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Solution to new Raiders and Raid sellers.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > And I am 100% cool with

> > > _You_ are. Some other people apparently aren't.

> > >

> > > Not that i think the problem OP brought up has any valid solution. As long as people will want to buy the content, there will be sellers. At the same time, as long as the income from selling the content is significant, there's nothing you can offer the sellers to make them decide to engage in activity that might lower that income.

> > >

> > > Basically, the only things that can make the issue less visible (and lower the prices) is either:

> > > - make the content less interesting for players that might have a difficulty in running it, or

> > > - lower the difficulty, so more people will run it on their own without feeling a need to buy it

> > >

> > > Not sure if that's what OP intends however.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > There have always been people selling content, even in Guild Wars 1. People selling Althea's Ashes. People opening gates for you, so you can solo the charr area in pre. People selling the last mission in factions. People selling specific dungeons. I even remember people selling runs for rangers to tame a black widow in the Underworld. Not sure why it's such a problem now when it's always been with us.

> Yes. Why i said "make the issue _less visible_", not "make the issue disappear". You can't make it disappear. You can only make the potential buyers less willing to shell out bigger amounts of money.

> (also, selling Althea's Ashes was a pure scam)



I don't disagree with you on any of that, including Althea's Ashes being pure scam.


The thing is, it was very very visible in Guild Wars 1 also. We didn't have an LFG per se, so we had people spamming chat instead.


The OP's plan won't work because it's too easy to abuse. I still think raid difficulties are the way to go, or even a five man version of raids, for people who are less....dedicated or don't enjoy the format. I have a lot less trouble finding a group of five I want to play with than a group of ten. It's just a different dynamic and I find I don't enjoy it.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> >There was a time when people simply grouped up with others for the pleasure of it, tightly tuned raids polluted this mindset.


> I must have missed the patch in which Anet has taken away that kind of feature.

> You still have the possibility to simply group up with people for the pleasure of it.


yes.. it was when they opted to focus on Challenge as opposed to Fun

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You don't need to join a raid guild to raid but it will help you "secure a consistant raiding spot" which will help if you're going for a long run. Long story short, what you're facing is you wanted something in the content but you finally discovered the limits of solo playing.


Increasing the reward will not stop the raid selling. As long as there are buyers, there will always be sellers and rewarding the sellers along the process will not stop it. They are doing it for "profit" and that's it; there's no compromise maybe discounts? For practice groups, its best to look elsewhere. (A person who is trying to learn fishing, will not gain it by going to the wetmarket to buy fish.)


There's always a need for new players to join raid as raiders do stop or go inactive after a getting what they wanted. But remember, the process goes both ways, new players need to actively seek for groups and not depending on groups actively seek for PuG (To add, once the PuG decides to settle w the group, another door just closed up on you).

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > >There was a time when people simply grouped up with others for the pleasure of it, tightly tuned raids polluted this mindset.

> >

> > I must have missed the patch in which Anet has taken away that kind of feature.

> > You still have the possibility to simply group up with people for the pleasure of it.


> yes.. it was when they opted to focus on Challenge as opposed to Fun


You might find it shocking, but "fun" is something completely subjective. I think it's great that the game caters to alot of different players and playstyles, but I'm well aware you're of a different opinion.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> Nothing anyone has said is Anet's problem. Anet can't control how players act.


> As such, since its' a player issue, there is nothing Anet needs to do.


Grouping up was a player issue from the beginning but they added the LFM and LFG tabs in a rush without having planned it. Legendary armor was supposed to be raid-only but they added the option to change armor stats in PvP and WvW as well (in a rush too, without introducing new skins and achievements).


There are many, many instances where Anet can, should and has solved player issues and it is absolutely their problem too if it happens inside their game; that's like saying Riot should turn a blind eye to people being overly toxic in League of Legends or that heavy drinking is a drinker issue only. It might be right but it's certainly awful community thinking.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > I think a couple things would be nice. A new Raid daily for bosses with the reward of an additional LI would be good and possibly some more gold. That would probably get more people to do certain bosses much like fractal dailies.

