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[Suggestion] Change Transmutation System


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Being one of those players that really enjoys the "Fashion Wars" aspect of the game, I thought the introduction of the wardrobe was a great addition. However I still do not think the system is perfect. For example if a player has several characters they are discouraged from transmuting until they are level 80. Another problem is that although ascended gear can be switched between characters the skin must either stay the same or switch each time the character is used.


What I am proposing is not to get rid of transmutation charges as a cost but to have skins be separated from equipment. To reiterate, under the current system, when you would transmute a sword, that specific sword is transmuted but not any other sword wielded by that character; Likewise the sword would look the same regardless of which character is wielding it. I propose a system in which every armor and weapon slot can get their own skin independent of the gear occupying the slot. Perhaps this could be expanded to each weapon that character can wield including main and off hands. Perhaps we could even get different load outs. For example one could be for your core profession and one for each elite specialization.


Anyway this is just my opinion. It could be terrible or entirely unfeasible. I just want to get this idea out so I can know what everyone else thinks about it.

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So kinda like the system in rift?

Were you have gear slots and cosmetic slots.

If you put any gear in the cosmetic slots it akes that for the look instead of what you wear, just have to expand it to extend to weapons aswell.


Well I dont mind if this get implemented but I would guess it would come with a hefty gem unlock for each slot.

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I actually prefer the current situation, so that as I change gear, the look changes. For example, when I'm running condi there's one set of skins and when I swap to power, I can see the difference, making it less likely that I forget to change. I don't feel that transmutation charges are hard to get.


I'd love to see templates for gear looks (and of course, skill|traits and gear), including the often-proposed idea of a 'custom outfit' (in which you create a look that you like that you can reapply free as an outfit, and spend transmute charges to alter).


Custom outfits also work great for lowbie toons and in the meantime, I just use regular outfits.

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Transmutation charges are a problem for some people who don’t do content that spews them, those people want a change to the system.

The rest of us come by the charges with ease which makes the system fine.


Fact is, every player has the same method to earn charges, if you don’t take advantage of the free methods in game, you can buy them.

You can now even buy an Endless Common Clothing tonic for 4s on the TP, and then trade it for Common Clothing Outfit to use while levelling. It’s the cheapest outfit option to hide ugly mismatching armour, or to look ‘Townsey’ while AFK. There’s no need to use charges for low level armour.

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I would like to see a better way to play fashion war. Currently transmutation charges are the way, but the situation is not the best.


* Hardly you can get transmo charges.

* a game based of fashion who limits you that much about changing appareance is a problem.

* no templates can be saved into Wardrobe.

* legendary armor can't have different aesthetic Depends the stats and obviously weapons ( it will be better with 2 different set in your backpack )


Changing appareance should be almost free in a game like this, if not definitely free.

I wouldn't mind to lose my trasmo charges, and currently have more or Less 600.


Also infusions should have their own slots as skins, and being account bound on use. It will also move the market even more.


Stats only infusion would be obviously more affordable, in order to give everything to everybody in terms of stats and requirements.

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> @"xoz.2481" said:

> What I am proposing is not to get rid of transmutation charges as a cost but to have skins be separated from equipment.

I am strongly In favor of that because it means they would have to implement a new system and could make weapons (and by extension backpacks) dyeable like they should have been right from the beggining.

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My hope is that if each character has multiple fashion load outs, there will still be a use for transmutation charges. I goal here is not to extensively devalue transmutation the cost but rather to have a system that makes each charge spent more meaningful.

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I have plenty of transmutation charges, so that's not a problem, yet I feel like we get charged twice for our skins -- once when we buy or otherwise obtain them and again if we want to use them on a current item. I'd like to see the transmutation system completely gone. Let us change our looks with what we own as much as we want, without worrying about the cost. I would probably buy more from the GS if that was true.

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