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Changes needed in desolation

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Firstly Champion muckstalker bounty needs an adjustment. His difficulty ranges HUGELY depending on which RNG buff he gets, with him being very easy with stop/go and almost impossible with phase shifter. I believe its only possible to kill him with phase shifter if you have an organised group like a guild. Id suggest removing the option of phase shifter as a buff from him.


Secondly the 2 meta events really need their rewards buffed significantly. Its been 2 months since pof and they are dead. Especially junundu rising. After trying to get a group together for the achievement, with 30mins preperation time, only 5 people showed up. This is at peak time. Maw still has people participating on weekends and holidays but its very difficult to get a group during the week. If this content is going to remain relevant 6months + from now, then it will need something to incentivise people to keep going back.

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> Firstly Champion muckstalker bounty needs an adjustment. His difficulty ranges HUGELY depending on which RNG buff he gets, with him being very easy with stop/go and almost impossible with phase shifter. I believe its only possible to kill him with phase shifter if you have an organised group like a guild. Id suggest removing the option of phase shifter as a buff from him.


> Secondly the 2 meta events really need their rewards buffed significantly. Its been 2 months since pof and they are dead. Especially junundu rising. After trying to get a group together for the achievement, with 30mins preperation time, only 5 people showed up. This is at peak time. Maw still has people participating on weekends and holidays but its very difficult to get a group during the week. If this content is going to remain relevant 6months + from now, then it will need something to incentivise people to keep going back.


Muckstalker is easy, even with Phase Shift, you don't need a guild to do it, just a bounty train that can follow directions...as in using CC when his bar is up so that he doesn't heal...about the only thing that could cause problems is if he has Polluter and Exploiter with Phase Shift, then you might have problems.


As for the two meta events, maybe people need to broadcast more what the new rewards are from completing them successfully. I know you can get different types of Ascended Harrier stated armor recipes from each chest when successful, as well as the recipe for the Insignia/Inscription from Junundu Rising(which I need to do so I can make my Harrier armor, if I so desire), that's in addition to the regular Exotic, Greens and what not.

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I pulled together a bounty train in Desolation the other day. This was plain LFG squad, so 100% pugs.

For Muckstalker, I very carefully explained, in squad message, that everyone must bring lots of CC, preferrably fast cast on short recharge, and that they need to watch health and break bars, and as soon as they saw blue to hit with all CC.

Before going for Muckstalker, I reminded everyone to read squad message, and had a ready check for it.


Let's just say that I was real proud of the entire squad after; breakbar went down faster than I've ever seen - every single time. Muckstalker didn't regen one single health point during the fight.

All it takes is a bit of explaining and a squad who are willing to read.

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I dont think people who comment here have tried with the phase shifter on a regular bounty run. You cannot CC fast enough with pugs if he starts healing during a phase swap or a ranged phase. People dont have enough CC on ranged weps to break his bar and if they have to move and swap weps when he starts healing, its even worse.


I am aware muckstalker is fine and easy enough with CC with regular buffs like lazers, stop/go and exploiter but I have tried 6+ times with his phase shifter buff and not 1 single train has been successful, even with detailed instructions from commander.


I have completed muckstalker on both my accounts by doing him without phase shifter so honestly its no skin off my nose if he doesnt get adjusted but I still stand by my opinion that phase shift is unequal to the difficulty of all other bounty champs and should be changed.

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> I dont think people who comment here have tried with the phase shifter on a regular bounty run. You cannot CC fast enough with pugs if he starts healing during a phase swap or a ranged phase. People dont have enough CC on ranged weps to break his bar and if they have to move and swap weps when he starts healing, its even worse.


> I am aware muckstalker is fine and easy enough with CC with regular buffs like lazers, stop/go and exploiter but I have tried 6+ times with his phase shifter buff and not 1 single train has been successful, even with detailed instructions from commander.


> I have completed muckstalker on both my accounts by doing him without phase shifter so honestly its no skin off my nose if he doesnt get adjusted but I still stand by my opinion that phase shift is unequal to the difficulty of all other bounty champs and should be changed.


It can be done with Phase Shift, I've been a part of the train that does it...and Phase Shift is downright nasty on some of the other Bounties too...like Rubedon, or some of the other Djinn bounties. It just takes perseverance and good group. Perhaps because the one guild I belong to is specifically for doing bounties and that is all we do 6 nights a week, jumping between 3 different maps each night. For a PuG Phase Shift might cause issues, but it's completely random which skills the bounties get so restricting one only opens the door to people complaining about others and wanting them restricted as well.

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