> >

> I like this idea. This will make me want to raid more




Same here. This is actually a pretty decent suggestion. A daily raid boss just might open up some opportunities for new folks to get a crack at it, and they just might enjoy the content and thus have a DESIRE to learn more, gear better and all that fun stuff that comes with raiding!!

Shame ANET doesn't really look at these forums much, apparently MetaBattle is the devs go to....lol, really? Maybe if it was updated more?

Anyways, good thinking @"Tyson.5160" !!! ;)

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The idea sounds okish but the reward is pretty bad, I don't see myself repeating a boss just to get a little more gold or some LI/ asc gear that I don't need because I have tons in bank.


> @"Joxer.6024" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > I think a couple things would be nice. A new Raid daily for bosses with the reward of an additional LI would be good and possibly some more gold. That would probably get more people to do certain bosses much like fractal dailies.

> > >

> > I like this idea. This will make me want to raid more

> >

> >


> Same here. This is actually a pretty decent suggestion. A daily raid boss just might open up some opportunities for new folks to get a crack at it, and they just might enjoy the content and thus have a DESIRE to learn more, gear better and all that fun stuff that comes with raiding!!

> Shame ANET doesn't really look at these forums much, apparently MetaBattle is the devs go to....lol, really? Maybe if it was updated more?

> Anyways, good thinking @"Tyson.5160" !!! ;)


The suggestion is great if you think people will not do the dailies with friends but with randoms from lfg. If the daily boss is the last boss of a instance you bet that I will not spend my time teaching people each boss until that particular one, I will just run it with established raiders.

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A raid boss daily sounds like a bad idea. The whole organisation is the first issue, what happens if some boss is daily that is not at the beginning of a wing? Jump through a lot of hoops to get an ID where stuff before him is cleared? Clear everything before being able to do the daily? Next issue (already mentioned by Raikidd), does anyone believe that people who detest pugs will suddenly start pugging? I don't. Likewise, I'd expect to see a see of tears from non-raiders when a raid daily suddenly appears. So far, I see no reason at all to shift away from the weekly system.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > And I am 100% cool with

> > _You_ are. Some other people apparently aren't.

> >

> > Not that i think the problem OP brought up has any valid solution. As long as people will want to buy the content, there will be sellers. At the same time, as long as the income from selling the content is significant, there's nothing you can offer the sellers to make them decide to engage in activity that might lower that income.

> >

> > Basically, the only things that can make the issue less visible (and lower the prices) is either:

> > - make the content less interesting for players that might have a difficulty in running it, or

> > - lower the difficulty, so more people will run it on their own without feeling a need to buy it

> >

> > Not sure if that's what OP intends however.

> >

> >


> There have always been people selling content, even in Guild Wars 1. People selling Althea's Ashes. People opening gates for you, so you can solo the charr area in pre. People selling the last mission in factions. People selling specific dungeons. I even remember people selling runs for rangers to tame a black widow in the Underworld. Not sure why it's such a problem now when it's always been with us.


The big 'sell' in GW1 was the paid runs through Lornars pass for new characters to skip alot of the missions/zones and get to LA as quickly as possible.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Solution remove mechanics then no need too learn just dps it too death and lower hp and dmg from boss for most people dont like mechanics i do but most of community want it this way


That is making the game more dumbed down than what the game already is >_>

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > Solution remove mechanics then no need too learn just dps it too death and lower hp and dmg from boss for most people dont like mechanics i do but most of community want it this way


> That is making the game more dumbed down than what the game already is >_>


Iknow but thats what it has becomed

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > Solution remove mechanics then no need too learn just dps it too death and lower hp and dmg from boss for most people dont like mechanics i do but most of community want it this way

> >

> > That is making the game more dumbed down than what the game already is >_>


> Iknow but thats what it has becomed


that's why i dont actually PVE in gw2, it is the worst/dullest experience i ever had due bad classes and no skill play, besides the most obvious dodge the aoe or telepgraphed heavy hits, like any other game rule...


Imo Anet needs to increase mechanics where players need to know what do cast and kill, rather than noob gameplay like DPS race.

