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Does damage need to be tone down across the board?


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> @"RodOfDeath.5247" said:

> Pretty much Spell breaker and scourge wars now. Diversity dies more with these cheesy mechanics.


Ppl who want to win -dont care about class, spec, balance , diversity etc

They just want the cheesiest way to get the job done , it all about meta addict

Their fun = winning


Inorder, to counter such ppl you need to make every class the same which inherently destroys diversity

So its lose-lose situation




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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > No but classes with bunker skills do. Stealth IS a bunker skill.


> not in the gw2 world :) that for most doesnt even count as a surviability skill...


So in a game like GW2 with action like combat being able to become untargetable and unseen you effectually become invariability. You can still get hit but its a % effect base off of players skills and a number of skills no longer work. As well as added effect on stealth such as heal and condi clear. Stealth should be an aggrieve tool but in GW2 it is a bunker tool.


In other games stealth is just stealth not healing or clears and often stealth cant be used in "combat" only at the start of it.


Being able to one shot is not a bad thing because of down state the problem is being able to one shot and able to do it agen right after or being able to get out for effectually free. Its the skills like stealth or other bunker effects that lets ppl burst and run away IS the problem with wvw.


If a thf or mez was only able to one shot at the cost not having a real out then the ideal of one shot and dmg over all in wvw would not be seen as a problem because it would be an all in attk.


Stealth and other bunker skills is the problem in wvw not dmg (this is true for all things in wvw condi dmg and the one shot builds).

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> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> Instead of reducing damage, which would make bunkers/healer support even more annoying, I'd rather the health pools of all classes be doubled (or increased by w/e percentage). Vitality would get a similar boost. Necro Shroud would have to scale at half (or w/e) rate it does currently of course.


> The reason why I would boost hp is that it will still give players leeway to make mistakes (instead of getting 1 shot, you get 1 more combo to die), without making healing OP (since when you have double health, you need more healing power/effects to fill your health).


> In addition, I'd like a Power Based anti healing condition for classes without Poison Access, in order to deny healing of enemies more (no need to kill the firebrand support, if you just negate his healing). Lets call it Deep Wound, like in GW1. Each stack would reduce max hp and globally reduce healing received by say, 40%. Buff Poison to 40% healing denied, and allow it to stack with Deep Wound.


> Deep Wound would be applied on weapon skills that are slow/require setup (like Final Thrust or Gravedigger), or the end of auto chains (Thief MH Sw), with very long durations as it doesn't do any damage and is more about supressing your opponent (20 seconds minimum). Consistant auto pressure should be successful as a strategy as long as your opponent is just eating them, while some burst moves act as superior finishers and should reduce the enemy's ability to recover from their losing position.


> Spammable attacks (or fast ones) MAY apply Deep Wound but only for extremely short durations (Heartseeker comes to mind), like 2 seconds.


I like the idea of deep wound, but putting it on thief sword auto with that kind of duration would be insanely OP in a condi S/D build with how DA traits like panic strike function. Quite frankly I'd favour not giving access to deep wound to thief at all, if it were introduced, since we have probably got the best access to poison of any class and we are one of the best mobile DPS types anyways.


I'd limit it to specific elite specs if you were going to do it, as that would make it way easier to control how it combos (Scrapper could use it, but Holosmith would be crazy with it, for instance). It's a good idea though, would be interesting to shake things up.


On topic, I agree that the damage is crazy, but it's been a reaction to the stupid sustain that some elite specs have. If you want to tone down damage you need to tone down survivability as well, either that or just add 5k to everyone's healthpool and see how that changes things.

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> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> Instead of reducing damage, which would make bunkers/healer support even more annoying, I'd rather the health pools of all classes be doubled (or increased by w/e percentage). Vitality would get a similar boost. Necro Shroud would have to scale at half (or w/e) rate it does currently of course.


> The reason why I would boost hp is that it will still give players leeway to make mistakes (instead of getting 1 shot, you get 1 more combo to die), without making healing OP (since when you have double health, you need more healing power/effects to fill your health).


> In addition, I'd like a Power Based anti healing condition for classes without Poison Access, in order to deny healing of enemies more (no need to kill the firebrand support, if you just negate his healing). Lets call it Deep Wound, like in GW1. Each stack would reduce max hp and globally reduce healing received by say, 40%. Buff Poison to 40% healing denied, and allow it to stack with Deep Wound.


> Deep Wound would be applied on weapon skills that are slow/require setup (like Final Thrust or Gravedigger), or the end of auto chains (Thief MH Sw), with very long durations as it doesn't do any damage and is more about supressing your opponent (20 seconds minimum). Consistant auto pressure should be successful as a strategy as long as your opponent is just eating them, while some burst moves act as superior finishers and should reduce the enemy's ability to recover from their losing position.


> Spammable attacks (or fast ones) MAY apply Deep Wound but only for extremely short durations (Heartseeker comes to mind), like 2 seconds.


bunkers/healers what ever mostly got alot of condi cleanses and will be able to remove deep wound easily and it will hit non bunkers more.

having more hp wont require more healing power to heal, if the damage is not increased. the only thing it will do is give bunkers more chance to fail some and heal up again. currently i only see either glass cannons or bunkers or condi bunkers that have stustain of the bunker and damge of the glasscannon - not many people that use balanced (like a mix of not too offensive not too defensive) stats they lack both sustain to survive glasscannons and the damage to kill anything and therefor die. with double HP, glass cannon will still onehit a glass cannon, glass will no longer kill a bunker as the sustained damage is not as good as the sustained healing while the burst wont be enough anymore to bypass this issue, balanced build like some warriors will have even less chance to kill anyone but might survive some glass cannon now, condi ones are even harder to take down and will force their opponents to use more cleanses as the longer the fight the stronger is condi as anet said.

i dont see how the annoyance level drops with that changes. as a mainly solo roaming thief, currently mostly on a deadeye build i can assure you that you will not kill me if not pretty much instant, it is really hard for most opponents to strip me of my 12k hp already, with 24 i am pretty much god mode then and still be able to oneshot squishies and annoy the hell out of my opponents by playing hide and seek in their keeps/towers and the lords are even less risky then. currently i am allways nervous while fighting the bosses as someone might gank me , but with double hp.. :D

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I'd like to see that. Removing food would be a beginning.


And to every scrub saying "try to dodge the mesmers one shot"... you do know its coming from stealth? You do know stealth is stackable and the person can come out of stealth at any time? Say i run Mass Invis, i have a 5sec window to 1 shot your ass. When will you be dodging? better, i stack it with Decoy and maybe The Prestige for a troll 1shot, that's 11sec of stealth. When are you dodging? Yea, you ain't dodging anything (unless you're on Mirage). Or go in stealth, use the sword iLeap for the immob, wep swap into the mirror blade/mind wrack/mind stab, good luck dodging while immobed and most certainly stunned from Confunding Suggestions/Diversion.


On some classes its easier to deal against this, but on others, its ridiculous.

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> @"Zackie.8923" said:

> I see people "1 shotting" others everywhere like deadeyes , backstab thieves, shatter mesmers etc..


> is the dmg in game coming to a point where its too high?


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