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Hi guys, I wanted to consult you about my laptop's performance. Is that the best it can do? Is there anything else I can optimize?

In maps without any special weather effect I get up to 40 fps standing still, it drops a bit if I perform actions. In maps with more people I can't get pass

20 fps and on world events I drop to 1-5 fps . I've seen other people with fairly similar specifications getting better results, why?


I'm playing on a i5-7300 HQ 2.5 GHz, Nvidia 1050 4vram, Windows 10 64 bits, SATA Hard Drive 1 TB, 4 RAM (for the time being).

The Inside game configuration is medium for animation, textuees and shades and low for everything else including character model limit and quality, window resolution.

Then everything unticked for the menu below except for Effect LOD and Light Adaptation (which seems I cannot deactivate), normal interface and

60 for Frame Limiter ( no difference in performance when using unlimited).


The drivers are up to date. and the video card panel is set to best performance in all the options.


Thank you for your answers to this frustrated player.



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Not sure if you can do much more if you already set your model and character limits to low. As usually this is the main factor is fps drops in meta events. You could try lowering your screen resolution to 720p (I assuming your running at 1080p)


Looking at the cpu, it should turbo up to 3.5ghz. Should double check if it's meeting that speed when you are playing GW2. You can use a program like CPU-Z to check the speed, if your laptop did not come with any hardware monitoring software.

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> Not sure if you can do much more if you already set your model and character limits to low. As usually this is the main factor is fps drops in meta events. You could try lowering your screen resolution to 720p (I assuming your running at 1080p)


> Looking at the cpu, it should turbo up to 3.5ghz. Should double check if it's meeting that speed when you are playing GW2. You can use a program like CPU-Z to check the speed, if your laptop did not come with any hardware monitoring software.


I installed the program and monitored the cpu speed while on boss fights and maps with people and it kept a constant speed of 790-890 Mhz at all time, is it capped o why is it not reaching the value you mentioned? What proceeds?

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Hmmm... Make sure you are running your laptop off the power supply. My knowledge of laptops are limited, but I do know that most laptops will run slower to conserve battery life. Right now the CPU is only running at 25% of it's potential if it's only showing 800-900mhz. Ideally it should be at 2.5-3.5ghz.


Try looking for "Power Options" in your windows search bar. Then set the option to "High Performance".

Also try playing another graphically intense game and see if the CPU speed is similar. This will help isolate if this a GW2 issue or a laptop setting issue. (If the speed gets closer to 2.5-3.5ghz then it would a issue with GW2, but if it stays the same, then it's a laptop setting)

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> @"rwolf.9571" said:

> Hmmm... Make sure you are running your laptop off the power supply. My knowledge of laptops are limited, but I do know that most laptops will run slower to conserve battery life. Right now the CPU is only running at 25% of it's potential if it's only showing 800-900mhz. Ideally it should be at 2.5-3.5ghz.


> Try looking for "Power Options" in your windows search bar. Then set the option to "High Performance".

> Also try playing another graphically intense game and see if the CPU speed is similar. This will help isolate if this a GW2 issue or a laptop setting issue. (If the speed gets closer to 2.5-3.5ghz then it would a issue with GW2, but if it stays the same, then it's a laptop setting)


The power option was set to high performance yet I saw no change on the values. Can you recommend me any demanding game I can try?

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Probably any AAA game from the past 5-10 years (Battlefield, Doom, etc) Or anything more graphically intense than GW2. Looking up the specs on youtube show's it should be more than capable of running them on high settings at a good frame rate. You probably need to reach out to Customer Support for your laptop if the issue persists with different games.

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Be sure that the OS is switching from the iGPU to the NV GPU when the game launches. Laptops use the iGPU when nothing demanding is running to save power, some laptops you have to switch yourself to make sure the GPU is active, most these days will do it on its own, however some issues and bugs happen where a given game is not detected and the iGPU is still used while the dedicated GPU sits idle.

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It might be the nvidia drivers with the current BrokenWindow10 update, i cant play game maximized after windows patch on 2 MSI laptops, even after formated and all updated results are the same after to the latest win10 patch, theres a massive drop in frame rate.


If u play on window mode does it drop''s the frame rate as well??