I think this happens cause classes have no depthand exptremelly poor to none mechanics towards roles and are mostly to blind player and make them being carried with "gimmick values/results" while keybashing.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > Solution remove mechanics then no need too learn just dps it too death and lower hp and dmg from boss for most people dont like mechanics i do but most of community want it this way

> > >

> > > That is making the game more dumbed down than what the game already is >_>

> >

> > Iknow but thats what it has becomed


> that's why i dont actually PVE in gw2, it is the worst/dullest experience i ever had due bad classes and no skill play, besides the most obvious dodge the aoe or telepgraphed heavy hits, like any other game rule...


> Imo Anet needs to increase mechanics where players need to know what do cast and kill, rather than noob gameplay like DPS race.

> I think this happens cause classes have no depthand exptremelly poor to none mechanics towards roles and are mostly to blind player and make them being carried with "gimmick values/results" while keybashing.


Then about 75% would quite for majority is open world pvers sadly

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> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > Oh I'm probably going to hell for this one , but I could use a vacation anyway. :p

> > **But first spare me the "join a Raid Guild" solution, if it were an actual solution the problem would have been gone by now, it's been 2 years now so if it actually works why does the problem persist?**

> >

> > So you know the drill, inexperienced players want to raid, but experiened aren't willing to teach because they don't like wasting time.

> > Instead many experienced raiders want to be paid to carry the new player, but that won't really make new raiders learn anything, they will just earn credit for the kill but not the experience they need.

> > It's driving a lot of people crazy (probably ANET too) and there doesn't seem to be any solution to the problem, but I found one: **We simply have to compromise.**


> The reason the "issue" persist is because alot of people either dont want to join a guild, interact with others, play any other way than their own or spend time learning. There are plenty of guilds that are willing to teach on a small scale, and huge communities on both EU and NA that do the same. They are easily accessible and linked in every single thread, but always ignored by the people claiming raids are inaccessible or toxic as they generally don't **wan't** to put in the minimal effort it requires.




The truth has been spoken.

I didn't touch raids for nearly the first two years. But not because i couldn't (one of my friends kept inviting me) but because i didn't want to put in the time to get proper gear. Eventually i ended up doing a couple encounters with him, and actually had fun (bot had to go in with full Berzerker exotics instead of my "for fractals" Soldiers gear).


Eventually a couple months ago, we ended up starting to get a group going and i've been doing attempts and at least escort consistently every week, and working on getting a more or less fixed group going.

I've been doing training raids, and i've found a lot of people that are willing to put up the time and effort to help a bunch of newbies with encounters. To this day, i've found ONE group that were pretty much toxic a-holes, and probably begginers themselves. Since they were asking for Li, but clearly didn't know enough about the encounter, and after one fail ended up kicking 70% of the group. After that i rebuilt the group from the ones that were kicked (most of the ones not kicked were from my own group and left), and we made it first try without those two guys. Didn't need to ask for Li, or KPs or anything.

If there's something i've learned from my time doing group content, playing PvP and other competitive games is that 80% of the time, the guys complaining are the oens performing badly, and are simply used to being carried instead of carrying themselves.


So yes, there's elitism, but most of the time it doesn't come from the "pros" that have been raidning since Wing one came out, but from the newbies that bought their way into raids, and have been carried through most of them.

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> @"Raikidd.5803" said:

> The idea sounds okish but the reward is pretty bad, I don't see myself repeating a boss just to get a little more gold or some LI/ asc gear that I don't need because I have tons in bank.


> > @"Joxer.6024" said:

> > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > > I think a couple things would be nice. A new Raid daily for bosses with the reward of an additional LI would be good and possibly some more gold. That would probably get more people to do certain bosses much like fractal dailies.

> > > >

> > > I like this idea. This will make me want to raid more

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Same here. This is actually a pretty decent suggestion. A daily raid boss just might open up some opportunities for new folks to get a crack at it, and they just might enjoy the content and thus have a DESIRE to learn more, gear better and all that fun stuff that comes with raiding!!

> > Shame ANET doesn't really look at these forums much, apparently MetaBattle is the devs go to....lol, really? Maybe if it was updated more?

