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Incentive for WvW Participation


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So an element from the WvW scene I feel we are missing is an incentive to do well/participate for the server. My idea is that for 1st place for **ALL** Tiers of the server match ups is to give the winner for each week an extra week's worth of WvW Scrim tickets. This would give players a reason to do better, to want to compete and try to get to 1st place of their tier and get rewarded for doing such. I know Anet has no intention of bringing back seasons but there needs to be a reason to compete. You could even give 2nd a 3rd place a prize as well, 2nd gets half a week's worth, and 3rd gets quarter of a week of scrim tickets. This way you help the community who is trying to work on gears etc and promotes a feeling of competition.

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No, rewarding server placement is always a bad idea. Rewarding individual participation should be the focus. It is not fair for someone to jump into wvw when their server has already opened up a large lead in a skirmish/matchup and be able to get more rewards then someone on the other server that is playing harder then them.

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Sure, if every server had equal population and coverage we could do this.

But that isn't the case.

We all know this for 5 years now.

Servers cannot out perform servers that have more population and coverage, period.

Do we also need another reason to stack BG when they eventually open again?


Keep rewards more to a personal basis.


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So basicly, OP want to turn the loot gains in WvW into the same RNG as the MMR in sPvP. Except that instead of being able to influence the end result of a match as 20% of the team, your influence is like... 0.01% or something... to literally double the tickets.


Makes sense.

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