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Barrier and Unblockable


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Hey all.

Im sure most of you saw the Necro/Scourge Video where they ran around with 10k and more barrier while pumping out insane condi dmg.

So heres my suggestion:


What about making unblockable skills ignore barrier?

I think with the amount of barrier necros could pump out in beta, beeing able to drain health through unblockable skills would be a good thing.

Necros, who have access to a lot of unblockable skills (many of them being aoe) would basically start countering themselfes to an extend.

So the use of many necros in for example a wvw zerg, would make barrier weaker and more counterable than it seems to be now, if you have many necros on both sides of the zerg.


They´d still be taken and wouldnt get kicked out of WvW meta, but they would be less op.

Also, barrier numbers wouldnt have to be tweaked so much. I think reducing barrier would make it useless in smallscale/roaming as well as in pve and pvp.


What do you guys think? Id like the idea of unblockable skills hitting the healthbar directly instead of beeing denied by barrier.

In my opininon it would add smart counterplay, instead of having "extralife" on demand.

You´d be forced to use barrier smart (any class, not only necro) to win and stay alive instead of spamming it, when you are low on health.

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You would need to add in unblockables to all classes if you realty want to have that as counter play. A lot of classes have few to no viable unblockables on there different weapons (that in it self is a real problem). What will end up happening is the classes with unblockable will do hp dmg but never enofe to kill the player on there own and the classes with few to no unblockables will just do dmg to the barriers so it will never pair up well. What players will do to fix it is run nothing but the unblockable classes and skills making it even harder to chose how to play the way you want to. Something that already going to be a major problem due to scorge.


So sure it sound nice but your going to have to realy think about spreading out unblockable skills over all wepons and classes and realy think about how much dmg and what effects are tide to though skills.


Keep in mind the real problem is that unblockables skills are not balanced right becuse its raw dmg from raids that driving balancing in gw2 and if your attk is unblockable or blockable means nothing in raids.

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Yeah, I do hope they have made the barrier self-use only. That said though, there is no need to make unblockable ignore barrier. The barrier is temporary, fake health that absorbs attacks. The barrier isn't blocking the attacks. I play staff and often trait unblockable marks, but I don't feel it should ignore the barrier.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> Yeah, I do hope they have made the barrier self-use only. That said though, there is no need to make unblockable ignore barrier. The barrier is temporary, fake health that absorbs attacks. The barrier isn't blocking the attacks. I play staff and often trait unblockable marks, but I don't feel it should ignore the barrier.


Making it self-use kind of defeats the purpose of scourge being a type of supportive class.

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> @Artaz.3819 said:

> The counter to barrier is more damage. There is no need for a penetration-ignore barrier mechanic. The perma 10K barrier is a myth. Just wait and you'll see what the new PoF classes bring in terms of damage (Holosmith would like to say hi).

Holosmith would like to say goodbye as it has been nerfed in damage.

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