> > Anyways, good thinking @"Tyson.5160" !!! ;)


> The suggestion is great if you think people will not do the dailies with friends but with randoms from lfg. If the daily boss is the last boss of a instance you bet that I will not spend my time teaching people each boss until that particular one, I will just run it with established raiders.


Yea, good point. With it being a 'daily" I guess it could be any boss, and as you said, aint no one gonna want to teach Deimos for a daily! I dunno, maybe lock to the first boss of each wing,W5 excluded for now?

And yea, kinda wish the "rewards" in raids was a tad better, for lack of a better term. So many asc that just don't need...but then again that's rng for ya. Did WOW raids forever and it would seem that 1 piece of armor/gear you needed would never drop!

Ah well, maybe ANET got something cookin, that or just leave it be. ;)

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > Solution remove mechanics then no need too learn just dps it too death and lower hp and dmg from boss for most people dont like mechanics i do but most of community want it this way

> >

> > That is making the game more dumbed down than what the game already is >_>


> Iknow but thats what it has becomed


I beg to differ. Not yet it hasn't. Have you done W5? Its a bugger, but just what a raid should be, tough and challenging. Now, if you have done it and Dhuum Cm and all that, then yea, you need a new game me thinks cuz you aren't getting what you want from GW2 sadly. And this may read as a dig at ya but its not really......cheers! ;)

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > Nothing anyone has said is Anet's problem. Anet can't control how players act.

> >

> > As such, since its' a player issue, there is nothing Anet needs to do.


> Grouping up was a player issue from the beginning but they added the LFM and LFG tabs in a rush without having planned it. Legendary armor was supposed to be raid-only but they added the option to change armor stats in PvP and WvW as well (in a rush too, without introducing new skins and achievements).



sPvP always used Trinkets, and there was never a cost to change your Trinket. (gotta wonder why they even have Legendary armor)


> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > >There was a time when people simply grouped up with others for the pleasure of it, tightly tuned raids polluted this mindset.

> > >

> > > I must have missed the patch in which Anet has taken away that kind of feature.

> > > You still have the possibility to simply group up with people for the pleasure of it.

> >

> > yes.. it was when they opted to focus on Challenge as opposed to Fun


> You might find it shocking, but "fun" is something completely subjective. I think it's great that the game caters to alot of different players and playstyles, but I'm well aware you're of a different opinion.


Not as much as some people try to make off, that is why games with engaging content can have seamless difficulty scales.


And my feelings on raids were they are a bad addition to the game as a whole. The class make-up didn't bode well for it, and as a result, The endless "discussions" with Elite spec imbalance in all the PvP modes, the "discussions" about the Druid/Chrono/PS holy trinity on the raid topics, as well as the whole legendary armor thing. Honestly, just more higher level fractal levels would have been a better addition to the game overall.


Nothing against challenging content. and in some games raids are their lifeblood and wonderfully done, but Raids were just not a good addition to **this** game.


They stay around, because like loot-boxes, and RNG store items, they are a tried and understood game mechanic.

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I don't want to cry now, but fractals give +20 gold daily, that's +140 gold a week! I get so often ascended pieces that all my professions all full of ascended or legendary, 90% ascended from raids. But some people doesn't have such luck like me, and rarely get a drop, that means Fractals T4 are better choice atm for some ppl then Raid!


ATM what I really want is a Dhuum kill, and the green mechanics are so messed up, that every lfg asks for "green" ppl with +6kp, while they just do the same what we would do, they aren't better then us, at all, only ppl who can do green are good players at that not GW2 mechanic! So you can say you are experienced, because you are not, you can say you killed Dhuum, while I can kill Dhuum too (12%) if 3 good green players come and help me!

Anet really should consider fixing this getting this orbs, often we are near the orbs to pick it up, and we can't, while on other youtube videos the others can ez pick it up the same way!

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> > @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > >There was a time when people simply grouped up with others for the pleasure of it, tightly tuned raids polluted this mindset.

> > > >

> > > > I must have missed the patch in which Anet has taken away that kind of feature.

> > > > You still have the possibility to simply group up with people for the pleasure of it.

