes for only about a few minutes and said " Yup that fixes conditions" ( Pats selves on backs)..


In reality the conditions just linger forever now. Maybe if they didnt make torment and confusion hurt while not moving or activating a skill like it should be then just toned the damage of the other conditions and poof fixed!


Back at gw2 launch there wasn't a massive instant kill by conditions. But if you played a condition build well you could do great. Now everyone and their mother plays conditions, still even after the patch lol.


Condition wars 2 is still here like since HoT

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They don't understand how to balance conditions properly. All I've seen them say is how conditions need to do more damage than power to be attractive, and they just need to spread that damage out over more time. That's goofy and wrong-headed.


Conditions bypass armor, unlike physical damage, so they should actually do lower base damage with the short durations the game launched with. Until they clue into the fact that conditions aren't EQ DoTs and can't be balanced in that way due to the active/fast-paced combat in this game, we'll never have a meta the even approaches being well balanced.


They need to revert the durations, significantly lower the damage, and remove most sources of cleanse and immunity. That's the only sensible way to balance conditions, period.

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No, what ANet did is just doing a typical band aid fix, but just lowering the speed in which condi damage ramps up is no solution, it just postpones the problem of this game to a longer duration.


If Anet wluld want to give their game a proper balance patch, then they woudl rework the complete Condi and Boon System all together, thewn they would look after all the effect clutter in this outdated combat system to gor for it to REDUCE IT as good as possible by removing all the completely obsolete conditions and boons, which can get easily merged into skill and traits to make sure, that specific classes receive more strenths and weaknesses that define the roles of each class better, than to make too many effects useable for everybody.


Many of the conditions and boons feels completely obsolete and would work much better as more class individual based skill and trait effects that are more integrated into the gameplay mechanics of each class individually, instead of giving too many classes too much access to too many boons and conditions too easily, which is also a rwson, why upgrades need finaly a serious rework and rebalance.


Not all sigils and runes should also be useable for everybody. thise for example that are named after a specific class, should also be only useable by that specific class/build

on the other hand there are lots of completely useless ones, thatshould get a look over to make them finally useful, then there are again completely obsolete ones like those species sigils, which should get all removed from the game and reworked into a species hunter mastery instead which rewards us in form of character progression with increased damage and defense and other useful side effects for the number of kills vs a specific species, instead of forcing us to waste useful upgrade slots on such garbage like species kill sigils that nobody will ever use , nor needs in this game.


Same with obsolete boons, many of them could easily get reworked into unique skill and trait effects to strenthen the gameplay differencies between classes, to reduce the temporary effetc cliutter, others should get removed, so that their effects can be used to upgrade Attributes to more useful Dual Effect Attributes, what in return will improve build diversity and wil lhelp in makign each individual attribute more important, impactful and increases the build tactical depth of this game, what single effect attributes can't provide. single effect attributes are somethign for cheap offline rpgs, but MMORPGs live from build tactical depth and complexity and that is what anets fails to deliver in gw2 now since release of the game, that the character prgression and build options deliver enough depth for the game, because anet is too scared about it, that if they add too much depth to the game, that this might eventually scare players off, or too scared, that the increase in depth and build tactical compolexity might turn into th game becoming too difficult to balance and becomes again more like GW1 maybe..who knows, but thats just my personal impression I received over the last 5 years from ANets balancing behavior, which is sad if this should be true, if Anet didnt do something more meaningful and impactful with the outdated game mechanics, due to one of thse two reasons .

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Condi will never be balanced in pvp while it freestacks like in pve. They need to revert it to pre freestack behavior and then slightly buff the damage to keep up with current sustain and let duration stacking be the behavior of conditions (outside of bleed, confusion [removed ticking damage], and torment)

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Yeah it's killed underperforming condi builds like condi rev.


Tbh I would have rather them not do this sort of nerfing anymore. I never felt condi damage was over the top (except for burn guard) even as Rev, but the condi specs that were over performing were doing so because the class they were playing has too many other tools that make it OP in other areas. Those same classes also had and still have other specs that are in extremely good positions.


-Burn guard had/has too much sustain for the amount of damage.

-Condi thief had too much mobility/too many evades

-Condi mes specs have too much sustain

-Scourge damage is/was just way too high with stupid op mechanics and too much AOE


They could have nerfed those classes/specs in other ways that allowed them to keep the damage.

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The only viable condi specs are mirage, which was buffed, and scourge which majority of the damage comes from boon corruption.


Nothing else was viable to begin with and they all were nerfed. The patch was the worst change the game have seen in at least a year. It nerfed builds that were not viable and buffed the ones that were viable.

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