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Halloween 2017


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Unfortunately, Rose is right and we will likely be getting a reshash of the previous couple years with just a few new item additions. : ( I was so happy with the first year and second year. Sadly just getting the same thing for holidays has become rather dull but they're putting their resources into higher priority tasks.



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I'm just happy if they would give people finally the chance again to earn the **Memoires Back Item** through the reimplementation of that event chain you had to do for it, so that all the people which play still active GW2, but got their accounts stolen due to the massive overload of account hackers that infested this game after release like a plague 5 years ago finally get their FAIR chance to earn their memoire skins, which all those affected people couldn't get until today sadly, what is an absolute intollerable/inacceptable shame!!


We are just talking about a 5 years old skin, that by today is using in 99,99% anyways nobody anymore, so why keep it so penetrantly exclusive for that first halloween event that was flooded by hackers??

If Anet has even some kind of decency, they would have already re-enabled this event on the second halloween a year after this disastrous hacking fest that we had like within the first years after release until they finally became able to make the game safer for the players through more added new safety measurements.

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To be fair, in real life most people do the same things for Halloween, or Christmas or New Year; why should Kryta be different? I enjoy returning to familiar activities each year. The only sad part is thinking a whole year has flown by since I last did a round of Mad King Says, whereas it only feels like a few months :-O

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I'm just hoping they don't add another mini which costs an insane amount of candy corn (or other currencies). I collect minis so I want to get them, but I hate spending all Halloween farming the Labyrinth. I miss the first few years when I could just focus on what I enjoyed doing.


I also second the request to bring back Mad Memories. The scavenger hunt was a lot of fun and added a lot of interesting lore to the event, but I never got to finished the second half. My highest level character was about level 30 at the time, so I couldn't go down into Bloodtide Coast for one of the steps. My guild offered to run me through but I stupidly told them I'd do it next year. :( (At the time I assumed it'd be like GW1 holiday events with the same stuff returning each year.)

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I'll jump on to the request to have the Mad Memories quest re-implemented. I get that it probably needed/needs some re-coding since it was from before a lot of updates, but I'd really like the chance to play through and earn it. I also get if it hasn't been done by now, it almost certainly won't be back this year. But I'm hoping previous year's requests have been noted. :)

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> Unless they bring back Lunatic Inquisition then it isn't a real Halloween.


Yup, why Anet, why ? This game was the ONLY things great in halloween holiday! Don't expect from the maze to surprise me, I know every corner of his , it's always the same.... I want to lunatic inquisition to come back, I want HAZARDS, I want CHALLENGE, I want BLOOD! She was my favourite activity with southsun cove survival and dement clock tower. During my first halloween something come to my mind, why the dement king have a kingdom if it's only 3 floating islands? I expect more than that: Like an spooky giant explorable map as big as ruins field accessible during 1-2 weeks! Hivernel events are more complete than halloween, why?

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I just want better decorations for Lion's Arch. Before the new and improved LA, the decorations leaned towards creepy rather than the bland children's party theme we get in the new LA. Get rid of the wagons of candy corn and bring back the twisted trees and jack-o-lanterns, etc. If this new piazza was meant as an area for festivals and gathering, and Halloween is the only festival that goes on there, they've failed horribly.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> We are just talking about a 5 years old skin, that by today is using in 99,99% anyways nobody anymore, so why keep it so penetrantly exclusive for that first halloween event that was flooded by hackers??


I'm one of those supposed 0.01% who still use this skin, and that's not likely to change. It was the first back item I had ever gotten and it was ridiculously difficult to obtain. I was in the mid 30's for level and had to go running through some higher level zones to complete the scavenger hunt. By the time I got the final piece, I was running around naked because I'd died so many times I could no longer afford the cost to repair my armor; that back piece drilled into me the value of a well-timed Dodge Roll the hard way. It's also the only back item I've found so far to shed light around the character, which is surprisingly relevant. I get a little warm and fuzzy each and every time I go into the "dark room" in Obsidian Sanctum because I don't have to grab a torch to see where I'm going. Back when that area was actually populated, being able to have a real weapon in hand when you rounded a corner made the difference between life and death.


I was fortunate enough to find out about it before it left the game forever, but its such an awesome item that it's a shame it can't be obtained anymore. I wholeheartedly support any ideas to bring it back, including but not limited to:


-Reintroducing the event chain (ah, sweet nostalgia!).

-Introducing a new event chain (content!)

-Purchasing with Candy Corn (...farming, I guess!)

-A random drop from Trick or Treat bags (Farming and ALSO RNG!)

-Purchasing with Laurels/Map Currency/Etc.



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I also support bringing back the event/collection/ whatever it was to get the Mad Memoires back piece. It's one thing I've been pining for ever since creating my reaper. Out of all back pieces, the first "precursor" to Mad Memoires matches him the best. He is my main, thus I have a mighty need to spoil him.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't even know this game existed back in 2012 and only just started playing about 1 and a half years ago. The only way for me to get it now is RNG on top of RNG. I'm probably more likely to win the lottery than get the back piece from guaranteed wardrobe unlocks.



Bringing back the other fun Halloween events would be nice too. Never got to experience Lunatic Inquisition or Reaper's Rumble either.

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> @Tanuk.7961 said:

> I think it would be swell if they let us knock on doors around the zones for trick or treating. Akin to what CoH had. Sometimes the door might be a treat (ToT bags or what not) and sometimes the door might be a trick (some vet enemies spawn or some such thing).


Honestly, as convenient as having the doors in LA always open is, I miss having to find a door in the wild, knock on it and hope you get a portal to the Mad Realm instead of spiders and skellies.


I couldn't even tell you if those doors still spawn in Krytan zones. I'm pretty sure they do, but there's no reason for me to go seek them out.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:


> We are just talking about a 5 years old skin, that by today is using in 99,99% anyways nobody anymore, so why keep it so penetrantly exclusive for that first halloween event that was flooded by hackers??


I use it, and have absolutely no issue with it being available to earn again. It was fun to acquire, others should have the chance to do so! =)



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> @Fractured.3928 said:

> That clock tower jumping puzzle, greatest thing ever added. Unsure if it was nerfed (Don't think so?), but I remember the raaaaaaaaaaaage when it first came out.


I'd be much more inclined to try that if it didn't feel like I had to spend significantly more time waiting for it to restart than actually doing it. That really kills the momentum and the drive to do better than on the last go.


But I agree with those who think that the first Halloween was the best, though my memories of it are admittedly vague, simply because I seem to recall there was more to do than "grind the labyrith for the cargo freighter loads of candy you need for anything".



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