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Game alt-tabbing or flashing desktop [merged]

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> @"Sky.8035" said:

> Alright, so I've discovered how to severely decrease the time it flashes your desktop before popping back into the game.


> 1. Open up your Notification Menu located on your task bar on the bottom right side.

> 2. Press the All Settings button.

> 3. Select System

> 4. Select Focus Assist on the left hand tab

> 5. Turn off the 'When I'm playing a game' option


> This should decrease the minimize time from about 5 seconds to around 1 second.


> To take this a step further, another thing that will help, especially if you're running on an older PC.


> Repeat Previous Steps 1 & 2, then do the following:


> 1. In the All Settings menu select Gaming.

> 2. Turn off Game Bar.


> It appears that Focus Assist and the Game Bar are the primary culprits behind this whole thing. As far as why it still minimizes for a second... That appears to be a fix on Arenanet's end as it seems like a compatibility issue.


Disabling these two setting removed the issue for my antique machine (AMD Phenom II X4 3.2 GHz, AMD Radeon HD 6850). Thank you so much!

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I didnt fix the problem but I did reduce its time expenditure. I went into the notification section and clicked on "all settings" then "gaming."


Once there, I went to "Game DVR" left it on but unchecked "Open Gamebar using this button on a controller "


"Game DVR" > turned all options to off.


Broadcasting > All options off


True Play > Off


This didn't solve the issue but reduced the flash to desktop down to about 0.5-1 second


It seems very related to notifications and the gamebar


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If this above post doesn't help you, check to make sure you are running the game as the same resolution as your own native Windows Desktop monitor. Sometimes changing between resolutions(Like changing for 1600x900 to 1920x800) can cause your screen to blink, or at least it does with mine.


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Just got an update to my ticket...support has found a fix to the flash to desktop issue...yay!!! It's not rolled out yet, I imagine they are testing and they said they will roll the fix in a patch update. No firm timeline yet. Great work from support. Now just waiting on the patch. :)

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> @"AnClar.1304" said:

> Just got an update to my ticket...support has found a fix to the flash to desktop issue...yay!!! It's not rolled out yet, I imagine they are testing and they said they will roll the fix in a patch update. No firm timeline yet. Great work from support. Now just waiting on the patch. :)


Oh my.. This is wonderful news! Thankyou.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Looks like you guys already heard, but I come with good news! There's some excellent progress being made on this issue. I can't really give a timeline yet, since we're still trying to hammer down the best way to go about resolving it, but we're getting pretty confident that there's a light on the horizon, so keep your eyes on the patch notes going forward. :)


As with a lot of things, you can now keep track of the status of this issue on the [Known Issue Tracker](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231272908-Known-Issue-Tracker "Known Issue Tracker"). We worked with some wizards around the office to get this thing updating automatically as we work through things, and I was able to stick this issue on there for you all to keep track of it easier.


(Unfortunately, during our adjustments to the KIT, a skritt somehow managed to break into the page and make a mess of some of the older bugs. This should be resolved soon, but don't panic if you see the "Three Golem Monty" achievement or other previously solved bugs back on the in-progress issues. It's still fixed, you didn't step into the wrong Fractal or anything like that, and we're trying to get it sorted. Sorry for the confusion!)

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> @"Saints Thurth.5471" said:

> > @"Saints Thurth.5471" said:

> > I found the fx, and this is definitely faster:

> I post this because this also works with GuildWars2



Focus Assist has been discussed extensively upthread. It might fix it for some, but generally, turning it off appears to only shorten the amount of time you're on the desktop before returning to the game. It's better but not a global fix.

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> @"GM Magister.8736" said:

> Looks like you guys already heard, but I come with good news! There's some excellent progress being made on this issue. I can't really give a timeline yet, since we're still trying to hammer down the best way to go about resolving it, but we're getting pretty confident that there's a light on the horizon, so keep your eyes on the patch notes going forward. :)


> As with a lot of things, you can now keep track of the status of this issue on the [Known Issue Tracker](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231272908-Known-Issue-Tracker "Known Issue Tracker"). We worked with some wizards around the office to get this thing updating automatically as we work through things, and I was able to stick this issue on there for you all to keep track of it easier.


