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will mirage be nerf in 2018 ??Someone think mirage is op


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > I didn't say it wasn't broken in sPvP. The only things I said about it were that PvP doesn't take much skill and is practically a dead game mode as well as that your assertion of having 12 consecutive non overwritten seconds of evasion was wrong, which it is. If you're busy being concerned with whatever the copy pasta build is for a class it's no wonder you think it's OP. And no I'm not in gold, frankly I washed my hands of PvP aside from dailies as it got super boring, it's still super boring.

> - you don't do high level pvp

> - you don't do pvp at all

> - you start a discussion about the irrelevant question whether a mirage has 10 or 12 seconds of evasion time

> - you question the skills of high level pvp players that say condi mirage is broken

> - you leave a side note that pvp in ths game sucks anyway


> Hilarious!


Don't currently, re: currently.

Read again, do it for dailies

Didn't say it was irrelevant, said it's flatly untrue. It is. Mirage itself contributes about 7 extra seconds of evasion only if you trait for it and don't overwrite any mirrors. And if you take the maximum amount of evasion you have much less in the way of escape without sword which I will agree it's vast mobility is a problem, e.g. no Blink, no stealth unless you're running torch.

PvP isn't that hard, being high level at it means nothing.

It really does, it's boring.

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I agree condimirage is broken asf, not the only one but one of the most broken condibuilds this game ever brought out, takes almost no skill (you don't even need to generate and place clones, spam jaunt and shatterblind for some instant hits can be enough) but i don't see a porblem with power mirage. When you can't kill or at least make him run away with any meta build (except power revenant, here the power mesmer has a chance) than you do something wrong or the power mirage just plays much better than you. Elusive mind should be deleted and get replaced, superiority complex also need a toning down but thats it. With these 2 changes power mesmer (including mirage) will be as insanely underpowered as we are all used to from the last years and not only a little bit underpowered as it is now.

Helseth played power mirage in his streams and clearly said this build is trash in pvp. And he is right. Sindrener said the same, never heard one of the top player saying power mirage is a thing.

I mostly play warrior, necro and engi and when i see a power mirage in my team i'm not happy, when opponents have one i'm happy. I think the problem maybe is that powermesmer player always had to play like 100 times better to kill something and have success in pvp, means they are probably good players know how to make a weak build work and when they get a spec they only need to play like 50 times better to win then the whole - spoiled by easy to play metabuilds they can win without even having any skill- pvp community starts crying. Just play a power mirage in higher ranked pvp (plat 3+) when you think it is easy. I know i can't and i doubt any of the ppl here crying seriously about power mirage can.

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> @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> If it necessary .please Strengthe other professions not nerf mirage ,mirage is so intersting


Without a doubt. Mirage WILL be nerfed. It NEEDS to be nerfed. It has insane levels of condition damage, mobility, defense. Its too much. Without a doubt Mesmer/Chrono/Mirage are by FAR the most broken condition builds in the game. This is largely due to how poorly balanced and designed Torment and Confusion is, so i would expect (hope...) that rather than blanket nerf the crap out of the class they fix these 2 conditions. Mesmer/Chrono/mirage have too much access to these conditions. They need to be Burst or sustain. Not both. Not burst damage with constant application and long duration.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It would be stupid to nerf Mirage now. I don't know if you have noticed, but except for a few classes that still want to remain in there broken state...cough..(Firebrand-Scourge)... ppl are actually building around mirages & others. & adapting. I mean instead of building a glassy spammy build that is hoping to one shot everyone. There going for less damage & a bit more cleans & sustain builds. & it Working. Nerfing mirage at this point would just bring it back to square one where they tickled everyone.


Just as what I was going to say. I run Harrier Chrono in WvW and I run into a lot of Mirage' (who still need to go practise more on some golems) and they've (most players) have become predictable when playing them so, it's just a matter of adapting, learning and building towards certain/all classes.

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> @"Tseison.4659" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > It would be stupid to nerf Mirage now. I don't know if you have noticed, but except for a few classes that still want to remain in there broken state...cough..(Firebrand-Scourge)... ppl are actually building around mirages & others. & adapting. I mean instead of building a glassy spammy build that is hoping to one shot everyone. There going for less damage & a bit more cleans & sustain builds. & it Working. Nerfing mirage at this point would just bring it back to square one where they tickled everyone.


