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WvW needs balanced gear


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So for those of you who say Dire/Minstrels/Trailblazer/etc. need to be removed, how do you propose it happen? Players have invested in getting these stat combos, so what do you do to compensate them?


In PvP when they remove an amulet, they can refund the gold the player paid to unlock it. That doesn't work here because there isn't a set cost that they paid.


There have only been two alterations of existing gear stats since launch: Giver's and magic find.


Givers didn't really change, rather it got updated to use the new stats of Concentration and Expertise (also got split name-wise between weapons and armor, due to different stats on them from the start).


Magic Find was removable because it was non-combat stats, and all relevant gear was given a one-time stat select when this change was made.


Dire/Minstrels/Trailblazer/etc. fit in neither category and people do use them in PvE as well, so you cannot do a removal only in WvW.

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Ascended armor was a mistake from the start. Not only is it contrary to the original game manifest but it also adds no value to gameplay. It adds more stats but not variety. The recent introduction of easy to farm ascended trinkets made the entire gear tier redundant. Exotic armor with an infusion slot (gated behind a massive PvE grind wall and with PvE only infusions) would have achieved the same goal without screwing over every WvW player. Because in the early days it was "grind PvE or get left behind".


Currently I own 5 ascended armor sets and 20ish weapons. I would happily ditch all of that for a more balanced WvW gear approach.


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> @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> Ascended armor was a mistake from the start. Not only is it contrary to the original game manifest but it also adds no value to gameplay. It adds more stats but not variety. The recent introduction of easy to farm ascended trinkets made the entire gear tier redundant. Exotic armor with an infusion slot (gated behind a massive PvE grind wall and with PvE only infusions) would have achieved the same goal without screwing over every WvW player. Because in the early days it was "grind PvE or get left behind".


> Currently I own 5 ascended armor sets and 20ish weapons. I would happily ditch all of that for a more balanced WvW gear approach.



What? How can you even say any of that? When ascended gear was introduced people were worried about it, then it didn't take a month and everybody blessed its existence. It's a sense of character progression and accessibility with easy stat swapping if need be. Why would trinkets make it redundant? Doesn't make sense what you are saying.


Yes, people would grind to get exotic gear with infusion slots if that was the only way to progress. That sounds like a very bad system however, because this type of grind should be associated with legendary gear. In the end you would just have an even bigger grinding requirement for no reason at all.


I just don't get how you can say it adds no variety, when it literally opens up so many paths to different stat combinations that you couldn't simply have on any exotic.

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The builds that are broken in WvW are also broken in sPvP. The difference in awareness is a result of the game mode and its different mechanics.


E.g. deadeyes are overpowered (not like mesmers in terms of overtuned, but more in terms of "cheesy") in both game modes but no one cares in conquest because a perma stealth sniper does not contribute to the goal off capturing points. In a team deathmatch game mode people would get mad at deadeye. He could +1 and oneshot from 1200 range.


Trailblazer is countered by higher damage output values (2800 base power - not a problem to achieve!). Higher damage values are countered by the existence of more defensive stat combinations. WvW is not unbalanced, it has more variety. There are less builds that have a huge amount of favorable matchups. The few builds that have, are equally or even more broken in sPvP if we ignore the capture mechanic and look isolated at fighting potential.


Give me paladin and demolisher (the two best stat combinations for reapers) in WvW and I am fine (yes seriously, this comes from a reaper player!). Marauder just sucks and the berserk/knights mix lacks overall stats.

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I got about 20 characters total and am in wvw most of the time. The majority are in ascended. It is not as hard as people claim. Just go out and do it. you do not even have to WIN fights. I would suggest one thing to help. Each day and EVERY day make a point of stopping atMystic forge and making your one a day ascended compnents under ectoplasm refinement like Lumo of Mithrillium. It does not matter if you use them a the time just make a point of making them as you are limted to one craft a day. If you skip days it gets more expensive and takes more time.

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Nope WvW needs to have its own identity with the current options of gear, just because some players want to be lazy and not properly acquire gear doesn’t mean players that have done such should have their effort and hard work made pointless. If you want standardized stats and already made a gamemode for you it’s called sPvP.

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