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Thinking of buying GW1


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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

However, if you plan to go for as many Hall of Monuments points and rewards as possible, you should look into getting the Trilogy set, along with the Platinum Edition. While EOTN gives you access to some useful heroes, Nightfall gives you even more of them, which will make your gameplay easier. Getting the Trilogy also just gives you access to more possible achievements, which will make your HoM journey a bit easier/faster, and even more lore to dive into.


To that end, I bookmarked this link a while back. It may help still.



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> @"NixiPixi.8320" said:

> So the general consensus seems to be - it is an awesome game but I could find it hard to get used to due to restricted movement and lack of QoL features. If it was a tenner I wouldn't hesitate but it is a little pricey so I need to know I will definitely play it before splurging dat cash. Thanks for the replies everyone, gave me some things to think about.


For the content size it isnt that pricey... seriously it isnt... prophecies, factions, nightfall, EOTN, plot quality...

Main quests + side quests wich is alot... https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Campaign~

**It is a heavy lore game if u are really into what happened before gw2**

Forget the movement things we say about it since even with "less movement freedom" game still better overall, even in history.


The thing u might notice at first is that Gw1 isnt a game for people who wants to 11111 2222 11111 3333 11111 keyboard smashing like gw2,u need to know how to lure the mobs, wich mobs need to get hitted first or wich mobs need to be shutdowned, aoe or single etc, wich bow to use and interrup at close and far due arrow timing form diferent bow type etc... wich actually its pretty simple >_>,since everything comes fluently by just playing it, **that is how good Anet was.**

So at the end will not be that hard...

And since its more a Co-op game rather than a full mmo it is more similiar to Dungeons & Dragons pve.


If u get the game wich is a must have IMO, PM me or say something in the forum for sure there is people that might be able to help you with builds or something/somewhere u need help with it.


> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Best pve game ever created. Pvp was as good, but certainly not in 2017


lol still better than gw2... people just moved to a more recent game called noobwars2 xD, how many pvp laughted at gw2 pvp from the start and moved to another games or went back to gw1?

Alot of them...



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so, for 24.99€ incl. VAT you can buy Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall stand-alone games. If you then buy Eye of the North expansion for 17.99€ incl. VAT you will have every game excluding Bonus Mission Pack (which is 8.99€ incl. VAT).

You are looking for 1000s of game hours to complete those games, I have around 5k hours and I still didn't scratch a surface! It is very cheap if you include how many hours you will get for it!


And you will also be brought into a fantasy world with much better story-telling and gameplay, even emotions! The game can be played solo, without any problems.

If however, you need a help, a Discord Guild Wars server exists and community there is very helpful, you can even find us on subreddit! Even I can help you, I have a break from GW2 anyway :)

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> @"Larenc.1269" said:

> gw1 is alot harder then gw2 just a heads up i'd say about 4x and vanquisher mode is about 12x. Especially sense gw1 was nerfed into the ground years ago you will be doing 1/3rd the dmg that people did on release, but fret not! you can death level moa's to lvl 20! [have a fun week for that lol]{its a achievement}


Really, did Anet roll out a nerf to GW1 since GW2 launched, because at the time GW2 came out you could face plant anything in the game even in HM, bar a few very select bosses/groups, there are so many over powered hero setups you could run to easily clear everything,


GW1 is very worth it, but there are key differences, everything is instanced, so if you don't finish what you started you will lose all progress, you cannot jump, nor can you move while casting any skill/spell, Hardmode (HM) is part of the end game in GW1 and enemies are ramped up for this, but if you get the hero's unlocked you can get threw this content easy enough,


Question is why are you buying GW1, are you aiming for the Hall of Monuments? As this will take a significant investment in time as some of the titles are not fast to get, and are an extreme grind ( thinking Luxon/Kurzick titles ) If you decide to pick the game up, and are aiming for the Hall of Monuments titles, drop me a PM on here and I can give you items that I still have on my account that will help you on your way,


Ive heard others saying not to buy the game via steam, ive heard people saying its caused them problems, alas I cannot verify this, so hopefully someone who has bought via steam and give input there.


Good Luck.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Noa.7490" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > @"Noa.7490" said:

> > > > Just a quick side note; I've often seen physical copies of Guild Wars for sale in second hand stores like Value Village (and others). do not buy those as the keys have been used. I know it sound silly but I've seen people take these boxes to the cashiers and had to advised them about the keys.

> > >

> > > that's cute, i have 3 accounts because of a second hand unused copy.....

> >

> > That's cute, but "Unused" is the keyword here. The copies I'm talking about had already been opened.


> you stated that second hand versions are always used, that is clearly false.


That's my experience because every copy I've seen had previously been opened, and I go to thrift stores on a regular basis. If there are unopened copies somewhere then good for you. But that was quite besides my point which was to avoid buying opened copies as there are very strong chances the codes inside have already been used.

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