> Just as what I was going to say. I run Harrier Chrono in WvW and I run into a lot of Mirage' (who still need to go practise more on some golems) and they've (most players) have become predictable when playing them so, it's just a matter of adapting, learning and building towards certain/all classes.



The bulk of the bandwagoners camp axe and rarely swap out, if at all.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > that's a pretty generalized and rude thing to say

> > > > >

> > > > > Especially since PvP requires more skill than PvE.

> > > >

> > > > PvP players spend all their time complaining how every single class, mechanic and skill is OP and want everything dumbed down. They are the single biggest reason why the combat in this game never actually got anywhere.

> > > >

> > > > In theory PvP should require more skill then fighting npcs, in practice Guardian zerg lootstick famers in PvE are more skilled then PvP players because at least they know how to move around and probably use condi cleanse from time to time.

> > >

> > > Normally your statements would just be viewed as trolling but you actually believe them.

> > >

> > > PvP players want balance and are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvE into consideration when it'll effect PvP. This is because you can change PvE content according to balance changes.

> > >

> > > The skill involved in PvE is minimal. I would say Bronze tier requires more skill than PvE as people have trained Chimps to be successful at MMO raids

> >

> > It really doesn't take a lot of skill to log into a forum and say 'insert skill/class/build/log in button here is too strong nerf pls' or ' you disagree with me so you are a troll'.

> >

> > PvE players want a fun game and as they out number PvP players, actually know some of the mechanics and keep the electricity running at Anet they are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvP into consideration when it'll effect PvE. This is because PvP is dead.


> Good idea. Let's kill off a gamemode and make GW2 earn less revenue.

Whens the last time PvP brought in any significant revenue? I seldom agree with Levetty due to differences of opinion but in this instance there is no evidence to suggest that PvP has done anything for this game aside from bad balancing decisions affecting other game modes (PvE, WvW) PvP died many. many years ago. The people who still believe it has any relevance today are such an insignificant few. If they were to scrap PvP and focus balance on PvE, then that would generate more revenue then PvP has in years.

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> @"Aylaine.1036" said:

> > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > > that's a pretty generalized and rude thing to say

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Especially since PvP requires more skill than PvE.

> > > > >

> > > > > PvP players spend all their time complaining how every single class, mechanic and skill is OP and want everything dumbed down. They are the single biggest reason why the combat in this game never actually got anywhere.

> > > > >

> > > > > In theory PvP should require more skill then fighting npcs, in practice Guardian zerg lootstick famers in PvE are more skilled then PvP players because at least they know how to move around and probably use condi cleanse from time to time.

> > > >

> > > > Normally your statements would just be viewed as trolling but you actually believe them.

> > > >

> > > > PvP players want balance and are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvE into consideration when it'll effect PvP. This is because you can change PvE content according to balance changes.

> > > >

> > > > The skill involved in PvE is minimal. I would say Bronze tier requires more skill than PvE as people have trained Chimps to be successful at MMO raids

> > >

> > > It really doesn't take a lot of skill to log into a forum and say 'insert skill/class/build/log in button here is too strong nerf pls' or ' you disagree with me so you are a troll'.

> > >

> > > PvE players want a fun game and as they out number PvP players, actually know some of the mechanics and keep the electricity running at Anet they are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvP into consideration when it'll effect PvE. This is because PvP is dead.

> >

> > Good idea. Let's kill off a gamemode and make GW2 earn less revenue.

> Whens the last time PvP brought in any significant revenue? I seldom agree with Levetty due to differences of opinion but in this instance there is no evidence to suggest that PvP has done anything for this game aside from bad balancing decisions affecting other game modes (PvE, WvW) PvP died many. many years ago. The people who still believe it has any relevance today are such an insignificant few. If they were to scrap PvP and focus balance on PvE, then that would generate more revenue then PvP has in years.


I know lots of pvpers who bought POF to specifically play a certain spec. It's a fad--everyone wants the specs.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"Aylaine.1036" said:

> > > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > > > that's a pretty generalized and rude thing to say

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Especially since PvP requires more skill than PvE.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > PvP players spend all their time complaining how every single class, mechanic and skill is OP and want everything dumbed down. They are the single biggest reason why the combat in this game never actually got anywhere.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In theory PvP should require more skill then fighting npcs, in practice Guardian zerg lootstick famers in PvE are more skilled then PvP players because at least they know how to move around and probably use condi cleanse from time to time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Normally your statements would just be viewed as trolling but you actually believe them.