> (Unfortunately, during our adjustments to the KIT, a skritt somehow managed to break into the page and make a mess of some of the older bugs. This should be resolved soon, but don't panic if you see the "Three Golem Monty" achievement or other previously solved bugs back on the in-progress issues. It's still fixed, you didn't step into the wrong Fractal or anything like that, and we're trying to get it sorted. Sorry for the confusion!)


Sorry...didn't mean to steal your thunder...was just excited to hear the good news...thank you and all on the support team for figuring this out. Really appreciated!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"AnClar.1304" said:

> > @"GM Magister.8736" said:

> > Looks like you guys already heard, but I come with good news! There's some excellent progress being made on this issue. I can't really give a timeline yet, since we're still trying to hammer down the best way to go about resolving it, but we're getting pretty confident that there's a light on the horizon, so keep your eyes on the patch notes going forward. :)

> >

> > As with a lot of things, you can now keep track of the status of this issue on the [Known Issue Tracker](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231272908-Known-Issue-Tracker "Known Issue Tracker"). We worked with some wizards around the office to get this thing updating automatically as we work through things, and I was able to stick this issue on there for you all to keep track of it easier.

> >

> > (Unfortunately, during our adjustments to the KIT, a skritt somehow managed to break into the page and make a mess of some of the older bugs. This should be resolved soon, but don't panic if you see the "Three Golem Monty" achievement or other previously solved bugs back on the in-progress issues. It's still fixed, you didn't step into the wrong Fractal or anything like that, and we're trying to get it sorted. Sorry for the confusion!)


> Sorry...didn't mean to steal your thunder...was just excited to hear the good news...thank you and all on the support team for figuring this out. Really appreciated!


No worries at all! I'm just glad I was able to bring good news at all! ( ゚▽゚)/

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> @"GM Magister.8736" said:

> (Unfortunately, during our adjustments to the KIT, a skritt somehow managed to break into the page and make a mess of some of the older bugs. This should be resolved soon, but don't panic if you see the "Three Golem Monty" achievement or other previously solved bugs back on the in-progress issues. It's still fixed, you didn't step into the wrong Fractal or anything like that, and we're trying to get it sorted. Sorry for the confusion!)


Maybe you could add a note to the page reminding folks of that. Near as I can tell, a lot more people visit the curated tracker page than will notice your comment above.



PS thanks for taking the time to let us know you're making progress.


PPS and wow, well done on starting to automate the system. I know it can be incredibly challenging to have a customer-facing progress report that doesn't over (or under) state progress for issue tracking. Good work by whoever did the leg work on that. I'm looking forward to making good use of the tool going forward.

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> @"Lantis.2907" said:

> Same here and at the PC of my Wife:


> Load -> Desktop

> Change map -> Desktop

> Enter PvP match -> Desktop

> Leave PvP Match -> Desktop

> Charter screen to game -> Desktop


> How you fix the problem?


Read the post above by @"GM Magister.8736" : they have a handle on the problem and are trying to work out the best fix. It will be fixed when it's fixed (and they don't yet know when that will be), but in the meantime, you'll have to put up with it.

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I have this too! Ever since of the new Windows update, it's so annoying! :angry:

Does anyone know how to get rid of it? It's just only GW2 too… no other games does this to me.


Edit: Just read @"GM Magister.8736" comment, glad you're working on this, guys! :)

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> @"AnClar.1304" said:

> > @"Rezzet.3614" said:

> > Window Key/Menu>Settings(Gear Icon)>System>Focus Assist>uncheck all the boxes to off


> All that does for me and many others is to make the flash shorter. It does not eliminate it. Anet is testing a fix for this issue.


but until then a shorter flash is better than a massive one, in my case it was a huge fix because everytime i took a waypoint in wvw i got flash tabbed wich got me killed during emergency waypoint situations now the flash tab only happens during major loadings such as changing whole maps or going from pve to pvp

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