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Frozen flying near Tixx's Infinirarium airship

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I'm not sure if anyone else discovered this but if you fly to close to the Tixx's Infinirarium airship in Divinity's Reach you're character gets frozen. I want to compliment the devs for creative thinking. This is the kind of creative thinking that needs to be done in boundary areas instead of those ever annoying invisible walls and even more annoying kill zones. I'd like to suggest things like fear zones on boundaries to no map areas (as in There be Dragons Here), jump to other maps along the entire side of maps bounding other maps, wind vortexes that send characters into a spin away. Please make boundary zones fun and creative.

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Grats to this find and thanks to the devs for implementing it. Haven't checked for myself but will see if I can get there later ;).

I'd take killzones above invisible walls though. They warn you soon enough to change your course(most of the times at lessat) where the invisiwalls just 1)break immersion, 2)kill your momentum(i's the ressource you manage with your griffon and the walls just set it to zero on collision) and are therefore 3) really unfun when you're out on a glide with your bird.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Grats to this find and thanks to the devs for implementing it. Haven't checked for myself but will see if I can get there later ;).

> I'd take killzones above invisible walls though. They warn you soon enough to change your course(most of the times at lessat) where the invisiwalls just 1)break immersion, 2)kill your momentum(i's the ressource you manage with your griffon and the walls just set it to zero on collision) and are therefore 3) really unfun when you're out on a glide with your bird.


I've encountered killzones areas that kill you as it's warning you. There is a spot in the cold part of Desert Highlands that is a slightly raised rock and there is a creature running around near it; if you stand on the rock you die without even attempting to go up the wall. It looks like any part of the area that a player might stand on to shoot a creature from a raised rock. Fear zones would be much better because it would induce flight from the zones.


On maps that border other maps why not just send the player to the next map in roughly the same location on the next map. It's not hard to calculate the position to drop the player on the next map. It'd work well with griffons or gliding taking you to the next map and give a bonus travel method for players who purchased the expansion(s). Of course there would be a map load as usual. We know it's a game so it's not like it's going to shock us to see the map edge. You could go from Hoelbrak to Snowden Drifts and back over the mountainous area bordering them.



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