> > > > >

> > > > > PvP players want balance and are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvE into consideration when it'll effect PvP. This is because you can change PvE content according to balance changes.

> > > > >

> > > > > The skill involved in PvE is minimal. I would say Bronze tier requires more skill than PvE as people have trained Chimps to be successful at MMO raids

> > > >

> > > > It really doesn't take a lot of skill to log into a forum and say 'insert skill/class/build/log in button here is too strong nerf pls' or ' you disagree with me so you are a troll'.

> > > >

> > > > PvE players want a fun game and as they out number PvP players, actually know some of the mechanics and keep the electricity running at Anet they are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvP into consideration when it'll effect PvE. This is because PvP is dead.

> > >

> > > Good idea. Let's kill off a gamemode and make GW2 earn less revenue.

> > Whens the last time PvP brought in any significant revenue? I seldom agree with Levetty due to differences of opinion but in this instance there is no evidence to suggest that PvP has done anything for this game aside from bad balancing decisions affecting other game modes (PvE, WvW) PvP died many. many years ago. The people who still believe it has any relevance today are such an insignificant few. If they were to scrap PvP and focus balance on PvE, then that would generate more revenue then PvP has in years.


> I know lots of pvpers who bought POF to specifically play a certain spec. It's a fad--everyone wants the specs.


Knowing lots of pvpers that bought PoF is annecdotal (I'm being kind) not significant.

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> @"Illurim.6059" said:

> > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > > @"Aylaine.1036" said:

> > > > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > > > @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jinks.2057" said:

> > > > > > > > that's a pretty generalized and rude thing to say

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Especially since PvP requires more skill than PvE.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > PvP players spend all their time complaining how every single class, mechanic and skill is OP and want everything dumbed down. They are the single biggest reason why the combat in this game never actually got anywhere.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > In theory PvP should require more skill then fighting npcs, in practice Guardian zerg lootstick famers in PvE are more skilled then PvP players because at least they know how to move around and probably use condi cleanse from time to time.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Normally your statements would just be viewed as trolling but you actually believe them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > PvP players want balance and are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvE into consideration when it'll effect PvP. This is because you can change PvE content according to balance changes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The skill involved in PvE is minimal. I would say Bronze tier requires more skill than PvE as people have trained Chimps to be successful at MMO raids

> > > > >

> > > > > It really doesn't take a lot of skill to log into a forum and say 'insert skill/class/build/log in button here is too strong nerf pls' or ' you disagree with me so you are a troll'.

> > > > >

> > > > > PvE players want a fun game and as they out number PvP players, actually know some of the mechanics and keep the electricity running at Anet they are entitled to it. Balance should never take PvP into consideration when it'll effect PvE. This is because PvP is dead.

> > > >

> > > > Good idea. Let's kill off a gamemode and make GW2 earn less revenue.

> > > Whens the last time PvP brought in any significant revenue? I seldom agree with Levetty due to differences of opinion but in this instance there is no evidence to suggest that PvP has done anything for this game aside from bad balancing decisions affecting other game modes (PvE, WvW) PvP died many. many years ago. The people who still believe it has any relevance today are such an insignificant few. If they were to scrap PvP and focus balance on PvE, then that would generate more revenue then PvP has in years.

> >

> > I know lots of pvpers who bought POF to specifically play a certain spec. It's a fad--everyone wants the specs.


> Knowing lots of pvpers that bought PoF is annecdotal (I'm being kind) not significant.


Okay, fine. Nearly everyone in Ranked (+unranked) ran a POF spec.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It would be stupid to nerf Mirage now. I don't know if you have noticed, but except for a few classes that still want to remain in there broken state...cough..(Firebrand-Scourge)... ppl are actually building around mirages & others. & adapting. I mean instead of building a glassy spammy build that is hoping to one shot everyone. There going for less damage & a bit more cleans & sustain builds. & it Working. Nerfing mirage at this point would just bring it back to square one where they tickled everyone.


This :)

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> @"Aylaine.1036" said:

> > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > Good idea. Let's kill off a gamemode and make GW2 earn less revenue.

> Whens the last time PvP brought in any significant revenue? I seldom agree with Levetty due to differences of opinion but in this instance there is no evidence to suggest that PvP has done anything for this game aside from bad balancing decisions affecting other game modes (PvE, WvW) PvP died many. many years ago. The people who still believe it has any relevance today are such an insignificant few. If they were to scrap PvP and focus balance on PvE, then that would generate more revenue then PvP has in years.


