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Do You Raid?


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> @"FrostDraco.8306" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"FrostDraco.8306" said:

> > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > > @"FrostDraco.8306" said:

> > > > > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > > > Nope because the reward system in this game is a joke. When you get box that has another box inside it, you open the box inside the box, and it has two greens in it, why waste your time?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This applies to the whole of GW2, tho. Joke of a reward system since 2012.

> > > > >

> > > > > And this is a statement from ignorance. You are guaranteed 1 exotic and 1 rare from each raid chest each week.

> > > >

> > > > >2g as a reward for the hardest content in the game. Exciting.

> > >

> > > Thats in addition to the 2 liquid gold from the chest.

> >

> > Time gated by a week.


> In you only do the boss once a week, then its not really relevant talking about rewards for that which you haven't done now is it?


And that is another problem. One that is the endgame of gw2. Everything is time gated, you're not allowed to replay the content you enjoy as many time as you'd like.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Keep in mind, the poll asked for the community's opinion. And as small as the forum community is, it's still just an opinion. There's no need for anyone to go out of their way to be rude about it.


I agree with you, it's a small sampling. But keep in mind, this is the community that raised a ruckus that the game needed "more challenge" so for me, to see that only 20% of this community do Raids regularly, really marginalizes the content.

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I echo the same sentiment as some other people here; don't want to deal with rude players or elitism.


Aside from that, I don't believe raids were ever on Anet's radar at launch; it was something that some players were asking for which later they decided to add which manifested itself as incomplete, or at least in my opinion it is.


My personal feeling is their time and resources would have been better directed at things that were far more popular since launch; IE, Dungeons and WvW.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Keep in mind, the poll asked for the community's opinion. And as small as the forum community is, it's still just an opinion. There's no need for anyone to go out of their way to be rude about it.


I'm kinda glad you edited your original post because it added nothing to the discussion though I have to disagree on the whole opinion argument because numbers are objective, unlike opinions, and that was or is your initial assertion. Hate to repeat myself but nobody is being rude to you or triggered by what you think.


Regarding raids as a whole for other people I've seen posting:


They are here to stay and recent dev interaction just shows they will be adding more wings at a faster pace so logically you can tell it isn't dead content because it's getting attention and the metrics they manage probably back their decision, same deal with fractals despite people being mad at the difficulty spike. I play every single game mode so I never understood why people shun one thing or the other but I'm fine with differing approaches. Everyone's different.

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Asking me if I 'see' the numbers is not exactly helpful nor tactful either. At the time, when I originally posted my first comment on this thread, over 50% of the people polled said no. The majority still say no. And if I had to guess? I'll bet the majority with ANet's numbers say no too. But again . . . it's only my opinion. Let me leave it at that.


Have fun raiding.

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Also, player polls shouldn't really be taken as direction. _Unless they were magically announced to the whole relevant player-base_. Almost forgot to mention it since it was in the OP. Mostly saying this because forum goers will have a negative bias towards complaining to begin with...this is regardless if that sample is "small" or "large." This motivation can't be ignored if you wanted the quantified data to matter for decisions.


Unless you want to share fan creations! More Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw please.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> I agree with you, it's a small sampling. But keep in mind, this is the community that raised a ruckus that the game needed "more challenge" so for me, to see that only 20% of this community do Raids regularly, really marginalizes the content.

20% regular participation maginalises the content? Now that's hilarious. In any game with a diverse audience, certain niches have to be carved out, otherwise you lose the players. I'd recommend to ask the same question about sPvP or WvW - I'm confident you will not get stellar numbers for regular participation either.


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Yes, regularly. Already voted on my second account so I'm not gonna skew the result by voting a second time.


It feels like some of the no-people with certain reasons behind that answer could in reality have a good time in raids.


* Don´t want toxicity? Only do guild raids. If your guild is toxic it´s time to find a better guild.

* No time to play? Do single bosses that are on LFG or set up something with your guild that fits your playtime. I member rotating players to play in 8-man GvGs back in Gw1. The same can work here with raids because there isn´t much point in killing bosses many times a week other than the fun factor so subbing people that already have the kills is viable.

* Content is too hard? There´s easy bosses, easy strategies, and easy classes. It´s a matter of finding what works for you.

* No gold to gear a basic power build? I will personally send you 10 gold to get started.


Honestly I love the raid community and raids.

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > I agree with you, it's a small sampling. But keep in mind, this is the community that raised a ruckus that the game needed "more challenge" so for me, to see that only 20% of this community do Raids regularly, really marginalizes the content.

