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[POLL] Infusion Preview


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I'd find a good use for that as I'd like to preview Snow Diamond and Celestial Infusion.

Most items and cosmetics, if not all, are "previawble". Being able to Preview Infusions would be Great as I believe not many people are willing to risk so much Gold for something they might not like.

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Aurora has aura effect. They can use blank of ring with inserted infusions, and we will get preview. But i have no idea how to deal with item's nature. Infusions, food, tonics and other items do not have property of preview. How will they create infusion preview option and keep status of item(infusion)? I came to the idea of "reforging" of infusions with visuals into new type of item. This type of item will take its place in skins section in TP. But

1. We have no problems with infusions right now. You just install them and get visual effect.

2. Creation of new type of item could cause bugs >> exploits. Like everything in this world, it has risk of failure. (except sun, sun never fails)

3. To make it right without bugs and exploits Anet will need people and time. It has to be worth it. Ours "we want" or "Thank you" i think will be not enough for devs to start "reforging".

I would be very happy if i could preview those cool infusions with visual effects. But what will force Anet to do it i don't know.

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> @"Nilson.9865" said:

> Aurora has aura effect. They can use blank of ring with inserted infusions, and we will get preview. But i have no idea how to deal with item's nature. Infusions, food, tonics and other items do not have property of preview. How will they create infusion preview option and keep status of item(infusion)? I came to the idea of "reforging" of infusions with visuals into new type of item. This type of item will take its place in skins section in TP. But

> 1. We have no problems with infusions right now. You just install them and get visual effect.

> 2. Creation of new type of item could cause bugs >> exploits. Like everything in this world, it has risk of failure. (except sun, sun never fails)

> 3. To make it right without bugs and exploits Anet will need people and time. It has to be worth it. Ours "we want" or "Thank you" i think will be not enough for devs to start "reforging".

> I would be very happy if i could preview those cool infusions with visual effects. But what will force Anet to do it i don't know.


Well, yeah.

But it doesn't need to be Forced, neither is there anything else we can do to make it happen. It is just an Idea that I hope could make it to Anets 'to-do List', no matter how far Down the Road =D

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Generally speaking, everyone in the game is in favor of the preview panel being updated.

* It's too small for some weapons

* It uses a type of lighting different from most areas of the game

* It doesn't show effects, including infusion effects.

* It doesn't allow for multiple weapons.

* It handles dyes oddly (primarily because dye channels themselves aren't designed consistently from item to item)


The only questions are:

* Are any of the issues above important enough to be handled sooner? or is it better to wait for an overhaul that changes the mechanic holistically?

* Is this a priority over other requested improvements to cosmetics/designs?



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  • 3 months later...

Yes please!


I know we can look up the infusion on the Wiki/youtube/fan sites to get an idea of how it looks but that's not the same as seeing it on your own character in the game. It's a lot more hassle for a worse end result since there's a lot of things which can affect what looks good. What suits my female human ranger usually looks terrible on my female norn engineer and vice versa, and that's two relatively similar characters.


Unless I can see an infusion being used by a character with a similar colour scheme and other effects to mine I have to guess at how the whole lot would look together and run the risk of paying a lot of gold for something that actually doesn't work at all.


(I'm in favour of the preview window being completely re-done as Illconceived suggests, but if that's too much work then adding infusion previews to the current system would still be an improvement.)

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I'd love to have a "mystic wardrobe" instanced zone - where the player can "try on" different weapons/armour/gliders/mounts/trinkets/infusions from everything that exists in the game (anything with a cosmetic change) for real and move around/use skills to see how the visual effects play with their character and class, and also importantly to hear any unique sound effects.


Kind of like Zommoros' "changing room".


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