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Gem Store Waypoint unlock question: does it grant the exploration XP for each waypoint unlocked?

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> Not really "weird to harp about exploration exp" since we can be level 80 long before we have opened all the core waypoints. Plus, we do get level boosts each birthday.


Not sure if you understand the meaning of "harp on" or "harp about" a subject. It means complain about. As in, since there's level 80 boosts, and like you said exp boosts, and tomes, and etc. It doesn't make sense to complain about getting exp from waypoint unlocked through the gem store...

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* Without testing, the precedent seems to be: no XP for auto-unlocks of WP.

* I personally prefer there to be no XP from the packages.

* I'm not bothered if there is.

* Regardless of our feelings, this would be useful info to have on the wiki.




Normally you get XP from each WP that you unlock by proximity. As far as I can tell, we no longer get XP for WP that unlock automatically, e.g. at least one waypoint in each map is auto-unlocked as soon as you enter and that doesn't generate XP. So, without spending the gems myself for testing purposes, I'd expect to get 0 XP from the WP unlock package(s).


I agree with others that I don't think we should — it feels to me like it invalidates the effort that others go through. But then, that's pretty much the idea behind the unlock packages: pay some gems to avoid doing _some_ fraction of the work. It's not as if it's all that difficult to gain XP with Central Tyria.



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