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Will there be more shroud nerfs in the future ? Can we get a rework now ?


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The problem is that half of the Necro forum visitors (not necessarily necro players) will tell you that it is because Shroud is seen as a defense by the developers that the Necro continues to see severe (and imo unjustified) nerfs.


Even when the Condi Reaper was in it's pomp, it wasn't the god class, there were plenty of others that could compete and destroy Necros. Now that we have had an unprecedented triumvirate of nerf patches, the Reaper is left a shell of it's former self and a sad reminder to us all that there are more than just PoF classes in the game.


IMO they should just remove the previous classes if we're all supposed to buy PoF or GTFO.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> I'm kinda hoping these shroud nerfs are paving the way for necromancer to get some actual defenses like blocks, evades or invulns. Wishful thinking, I know, but one can hope.


Yeah, i hope too but I doubt they'll nerf degen any more because they wont add any more defensive tools because.. well because, but they'll give us some novelty minor adjustment somewhere to keep us at bay by thinking theyve shown us some love. Min maxers will then busy themselves tweaking gear/builds hoping for something tasty. Same pooperama.

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> @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

> Playing a Reaper in PvP is like:


> Someone giving you a sword to kill that Parkouring archer... but he also Ties your legs together and forgets to give you a shield......


but anet thinks its just a question of dmg output, because they only care for pve. they dont realize that reaper need serious defense mechanics like blocks and some boons (stability).

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As a Scourge, my opinion is that we need some rework, specially with the effects of other specializations in our shroud skills, example, Blood 3,3 Transfusion does work with shroud 4, which is a fear, and it doesnt make sense to attach a healing effect onto a CC skill, rather i prefer to attach transfusion into shroud 3, sand cascade, which makes sense if i want to protect an ally, also, transfusion works into pulses and except for sand shroud, the other shrou skills works as a single pulse.


Another talent, Dhumfire, only works with manifest sand shroud, which is less spamable than shroud skill 1 from the other necromancer specializations, this should be attached into Sand shroud because a single burning stack in a short fight will not make so much difference.


It is the same with the trait of Soul reaping 1,1 unyelding blast, why do i want to inflict vulnerability in my oponent when i cast manifest sand shade? that is no the moment where i inflict the most of my damage.


Also, there are things that bother me, nefarious favor is too easy to use, its like i have an invulnerability to conditions, at least for pve, i would suggest to increse the cooldown into 10 seconds but remove an extra condition. Also, it totally nullifies the drawback from corruption skills.

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> As a Scourge, my opinion is that we need some rework, specially with the effects of other specializations in our shroud skills, example, Blood 3,3 Transfusion does work with shroud 4, which is a fear, and it doesnt make sense to attach a healing effect onto a CC skill, rather i prefer to attach transfusion into shroud 3, sand cascade, which makes sense if i want to protect an ally, also, transfusion works into pulses and except for sand shroud, the other shrou skills works as a single pulse.


> Another talent, Dhumfire, only works with manifest sand shroud, which is less spamable than shroud skill 1 from the other necromancer specializations, this should be attached into Sand shroud because a single burning stack in a short fight will not make so much difference.


> It is the same with the trait of Soul reaping 1,1 unyelding blast, why do i want to inflict vulnerability in my oponent when i cast manifest sand shade? that is no the moment where i inflict the most of my damage.


> Also, there are things that bother me, nefarious favor is too easy to use, its like i have an invulnerability to conditions, at least for pve, i would suggest to increse the cooldown into 10 seconds but remove an extra condition. Also, it totally nullifies the drawback from corruption skills.


Dhuumfire triggers every time Manifests Sand Shade activates. This means that you get a trigger when you place your shade, and another trigger every time you use your F2-F5 skills. Honestly, Scourge is the best spec for Dhuumfire. I believe the same applies to every Shroud 1 skill traits.

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> @"Methuselah.4376" said:


> Dhuumfire triggers every time Manifests Sand Shade activates. This means that you get a trigger when you place your shade, and another trigger every time you use your F2-F5 skills. Honestly, Scourge is the best spec for Dhuumfire. I believe the same applies to every Shroud 1 skill traits.


good to know, but by what you said, scourges must cast non offensive spells to make the better of dhumfire, it doesnt make sense to apply burning when i use F2 to F4 skills, i mean, why do i want to burn the enemy if i want to remove conditions from my allies? or give barrier to them? it is wasted. I really prefer to attach dhumfire into sand shroud pulses.

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:


> > Dhuumfire triggers every time Manifests Sand Shade activates. This means that you get a trigger when you place your shade, and another trigger every time you use your F2-F5 skills. Honestly, Scourge is the best spec for Dhuumfire. I believe the same applies to every Shroud 1 skill traits.


> good to know, but by what you said, scourges must cast non offensive spells to make the better of dhumfire, it doesnt make sense to apply burning when i use F2 to F4 skills, i mean, why do i want to burn the enemy if i want to remove conditions from my allies? or give barrier to them? it is wasted. I really prefer to attach dhumfire into sand shroud pulses.