> > >

> > > yes.. it was when they opted to focus on Challenge as opposed to Fun

> >

> > You might find it shocking, but "fun" is something completely subjective. I think it's great that the game caters to alot of different players and playstyles, but I'm well aware you're of a different opinion.


> Not as much as some people try to make off, that is why games with engaging content can have seamless difficulty scales.


> And my feelings on raids were they are a bad addition to the game as a whole. The class make-up didn't bode well for it, and as a result, The endless "discussions" with Elite spec imbalance in all the PvP modes, the "discussions" about the Druid/Chrono/PS holy trinity on the raid topics, as well as the whole legendary armor thing. Honestly, just more higher level fractal levels would have been a better addition to the game overall.


> Nothing against challenging content. and in some games raids are their lifeblood and wonderfully done, but Raids were just not a good addition to **this** game.


> They stay around, because like loot-boxes, and RNG store items, they are a tried and understood game mechanic.


Your point is still moot because so far everything you said is based on your personal opinion. Which is fine, i can't argue heavily against opinion, but the same goes for you. It's fair that you don't like raids, but obviously there are a lot of people who do like it as well.


Plus games don't always "need" difficulty scales when the > intention < behind something is that it should be the most difficult content in the game. This was the design vision of the developers when they added raids to the game even till the point they publicly declared it so on multiple occasions. Even clearly stating that multiple difficulty settings were not on the agenda when discussing raids.


Success hinges on people liking the difficulty they have put out and for many that is actually the case. If i may take the example of another game series i would like to point to the SoulsBorne games. A series that is quite arguably successful without seamless difficulty scales. There the difficulty is set in stone (and even actually gets harder when entering NG1, NG2 etcetera up until NG7). The success of that series directly links to the fact that it is as difficult as the developers intended it to be, drawing in many people seeking a challenge. The same could be pointed out for raids in GW2, people wanted challenge and that's what they got.

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.> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:


> There are many, many instances where Anet can, should and has solved player issues and it is absolutely their problem too if it happens inside their game; that's like saying Riot should turn a blind eye to people being overly toxic in League of Legends or that heavy drinking is a drinker issue only. It might be right but it's certainly awful community thinking.


**The whole point of a social game is to play with the people you want to play with, not be forced to play with the people you don't.**


As such, as long as they are not breaking the EULA, Anet does not need to get involved in trying to change group dynamics and social settings. LFG, are just a way for people to find other people they want to group with, not an imposition to force people to group.


If you want to raid, take initiative and take the steps to get in the social circles that want to raid with you, start your own group, join a guild, find people who want to be with you.


You don't get to sit on your hands and expect other people to do all the work for you, It never ends well when you cry to Someone else to force people who don't want to play with you to let you play with them. That does not work on the playground, it won't work in a game.

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> @"Digit.1823" said:

> > > @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > > >There was a time when people simply grouped up with others for the pleasure of it, tightly tuned raids polluted this mindset.

> > > > >

> > > > > I must have missed the patch in which Anet has taken away that kind of feature.

> > > > > You still have the possibility to simply group up with people for the pleasure of it.

> > > >

> > > > yes.. it was when they opted to focus on Challenge as opposed to Fun

> > >

> > > You might find it shocking, but "fun" is something completely subjective. I think it's great that the game caters to alot of different players and playstyles, but I'm well aware you're of a different opinion.

> >

> > Not as much as some people try to make off, that is why games with engaging content can have seamless difficulty scales.

> >

> > And my feelings on raids were they are a bad addition to the game as a whole. The class make-up didn't bode well for it, and as a result, The endless "discussions" with Elite spec imbalance in all the PvP modes, the "discussions" about the Druid/Chrono/PS holy trinity on the raid topics, as well as the whole legendary armor thing. Honestly, just more higher level fractal levels would have been a better addition to the game overall.

> >

> > Nothing against challenging content. and in some games raids are their lifeblood and wonderfully done, but Raids were just not a good addition to **this** game.

> >

> > They stay around, because like loot-boxes, and RNG store items, they are a tried and understood game mechanic.


> Your point is still moot because so far everything you said is based on your personal opinion.