The amount of players that regularly play PvP is definitely higher than the amount of people that raid, so we might as well scrap that. Unlike PvP you actually have to create content for it, that maybe 5% of the playerbase actually cares about. What a waste.

Or high level fractals, who still plays these? Is it enough players to justify the several iterations and additions to the game mode?

And who cares about jumping puzzles. 99% of the playerbase ignore them completely, cheeses them with a mesmer or completes them once to then never set foot there again. Content that barely anyone cares about should not be this complex and need this much finetuning. Let's never make those again and focus on "content".


See where I'm getting at?

What makes GW2 great is the sum of all the things. Most players will not play one gamemode exclusively and most care about many different things. Therefore it is also extremely difficult to determine what feature is a "expansion-seller", as most players will buy them anyway - they just want more of everything.


And yes "serious e-sports type" pvp may have never existed in GW2, but the casual PvP is alive and well and it deserves as much attention balance-wise as the dps-race does. Sadly, balance is the thing which does not generate any revenue and this is why we only get it a few times each year and never to a satisfying point.

But if you believe removing pvp from the equation will automatically lead to more and better PvE balancing, then you are a fool.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > > In what world does PvP require more skill?

> > >

> > > lolrly?

> >

> > not in gw2...



> Rinse and repeat pve /yawn me into oblivion


> pvp more skill than pve any day, any game, every mmorpg with pvp ever


ur comparing gw2 pve with pvp.. if gw2 pvp is already dumb, the pve doesnt even need to be talked about...


Game overall is a skilless and very lamer, towards bad players and who want to be carried with gimmicks, its not pve only

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Should the Mesmer be nerf in 2018? Yes.

It SHOULD be nerf in 2017, but it wasn't.

WILL Mesmer be nerf in 2018? Unlikely. Rather than addressing a glaring issue directly, balance patches happen at a glacial pace in GW2, with much-needed and relatively simple solutions being ignored or changed in bizarre and surprising ways in order to "delight" the players with creative novelty. :(


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>Nearly the entire sPvP community agrees it is broken.

It can be broken at farming noob in WvW but it's clearly not broken in sPvP considering the game-mode is about point and the low number of mirage in top 250.


>you question the skills of high level pvp players that say condi mirage is broken

Not the skill but the objectivity.

First because there is only ~15 high level mesmers pvp players and only 3 of them who said it's broken.

(And two of them have said it more about the gameplay than about the efficiency.)


>you don't even need to generate and place clones, spam jaunt and shatterblind for some instant hits can be enough

shatterblind + spam jaunt = 18 confu in 8 clics.

Did you want the list of skills that do more direct dammage or condi dammage in 1 clic ?


>Elusive mind should be deleted and get replaced

Without elusive mind, mirage can always evade during CC and it wont make much difference about the "I can't hit him" aspect.

Moreover if mirage start play without it (some are already doing it.), you will just see more hit&run gameplay because of mirage take less risks in fight and more dammage output.

I wouldn't stake my life on it than even with EM nerf, we will see much more whine about mirage than before.


>Without a doubt. Mirage WILL be nerfed. It NEEDS to be nerfed...

That is argumentation. And the rest just use many, insane and so on.

What is said without argument and details can be refuted without so just l2p.


>Mirage is unkillable by some specs, therefore it should be reviewed.

In which world specs who have teamplay and teamfights uses can kill class design to 1v1 ?

I just think that the main problem is like every time : casuals teamfight class want to farm everyone without even knowing how their class is designed for.

I'm sure you do consequent aoe dammage, pop group boon/heal/sustain, have zone CC on so on.

Mesmer in general, as long as it is near 5 steps under other spec in teamfight impacts should win the large majority of 1v1 as the class is design for.

For example read the description of well of calamity with his "massive damage after 3 sec " done then go to GWEN meta class and you will see their weakest aoe dammage deal more damage with the same gear.


> Should the Mesmer be nerf in 2018?

Should mesmer be free-bag for every casual spec ? No

Should mesmer have a 50/50 chance to win 1v1 over other class ? No as long as they haven't the same teamfight impact.

in the meantime you can still play mesmer.

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> >Nearly the entire sPvP community agrees it is broken.

> It can be broken at farming noob in WvW but it's clearly not broken in sPvP considering the game-mode is about point and the low number of mirage in top 250.


