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Bring back the Obsidian armor from GW1

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Price we pay for having non human races. While its easy to scale the armor up to fit Norn, and somewhat possible to fit Sylvari, it requires complete redesign for Asura and Charr. So even if you just use scaling for Norn and Sylvari, you still have to do 3x work per armor set.


But yes, I wouldn't mind some of the GW1 armors being ported. Although as mentioned above, if that happens I fully expect they'll be outfits. No clipping, no need to worry about armor weights and classes, and quite frankly ANet has stated that gem store will not be adding new armors, only outfits.


Now if by some miracle we can get FoW as part of an expansion (it would be kinda fun to see what happened to Balthazaar's realm, and what outcome of the Eternal Battle was. Menzies could have taken over once Balthazaar withdrew his Eternals from it and got killed himself), I could see at least one obsidian armor per armor weight being added.


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