Everything everyone says.. is just their personal opinion. So by that logic.. all discussions are moot.

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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > And I am 100% cool with

> > > _You_ are. Some other people apparently aren't.

> > >

> > > Not that i think the problem OP brought up has any valid solution. As long as people will want to buy the content, there will be sellers. At the same time, as long as the income from selling the content is significant, there's nothing you can offer the sellers to make them decide to engage in activity that might lower that income.

> > >

> > > Basically, the only things that can make the issue less visible (and lower the prices) is either:

> > > - make the content less interesting for players that might have a difficulty in running it, or

> > > - lower the difficulty, so more people will run it on their own without feeling a need to buy it

> > >

> > > Not sure if that's what OP intends however.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > There have always been people selling content, even in Guild Wars 1. People selling Althea's Ashes. People opening gates for you, so you can solo the charr area in pre. People selling the last mission in factions. People selling specific dungeons. I even remember people selling runs for rangers to tame a black widow in the Underworld. Not sure why it's such a problem now when it's always been with us.


> The big 'sell' in GW1 was the paid runs through Lornars pass for new characters to skip alot of the missions/zones and get to LA as quickly as possible.


There were paid dungeon runs as well, and someone was often selling Shiro, at least. Eye of the North tours too. What you're talking about is the Droks run, but that wasn't the only one.3

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So I was wondering, how much does it worth it, for you people, to buy Dhuum raid? ATM I asked all guilds, and the numbers are like this: 800 gold, 700 gold, 540 gold, 280 gold, 250 gold. I asked CM too, one guild said it's 20k gold, the rest of them, I think, can't do it atm (sell it)! (At start Dhumm was 2k gold, just to be clear)

What do you guys think? It is worth more then 280 gold?!! The people should just agree that one Boss max how much can it cost, and not the sellers! If they want + gold, then accept the communities deal or no deal! This should be the normal mentality!


(Just saying that the green mechanic is so broken that it's a laugh, sometimes you can get the orbs, and sometimes no matter how close you are you just can't get it, the orbs what you get sometimes doesn't even disappear and still count! I don't have FPS drops, don't have lag, it's the designers fault, who couldn't make a mechanic work! Just see how many of us fail because of that really bad mechanic, what is not working how it should be!)

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> @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> So I was wondering, how much does it worth it, for you people, to buy Dhuum raid? ATM I asked all guilds, and the numbers are like this: 800 gold, 700 gold, 540 gold, 280 gold, 250 gold. I asked CM too, one guild said it's 20k gold, the rest of them, I think, can't do it atm (sell it)! (At start Dhumm was 2k gold, just to be clear)

> What do you guys think? It is worth more then 280 gold?!! The people should just agree that one Boss max how much can it cost, and not the sellers! If they want + gold, then accept the communities deal or no deal! This should be the normal mentality!


The cost is dependent on how much a person is willing to pay and how much the seller wants. There is no need for any one to do anything. If a price is deemed to high, no one will pay it and sellers will either reduce price or not sell runs. Obviously if the price that is asked for is still getting payed, hence demand exceeds supply and it's a sellers market: thus the seller can dictate his price more aggressively.


To me personally? I wouldn't even pay 10 gold to get my Dhuum kill (which I haven't bothered with yet) because I know I will get it in the long run eventually and want to kill it myself. I don't judge people who want the kill for gold though, that's between every one and their wallet to decide.


> @"LordOtto.2650" said:


> (Just saying that the green mechanic is so broken that it's a laugh, sometimes you can get the orbs, and sometimes no matter how close you are you just can't get it, the orbs what you get sometimes doesn't even disappear and still count! I don't have FPS drops, don't have lag, it's the designers fault, who couldn't make a mechanic work! Just see how many of us fail because of that really bad mechanic, what is not working how it should be!)


Yet more and more people manage to kill Dhuum weekly. Is the mechanic difficulty? Sure. Bugged or not doable? The amount of people who have killed Dhuum beg to disagree. Considering that it's a do or die mechanic which has to be passed multiple times by multiple people, it's very likely that it can be completed just fine.

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