> 20% regular participation maginalises the content? Now that's hilarious. In any game with a diverse audience, certain niches have to be carved out, otherwise you lose the players. I'd recommend to ask the same question about sPvP or WvW - I'm confident you will not get stellar numbers for regular participation either.



Given that this was the **vocal community** that wanted this and pushed for the implementation of "challenging content", it's pathetic that only 20% of actively use it. This should have been the Go-To community to get the high numbers to justify the content, and yet it's still minimal. Let that sink in, **It's minimal among the community of people that wanted it**


On top of that, comparing raids to WvW? laughable, just take a look around this forum, a 5 second glace will show you that the WvW topic has almost twice the Posts of Fractals, Dungeons and Raids Combined, Not to mention that if you take some time and check out the Profession discussions, they are mainly PvP related.




Starting off to be a great new year.

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For me it's a mixture between 4.) and 5.). I'm not interested in the raids themselves but I would like to have some of the stuff you can get out of them. I'd probably do them if my frends were interested in doing them but I'm not interested in PUGs, there's just too much cancer going around.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > I agree with you, it's a small sampling. But keep in mind, this is the community that raised a ruckus that the game needed "more challenge" so for me, to see that only 20% of this community do Raids regularly, really marginalizes the content.

> > 20% regular participation maginalises the content? Now that's hilarious. In any game with a diverse audience, certain niches have to be carved out, otherwise you lose the players. I'd recommend to ask the same question about sPvP or WvW - I'm confident you will not get stellar numbers for regular participation either.

> >


> Given that this was the **vocal community** that wanted this and pushed for the implementation of "challenging content", it's pathetic that only 20% of actively use it. This should have been the Go-To community to get the high numbers to justify the content, and yet it's still minimal. Let that sink in, **It's minimal among the community of people that wanted it**


> On top of that, comparing raids to WvW? laughable, just take a look around this forum, a 5 second glace will show you that the WvW topic has almost twice the Posts of Fractals, Dungeons and Raids Combined, Not to mention that if you take some time and check out the Profession discussions, they are mainly PvP related.


> Hummmmmmmmm


> Starting off to be a great new year.


Indeed an amusing start into the new year. PvP-related stuff generates more forum activity than PvE-related content, what a surprise. But, if you are so convinced that sPvP and WvW have such a giant community of regulars, please feel free to provide any hard (as hard as non-ANet-internal metrics can get) metric to back it up. Last time I checked gw2efficiency, neither looked as if it exceeded 30% (and that was with very lenient cutoffs).

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> @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

> > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > I agree with you, it's a small sampling. But keep in mind, this is the community that raised a ruckus that the game needed "more challenge" so for me, to see that only 20% of this community do Raids regularly, really marginalizes the content.

> > > 20% regular participation maginalises the content? Now that's hilarious. In any game with a diverse audience, certain niches have to be carved out, otherwise you lose the players. I'd recommend to ask the same question about sPvP or WvW - I'm confident you will not get stellar numbers for regular participation either.

> > >

> >

> > Given that this was the **vocal community** that wanted this and pushed for the implementation of "challenging content", it's pathetic that only 20% of actively use it. This should have been the Go-To community to get the high numbers to justify the content, and yet it's still minimal. Let that sink in, **It's minimal among the community of people that wanted it**

> >

> > On top of that, comparing raids to WvW? laughable, just take a look around this forum, a 5 second glace will show you that the WvW topic has almost twice the Posts of Fractals, Dungeons and Raids Combined, Not to mention that if you take some time and check out the Profession discussions, they are mainly PvP related.

> >

> > Hummmmmmmmm

> >

> > Starting off to be a great new year.


> Indeed an amusing start into the new year. PvP-related stuff generates more forum activity than PvE-related content, what a surprise. But, if you are so convinced that sPvP and WvW have such a giant community of regulars, please feel free to provide any hard (as hard as non-ANet-internal metrics can get) metric to back it up. Last time I checked gw2efficiency, neither looked as if it exceeded 30% (and that was with very lenient cutoffs).


How did you check who does WvW on gw2efficiency?

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:



> On top of that, comparing raids to WvW? laughable, just take a look around this forum, a 5 second glace will show you that the WvW topic has almost twice the Posts of Fractals, Dungeons and Raids Combined, Not to mention that if you take some time and check out the Profession discussions, they are mainly PvP related.


Due to the competitive nature of wvw and pvp they generate lot of balance related complaints to the forums. I took a 5 second glance at pvp section and top 20 topics were all complaining about something. Raids don't generate that much complaints, or maybe they do but those complaints are not posted to that section of the forum.

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