> >you question the skills of high level pvp players that say condi mirage is broken

> Not the skill but the objectivity.

> First because there is only ~15 high level mesmers pvp players and only 3 of them who said it's broken.

> (And two of them have said it more about the gameplay than about the efficiency.)


> >you don't even need to generate and place clones, spam jaunt and shatterblind for some instant hits can be enough

> shatterblind + spam jaunt = 18 confu in 8 clics.

> Did you want the list of skills that do more direct dammage or condi dammage in 1 clic ?


> >Elusive mind should be deleted and get replaced

> Without elusive mind, mirage can always evade during CC and it wont make much difference about the "I can't hit him" aspect.

> Moreover if mirage start play without it (some are already doing it.), you will just see more hit&run gameplay because of mirage take less risks in fight and more dammage output.

> I wouldn't stake my life on it than even with EM nerf, we will see much more whine about mirage than before.


> >Without a doubt. Mirage WILL be nerfed. It NEEDS to be nerfed...

> That is argumentation. And the rest just use many, insane and so on.

> What is said without argument and details can be refuted without so just l2p.


> >Mirage is unkillable by some specs, therefore it should be reviewed.

> In which world specs who have teamplay and teamfights uses can kill class design to 1v1 ?

> I just think that the main problem is like every time : casuals teamfight class want to farm everyone without even knowing how their class is designed for.

> I'm sure you do consequent aoe dammage, pop group boon/heal/sustain, have zone CC on so on.

> Mesmer in general, as long as it is near 5 steps under other spec in teamfight impacts should win the large majority of 1v1 as the class is design for.

> For example read the description of well of calamity with his "massive damage after 3 sec " done then go to GWEN meta class and you will see their weakest aoe dammage deal more damage with the same gear.


> > Should the Mesmer be nerf in 2018?

> Should mesmer be free-bag for every casual spec ? No

> Should mesmer have a 50/50 chance to win 1v1 over other class ? No as long as they haven't the same teamfight impact.

> in the meantime you can still play mesmer.


You defending the spec you are playing, not more. There are atleast most of time 2 mirages in every match at plat.3 and i guess this is more than enough. It just excels not good in teamfights, thats why people dont run 2 mirages in a team and often someone rerolls + scourge and firebrand is everywhere. Its top pick, its broken, doesnt matter what you try to explain.

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Mirage is really strong , especially in spvp where scourge and warriors were nerfed . In my opinion ( i main a mesmer ) elusive mind , as it is now , is a bit broken. Try to play a build with mirage without it and you see the absurd difference . The real problem is not to nerf "mirage" but how to change Elusive Mind. It is difficult becouse you risk to destroy mirage completely.

Elusive mind is also the reason why now Power mesmer is viable in spvp and wvw ( in wvw i find it better than condi ) but if you nerf too much Elusive mind you completely destroy power mesmer .

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> @"PierPiero.9142" said:

> Mirage is really strong , especially in spvp where scourge and warriors were nerfed . In my opinion ( i main a mesmer ) elusive mind , as it is now , is a bit broken. Try to play a build with mirage without it and you see the absurd difference . The real problem is not to nerf "mirage" but how to change Elusive Mind. It is difficult becouse you risk to destroy mirage completely.

> Elusive mind is also the reason why now Power mesmer is viable in spvp and wvw ( in wvw i find it better than condi ) but if you nerf too much Elusive mind you completely destroy power mesmer .


Elusive Mind is overrated. Mirage doesn't need the stun break and condi cleanse on dodge to survive.

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I really don't get this discussion. Ok, let's say mirages are the king of 1 v 1. Does that make them the best in spvp or wvw? Can they bunker like a firebrand or scourge? Can they lay down AOEs like a scourge and take you down in seconds flat? Being the king of 1 v 1 hasn't made me the most valuable player in spvp. Scourges and Firebrands kick butt. Not to mention thieves, who don't do so bad themselves. Or Druids, which give great support and more besides.


Somebody is going to be best at 1 v 1 . Can't it be the mirage, at least for a while?

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If Chronomancer couldn't keep Alacrity why on earth do you thin Mirage is going to stay remotely the way it is?

They ought to tone down all of the specs becasue I bet theres only like 10K of us playing and the rate at which players are boarding the games not worth the frustration if they wait to long...there will be nobody left.

Regardless Mirage will be getting nerfed.

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