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Ideas for the next expansion?


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With Avatar set for release in 2020 and being set underwater with pioneering new technology for motion capture, I think underwater could be a new trend.

So I would like to see the sixth dragons realm. Set in the Unending Ocean with a small scattering of islands.


To start with make underwater travel far more dangerous by poisioning(or similar) the water, making your life constantly decrease, but make air pocket where you can rest.

This would give us underwater maze puzzles, timed puzzles and new tactics for boss encounters. You could also introduce new submersible mounts for getting around quicker and spells (for example air bubble) and weapons . A change on the hero screen could add a second box for underwater armour that adds vitality only while in this realm. But also allows a second set of skins(basic and store bought), crafting (new materials) and potions.


A lot of the existing creatures could pass over to this realm easily but the Largos (the ones we have met are a small number of good renegades of a mainly evil race) and bigger mutated Quaggan could be the main threat.


Alternatively how about a land set it in the clouds. Floating island, lots of jumping puzzles and hot air pockets for gliders to get higher.

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Would be nice if the new expansion would be an actual expansion not glorified living story + some features that end up being cash cows for the gemstore. I'd like to see new PvP gamemodes, maps, new dungeons, new WvW boreder, thing like that.


And underwater combat sucks, an expansion about it would straight up kill this game.

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(1) Dervish and Paragon Classes !!! HYYYYYPE

(2) New weapons added to the game : such has scythe, spears (or javelin ), big canon (two handed cannoneer engineer )


huhuhu I let my phantasm spoke for myself but hey ! let me dream plz =D


(3) More realisticly : Obsidian armor and more masculine armor skins for light professions (or more work invested in it)

(4) New Pvp mode such as the Hero Ascension in GW1

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I would like a rework of crafting to add...

1. A RNG factor to crafting outcome,

2. More variety of cooking ingredients and a vast increase in sea food.

3. Ways to craft that uses runes, sigils, and other items overflowing in the BLTP.

4. Recipes for consumable mount food, saddles, and glider harnesses that give minor buffs.

5. Sailing boat races

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> 5. Sailing boat races

Love the idea of a sail boats and for guilds maybe crews on bigger ships with gun battles


And taking trixantea.1230 lead with nintendo how about skimmers where you have you go through hoops within a time limit or diving down a deep sea chasm in a underwater version of the glider through roundish rock formation. Same type of way nintendo did it with pilot wings

(Own all the story/expansion content but only on season 2 if a similar idea has been implimented in PoF or HoT)



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> @"MattDu.7123" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > 5. Sailing boat races

> Love the idea of a sail boats and for guilds maybe crews on bigger ships with gun battles


> And taking trixantea.1230 lead with nintendo how about skimmers where you have you go through hoops within a time limit or diving down a deep sea chasm in a underwater version of the glider through roundish rock formation. Same type of way nintendo did it with pilot wings

> (Own all the story/expansion content but only on season 2 if a similar idea has been implimented in PoF or HoT)




There are adventures with hoop flying circuits in HoT. In season 3 there are LOTS of floating magics you have to catch in the air, in different ways in every new map.

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