Here is the only way i can play gw2 and some other games.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> Be sure that the OS is switching from the iGPU to the NV GPU when the game launches. Laptops use the iGPU when nothing demanding is running to save power, some laptops you have to switch yourself to make sure the GPU is active, most these days will do it on its own, however some issues and bugs happen where a given game is not detected and the iGPU is still used while the dedicated GPU sits idle.


Yeah I checked this too but it's using the NV GPU is ticked on the options. I'm still worried about the CPU not going higher than 1000 Mhz when playing the game. Do Mhz affect the fps that much? I even ran some tests to stress the CPU with prime95 but it never went higher than that.


I found a case similar to mine in http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/laptop/f/3518/t/19666086 My multipliers also dont pass from 9. I think it might be the battery and that safe mode the link talks about. I will take the lap to the technician tomorrow. I'll let yo know what happened

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> It might be the nvidia drivers with the current BrokenWindow10 update, i cant play game maximized after windows patch on 2 MSI laptops, even after formated and all updated results are the same after to the latest win10 patch, theres a massive drop in frame rate.


> If u play on window mode does it drop''s the frame rate as well??

> Here is the only way i can play gw2 and some other games.


I bought the laptop a month ago so I don't know what update could that one be. I played both in window mode and maximized with no difference in low performance.

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SOLVED Updating: I came across this video

that talked about an app (Cpu Core Parking http://coderbag.com/Programming-C/CPU-core-parking-manager-v3) to check if your cores were parked. Having nothing else to lose I tried it

Unfortunately none of my cores were parked but I noticed this Frequency scaling index option was at 5% so I moved it to 100% and voila! I was running

at 3.5 Ghz.

My fps scaled to 110 in regular maps and 60-40 with tons of people.

Now, I have some questions, it was at 5% as a pre confg, will it harm my lap if I keep it at 100% (80% currently)? Why is my CPU not scaling properly on its own?




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> @"Seravee.7801" said:

> SOLVED Updating: I came across this video

that talked about an app (Cpu Core Parking http://coderbag.com/Programming-C/CPU-core-parking-manager-v3) to check if your cores were parked. Having nothing else to lose I tried it

> Unfortunately none of my cores were parked but I noticed this Frequency scaling index option was at 5% so I moved it to 100% and voila! I was running

> at 3.5 Ghz.

> My fps scaled to 110 in regular maps and 60-40 with tons of people.

> Now, I have some questions, it was at 5% as a pre confg, will it harm my lap if I keep it at 100% (80% currently)? Why is my CPU not scaling properly on its own?





I love you , wanna marry you . Happy new year and thanks

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> @"Seravee.7801" said:

> SOLVED Updating: I came across this video

that talked about an app (Cpu Core Parking http://coderbag.com/Programming-C/CPU-core-parking-manager-v3) to check if your cores were parked. Having nothing else to lose I tried it

> Unfortunately none of my cores were parked but I noticed this Frequency scaling index option was at 5% so I moved it to 100% and voila! I was running

> at 3.5 Ghz.

> My fps scaled to 110 in regular maps and 60-40 with tons of people.

> Now, I have some questions, it was at 5% as a pre confg, will it harm my lap if I keep it at 100% (80% currently)? Why is my CPU not scaling properly on its own?





The frequency scaling is dynamic and based on each core and core temps. Run something like coretemp and prime again and see where temps land, prime will be much hotter than you will ever see in games. You will not hurt anything, as CPUs for a long time have thermal limits built in, if it gets to hot, it will throttle, if that is not enough it will then shut the computer down on its own. The only "negative" you should see are significantly shorter battery life. Post screens of the temps you are seeing when doing this.

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Glad to see you figured out your CPU problem! By default, modern cpu's should adjust automatically (like mentioned) based on load. So it was kinda odd it didn't get over 1000mhz.


Other than what Tink mentioned. You might need to look into more technical pc/laptop centric forums, or the manufacturer to see whey your cpu wasn't boosting to the advertised cpu speeds.


But at least now you can turn up some graphics and have your frame rate too!

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Run you laptop with the power plugged in and the go into windows power management and turn everything up for the the plugged it option. By default windows detects your using a laptop and assumes your running it on battery all the time. Also most laptops have 2 video processors the on board basic Intell HD video and the higher NVIDEA GPU for gaming and other high end graphics. This takes a lot of power and should only be setup this way when plugged in.

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