Dhuumfire is really good for scourge right now, not only you can proc it melee without aiming but you can also stack multiple stacks of burn and cover it with torment + cripple and other conditions. If you spec for dhuumfire, you msot likely arent going for "cleanse allies" route. Also it has bigger AoE than other autoattacks.


How do normal necro and reaper stack dhuumfire? Answer is: They cant stack more than 1 stack reliably against alive human opponents. Just be happy you get too many burnstacks for doing nothing as scourge.


They should make dhuumfire more interactive. Like add 6 second cooldown on it and make it 3 stacks. This would buff core specs and make scourge burn spam more cleansable


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> @"Threather.9354" said:



> Dhuumfire is really good for scourge right now, not only you can proc it melee without aiming but you can also stack multiple stacks of burn and cover it with torment + cripple and other conditions. If you spec for dhuumfire, you msot likely arent going for "cleanse allies" route. Also it has bigger AoE than other autoattacks.


> How do normal necro and reaper stack dhuumfire? Answer is: They cant stack more than 1 stack reliably against alive human opponents. Just be happy you get too many burnstacks for doing nothing as scourge.


> They should make dhuumfire more interactive. Like add 6 second cooldown on it and make it 3 stacks. This would buff core specs and make scourge burn spam more cleansable



Thats not my point, what i mean is that to maximize the use of dhumfire in scourge, i must use non offensive spells like sand cascade and nefarious favor, spending cooldowns and life force to do so. That means that i must use the spells in CD even if i dont need the barrier or cleanse any condition, or i can save them for a moment where i really need to clear a condition or make a barrier but at the cost of dps done. But if i attach dhumfire only to sand shroud pulses, i will save time and life force, and also use my other utility spells when i need to.


I dont know how effective is in reaper or base necro, but this trait should be attached to shroud 4, rather than shroud 1, it will not be spammable, but it will leave a lot of

burning stacks during the channeling of these spells, anyways, who spams shroud 1?


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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> > @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

> > Playing a Reaper in PvP is like:

> >

> > Someone giving you a sword to kill that Parkouring archer... but he also Ties your legs together and forgets to give you a shield......


> but anet thinks its just a question of dmg output, because they only care for pve. they dont realize that reaper need serious defense mechanics like blocks and some boons (stability).


If they really only cared for pve. Then reaper would need much more dmg output

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> history has shown us that when a necromancer gets nerfed it takes years for Arena net to realize that it was a bad idea. And doesn't fix it.


every single time..... and when they DO fix something on the necromancer they also nerf it to the ground in the process..


Necros cant have nice things.....

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> @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > history has shown us that when a necromancer gets nerfed it takes years for Arena net to realize that it was a bad idea. And doesn't fix it.


> every single time..... and when they DO fix something on the necromancer they also nerf it to the ground in the process..


> Necros cant have nice things.....


I have no idea why I agree to this comment lol... but it's true that reaper needs more love


shroud decay rate increase from 3% to 5% is totally not amused at all...

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> @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

> Because it CAN'T take anymore nerfs ...


> Can the devs just stop nerfing our ONLY real Defense in the game pls ?


> Seriously any more nerfs and people will be able to Auto attack it down lol..... oh wait some classes already doing it.......


> Just rework it.....

> DO it !


Ever since I didn't play my reaper and im forced to play scourge . Plus i quit pvp too


Its like arenanet wants to make us a leashed creaturs to make other classes feeling good of their classes

The speed of the life force draining is just ridiculous

One evade from your opponent will cause you to lose all your chances of surviving his punishment attacks

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why can't we just get some evade skills, a blast finisher, a leap and good power dps is beyond me. for how many years now?

our weapon skills are terribly designed. other professions have useful abilities on them that do different things. necro?

warhorn skill - deal subpar damage

focus skill - deal subpar damage. can bounce from allies for less damage and useless regeneration.


actually lets compare greatsword of other classes!

Necro gs skills - 1. deal damage 2. deal damage 3. deal subpar damage 4. deal subpar damage 5. pull

Warrior gs skills - 1. deal damage 2. deal damage 3. evade 4. ranged attack 5. rush

Ranger gs skills - 1. deal damage + evade 2. deal damage 3. leap 4. block 5. stun

Guard gs skills - 1.deal damage 2. deal damage 3. leap 4. deal damage 5. pull

Mes gs skills - bad


and on top of that necro is the class with the least amount of survivability. no dodges, evades, blocks, invulnerability, distortions, defiant stances, glint heals. nothing except trashy life force that means nothing because you can't facetank oneshot while you can survive 1-3 seconds of oneshots with some of the abilites other classes have. they just dont get it and say necro has best defense lol. yeah if you get a lot of small hits then the bigger hp pool is more useful, unfortunately thats rarely the case in gw2 encounters - mobs hit hard especially bosses. example - the twilight oasis fractal.

even ele has evade on their stupid staff, among other things. like blast finisher, magnetic aura, stun circle, knockback wall, fire field. jfc.


here i am in 2018, 6th year of complaining about this meme class hoping one day i would be able to tryhard it and actually be rewarded for it. i feel pity for myself.

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