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Solo players - Mystery Cave

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So i'm doing the mystery cave t's somewhat hectic, but it's manageable. Anyway, the shadow that puts out the mystic fire re-spawns immediately and due to how often the mystic fire buff is made available, it makes it impossible to finish the boss solo. I don't feel like asking guild members or random people I have zero connection with to come help me do story. At this point I know one other (unavailable) person that is currently playing this game that can help me do this content.


I can understand needing other players for dungeons and raids and stuff, but is it terribly difficult to adjust the mechanics of a pattern based boss fight to at least make it possible for a solo player? It would be fine if I could take a moment to kill the shadow, but for some reason the shadow HAS to be invincible, which is honestly kind of a slap in the face, because I'd be done the mission and on with the story as I type this if it weren't.

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Stand in the divine fire circle things to get a buff that lets you oneshot the shadows with one attack. Easiest to use ranged attacks since killing a shadow consumes the fire buff from you so you would have to go back to a circle to get a new one to light the next. Soo it's easiest to just stand in a cirlce, shoot the shadow with ranged attack, get buff reapplied on you immediately to kill another shadow or move on if no more shadows.


Remember that EVERY story instance in this game is soloable. If it does not feel soloable, you are most likely just missing some mechanic.

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> @"ophidic.1279" said:

> So i'm doing the mystery cave t's somewhat hectic, but it's manageable. Anyway, the shadow that puts out the mystic fire re-spawns immediately and due to how often the mystic fire buff is made available, it makes it impossible to finish the boss solo. I don't feel like asking guild members or random people I have zero connection with to come help me do story. At this point I know one other (unavailable) person that is currently playing this game that can help me do this content.


> I can understand needing other players for dungeons and raids and stuff, but is it terribly difficult to adjust the mechanics of a pattern based boss fight to at least make it possible for a solo player? It would be fine if I could take a moment to kill the shadow, but for some reason the shadow HAS to be invincible, which is honestly kind of a slap in the face, because I'd be done the mission and on with the story as I type this if it weren't.


Hi! None of the mechanics in the story are designed to require additional players. There is something you aren't understanding about the mechanics of this encounter.


If you change your mind and decide you'd like some company, feel free to hit me up. If I'm not busy with something else, I'm usually down to help other players.

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It is ok to go into something and die once or twice to learn the mechanics before making a legit attempt if your having trouble. Also you brush off saying you don't want to ask for help, but what is wrong with that? Random people help others with story all the time and guildies I'm sure would as well. It's fine if you want to solo through the story but if your having a harder time with one instance, wouldn't it be faster just to ask for help?


Also looking up different builds to suit your needs and trying them can be a big factor in a fight if you haven't been changing up your build, I'd say give that a shot. Also remember things like food and oil can help with dps, cc, condi etc depending on what your aiming for and your build. Plenty of guides and dedicated website out there if you don't like theory crafting.



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> @"ophidic.1279" said:

> So i'm doing the mystery cave t's somewhat hectic, but it's manageable. Anyway, the shadow that puts out the mystic fire re-spawns immediately and due to how often the mystic fire buff is made available, it makes it impossible to finish the boss solo. I don't feel like asking guild members or random people I have zero connection with to come help me do story. At this point I know one other (unavailable) person that is currently playing this game that can help me do this content.


> I can understand needing other players for dungeons and raids and stuff, but is it terribly difficult to adjust the mechanics of a pattern based boss fight to at least make it possible for a solo player? It would be fine if I could take a moment to kill the shadow, but for some reason the shadow HAS to be invincible, which is honestly kind of a slap in the face, because I'd be done the mission and on with the story as I type this if it weren't.


I've soloed every single instance of the personal story and living story (except season 1) with at least my guardian.

In that particular case, it took me a couple of "misses" to get the epiphany that you should grab the fire, kill the shade, grab the fire again and then light up the wall.

It's all about the order you do it. If you try to light up a wall before killing the shade the fire won't be there in time to kill the shade. If you do the shade first, you'll be able to light the fire easily.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> It is possible for a solo player. You need to use the Divine Fire to kill the shadows...

> As you say it is pattern based to finish the instance.



Oh, that would have been cool if someone mentioned that amidst all the NPC chatter.


Anyway, thanks for that. Makes it nice to know i'm not just stuck until who knows when.

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> @"Jwake.7013" said:

> It is ok to go into something and die once or twice to learn the mechanics before making a legit attempt if your having trouble. Also you brush off saying you don't want to ask for help, but what is wrong with that? Random people help others with story all the time and guildies I'm sure would as well. It's fine if you want to solo through the story but if your having a harder time with one instance, wouldn't it be faster just to ask for help?


> Also looking up different builds to suit your needs and trying them can be a big factor in a fight if you haven't been changing up your build, I'd say give that a shot. Also remember things like food and oil can help with dps, cc, condi etc depending on what your aiming for and your build. Plenty of guides and dedicated website out there if you don't like theory crafting.




I spent about an hour trying and everything seemed super obvious, except for killing the shadow with the fire. Sometimes I'll watch a video but I didn't think I needed to this time after reading about it.


I dunno, I've had bad luck with help (I've accepted that i'm never going to get any dungeons done), and apparently social anxiety carries over into the game, I kinda feel like asking for help is also being a bother, but I suppose logically that's not true.


Super glad to hear about the shadow being killable with fire tho.

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> @"ophidic.1279" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > It is possible for a solo player. You need to use the Divine Fire to kill the shadows...

> > As you say it is pattern based to finish the instance.

> >


> Oh, that would have been cool if someone mentioned that amidst all the NPC chatter.


> Anyway, thanks for that. Makes it nice to know i'm not just stuck until who knows when.


Pretty sure as a shade spawns Braham yells “Use the Divine Fire!”

Since the whole instance is based around using Divine Fire, it was obvious, to me at least, to use it to kill the shades. Quite symbolic of light conquering darkness. Learning encounters by doing, paying attention, will go a long way in HoT/LS3/PoF/LS4 storylines.

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First time I did this I had no clue about using the flame to kill the shades; I just kept on trying different timings and eventually found out that it's possible to light 2 flames before a shade puts out the first, and then no 2nd shade will spawn to kill the other one. This way, I was able to gradually get the flames lit, one by one - and finally got the mission done.

So it's indeed possible to do it without killing the shades, but it's hellish...


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  • 9 months later...

I'm really not very good at combat, and this cave has been driving me crazy. It seems excessively brutal, even for an end-story boss. If it were me designing this I would make it easier to complete after say somebody's been running around getting mashed like a fool for 30 minutes. Dunno why more games don't have mercy on you like that. Especially given that I've had to pay actual real cash-dollars to gain access to these episodes. Anybody who wants to boast about being better than me is free to do so, but it doesn't change my opinion that games can be nice...

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> @"ophidic.1279" said:

> the shadow that puts out the mystic fire re-spawns immediately and due to how often the mystic fire buff is made available, it makes it impossible to finish the boss solo.


Wrong. You need to have the buff on you to kill the shadow, then go use it to claim one of the target spots.

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